Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jan 12, 2006

Pardon Me, While I Act Like a Bitch

I don't like the people I go to school with. I just don't. Tonight, while my eyes were starting to glaze over like an overstuffed jelly donut, I decided to deglaze my eyes and focus my attention on coming up with reasons why I don't like my classmates. Here we go. First of all, to be fair, I don't know any of them outside of class, so they could be totally different, but I doubt it. First of all, there's the bitch with the attitude. I know this stuff, because she told me once at a happy hour after she'd thrown back a few, but basically, her husband was on workers comp, and then she was on workers comp, and she drives a new Hummer that was apparently her "anniversary present". I don't like her because she drives a Hummer. I also don't like her because she has a fucking ghetto attitude. I also wasn't aware that workers comp. paid so well. Apparently I'm in the wrong line of work. The girl who sits next to her has a fucked up face. It's not her fault really and I understand all that, but her face is full of craters. She's about 40, but tries to act 18. Her hair is really greasy and is an odd mix of faded Clariol do-it-yourself colors. She acts like she knows it all because she's an Admin. for the Home Ec. department. Great, she can teach us how to take care of a flour baby. The girl who sits next to her is fat. Yeah, I said it. She's fat. Perhaps she's so fat because she doublefists Pepsi's all night. She wears jeans so small for her that she has to button them below her fat droop. Sort of like a really old fat man who wears his jeans down the middle of his butt crack. The difference between him and her is, she doesn't show her buttcrack. She wears a t-shirt 2 sizes too small and tucks it in. It's so yummy to see her every week I can hardly contain myself. I don't like her because she's fat and she drinks Pepsi. That's the only reason. Next there is a girl who asks too many questions about the easiest stuff. When I say easy, I mean easy. Easy as in, if I get it, it's easy. Especially in this damn Algebra class. Anyway, she has big buck teeth and she's a mouth breather. She always has a southern accent and long stringy hair. I don't like her. There are a few more I could list, but really I think if I keep this up, I'm going to have a stroke. GRRRWERWFDAFDA I'm just feeling a little frustrated tonight. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, because if I didn't, I would slam a bottle of wine. Really.

To stop acting like a bitch, I will tell you about my evening last night. Mindy and I went out to Stir Crazy (where the waitress put's the crazy in stir.) then we went to see Memoirs of a Geisha. Firstly, Mindy is super cool. Secondly, the movie was great! Complete with hot men, and tears. Go see it, if you haven't already. Even if you're not interested in Geisha's, go see it for the Ken Watanabe eyecandy!

I suppose with that, I should take my bitchy ass to bed. Oh, I just want to add that while I was sitting in class, thinking of reasons to dislike my classmates, I did manage to understand the stuff we covered. Imagine that, I can evily multi-task. That's no surprise really, those who know me, know that's how I roll. I'm sort of like a mullet. Business on the outside, party on the inside.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny, Dana! Yeah, Pepsi's always a dealbreaker for me, too. And if there were such a thing as an encore RFT "Blog o' the Week" award, this post would qualify. It's such a "keeper," the imagery plays out like an SNL skit--just add Chris Farley in full "van down by the river" mode. --L--

1/13/2006 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I REALLY like your writing. You are talented whether you know it or not. I'll try to visit here more often. Take care.
Joshua Salik
Salik Games
"The empty half of the glass is always at the top"

1/14/2006 12:31:00 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

Joshua: Thanks for the compliment. I hate writing, but I've always been pretty good at it. Blog wise though, I don't really try and write properly. I just let my thoughts come out in raw form.

L: If I had a van, I'd need it to haul this girl around. Although, I'd probably need a trailer attached, just for her Pepsi supply.

1/15/2006 08:20:00 PM  

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