Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jan 10, 2006

The Office..

cracks me up. I'm watching last week's episode about the "booze cruise". "The sales department is the sales!" Too funny.

Today I came home early from work because my evil sister made me sick. I came home and took a nap and basically just rested. It helped a little, but I still don't feel great. Chris came home, then left to buy a new gun, then we went to Lewis & Clark for dinner. I'm about as interested in guns as I am in rocket science. Non. But, just so you know, it's because he shoots clay pigeons at the shooting range. Just to clarify.

So I was thinking today about people. To be more specific, people who are your friends. There are some lyrics to a song that say "people in your life are seasons, and things that happen are for a reason.." and the part about people being in your life are seasons particularly makes me think about people. I think some people in your life are seasons. They come on strong and things are great for a while, and then they're gone like BAM. Either by choice or by force. I particularly think (I've used the word particularly like way too many times now..) about a particular friend that I had way before I got married and way before I hooked her up to her soon to be husband. She was like a season that you can't forget about, but you really want to because you're not particularly fond of that season, sort of like winter or sludgy spring. Anyway, I've been hanging on to the thought that we may repair our friendship and be life long friends, but I've come to realize recently (as in, in the car on highway 40 during my crappy commute each day) that this season is over and we aren't going to be life long friends and really, I have no desire to repair the friendship because the more I think about it, the more I realize that even if I made a move to try and make things good between us, it wouldn't be coming from my heart. I don't want to be friends with her because she makes things to difficult and quite frankly she annoys the shit out of me. Obviously I'm sure she finds me annoying too and that's fine, I just can't think about it anymore. So damn the song lyrics that bring up this shit. I need to listen to something empowering, like Ludacris's "Move Bitch". Yes, that's more me and not so much about "seasons".

I'm going to finish watching The Office now.


Blogger Crafty and Crap said...

I'm so glad you announce the ownership of guns today...:P
I've not had a life long friend ever, I have a 3-5 year limit that folks can take me and otherwise I think... I think they only exist in the movies.
Luda out..

1/11/2006 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

haha don't get it confused, *I* have no ownership of guns. Chris likes to go to the range with his dad and just shoot at boards. I don't exactly get it, but whatever!

I have 2 life long friends, but that's it. Most of my life I've had 3 or 4 close friends and then, always a ton of people who were always "friends" but not that close. I think I'm difficult to stay friends with because I'm outspoken and won't sugarcoat the truth. Some people just can't handle that for some odd reason. :P

1/11/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Crafty and Crap said...

sugarcoating...yeah i'm not so good at that... well unless its on cookies...then its good and I eat it and don't puke it up because I'm not lindsay lohan...

1/11/2006 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Office - That show is on tonight! Very funny show most of the time! On the Booze Cruise - the funniest scene was when the boss goes into the ship is sinking thing, and the guy jumps out the window! ha! After the captain ties him to the rail, he says "If the guy would have waited until I was done.... " hahahaha...

Friends, yeah, hard to say.

Mark - http://slappedstupid.com

1/12/2006 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm still your friend. I don't get to read your blog as often but I did read this and I wanted to let you know i've thought of you lately! I know I'll be leaving from DC to Greece soon and not able to see anyone but you are still in my heart.

Love ya lots!

1/18/2006 05:56:00 PM  

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