Emily, so here goes.
The rules for this particular meme are as follows:
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot. Simplicity itself!
1. Hanuman
2. Running2Ks
3. Chickadee
4. My Blather
5. Dude, It's Dana!
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to.
Rock BitchNow, on to the questions!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Transitioning from living with my dad, to moving back with my mom. It was a tough time.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Exactly 1 year ago, I don't really recall what I was doing. Around this time though, we were just getting back from vacation.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. cheese and crackers
2. pickles
3. oranges
4. popcorn
5. peanut M&M's (bad for me, but I love them.)
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash
2. Baby Girl - Sugarland
3. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot
4. Popular - Kristin Chenoweth
5. Better Together - Jack Johnson
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Open a homeless shelter
2. My mom a new house
3. 30 pairs of Manolo's
4. a Volvo XC-90
5. a condo in Miami
Five bad habits:
1. Leaning the refrigerator door open while I'm cooking
2. Staying up late
3. Getting annoyed at people who ask too many questions
4. Starting a book and not finishing it
5. Starting a load of laundry, then forgetting to put it in the dryer
Five things you like doing:
1. Going on vacation
2. Shopping
3. Hanging out with my friends
4. Baking
5. Cooking
Five things you would never wear buy or get new again:
1. moon boots
2. cheap cookware
3. a brand new car (it's useless to buy brand new, considering the value drops immediately)
4. leg warmers
5. high tops
Five favorite toys:
1. my iPod mini, Celeste Pinkerton
2. my laptop
3. my Canon Digital Rebel
4. Kitchenaid stand mixer
5. my cell phone