This Is The Way We Go To Work..
Today was my first day back at work in 9 days. It was a long day. Thankfully tomorrow is already Wednesday, which means it's a day closer to Friday.
My tree is still not down. This is bothering me, but apparently not enough to motivate me to take it down right now.
So, today I got a call from HR regarding a position I applied for before I went on vacation. The job description for this position was pretty direct as to what they were looking for, and while I met half of the description, the one thing I was missing was 5+ years of experience in a certain field. First, let me just say that while I don't have the experience, I am definitely qualified to do the job, and I could do such a kick ass job too. Anyway, the HR lady called today and told me that she got my information and she just thought that I didn't have enough experience to meet the expectations of the hiring manager. So, I said to her, "oh, okay." I really meant "oh, okay" too. Because I knew about the experience thing before I even applied for it. However, she then told me that she was going to give me "30 minutes to prove to me that you do (have the experience)." Umm, ok? I didn't really know how to respond other than, "oh, okay." A meeting was set up for Thursday and then we got off the phone. I sat there for a minute and then kinda started getting annoyed. If you don't think I'm experienced enough, then fine. Why am I interviewing just to get an interview. Well, the only thing I could come up with as to why she wanted to meet with me was that she liked me and maybe thought I'd be spunky enough to impress her. Who freaking knows. So, basically I don't have the experience, but I can do the job, and while I don't have the kind of experience for this position that they're asking for, I do have a tiny bit. So, we shall see. Wish me luck!
You will sell yourself successfully and you will get the promotion. Something told her not to let this candidate--you--slip through her fingers, and she's setting up a situation that'll lead to her being able to dismiss the experience thing in favor of her confidence in you, based on this face to face session.
I'm guessing the field for this position is small. In fact, you may be either the only prospect, or the far-and-away best one, but who doesn't rise to the level of meeting the experience criterion.
I can't imagine you not being able to convince her that you are well worth taking a chance on and that you're at least as good as someone else WITH the experience. Good luck! --L--
You can be super confident walking in there because you already have a job and you know where you stand. Good luck -- bet you'll be great!
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