Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jan 31, 2005

Okay, real quick.

I took the advice of Mae and got some Philosophy products. Holy crap! That's some good stuff. I got the Vanilla Cupcake shower gel and I also got a sample of Falling In Love lotion. The lotion smells soooo yummy! I can't wait to try all the other flavors. Anyway, my suggestion to you, as was Mae's, is to get some Philosophy products. Besides, everybody's got to take a shower...might as well smell really yummy afterwards!

Okay, I'm going to make dinner now, go work out, then come home and take a shower with my new body products. I'm so excited I could spit!

Jan 30, 2005

So last night we had dinner with some family. It was soooo good. Stuffed olives, salami, crackers & cheese, baked brie, grilled steaks, salad, pasta, bread, and cookies! It was sooo yummy! Oh, and tons of wine. It was fun.

Yesterday we went to Lowes and got new blinds for the living room and the master bedroom. I had no idea how expensive blinds were. For the love of Pete. If we would have replaced all the blinds at once, it would have cost over $1000. That's just insane. But, we did get lucky! We got this Bali shade for 15% off. And we got these for the bedroom, but we didn't get 15% off on those. The crappy thing is that we won't get the one for the bedroom for a 2 weeks or so, because they had to special order it.

Today we went to get new fireplace doors. When we got to Lowes, the guy we talked to told us we couldn't special order the one we wanted. I didn't quite understand why though. So, they had some that were on clearance. We got one that we sorta liked, got it home, started installing it, and as we get ready to bolt it in, we realize that it was a return, and it's all beat up. The doors won't close, there are dents and dings in it, big gaps in between the glass. It was just shitty. So, we had to take it back. Now we're stuck trying to find the one we originally wanted. I did look on Lowe's website, and they have the one we want, but it's not on clearance like the rest. So, I dunno what we're going to do. If anyone knows of any fireplace accessory stores around STL, let me know.

This weekend was a good weekend though. I feel like I got a lot of rest. Which is good, because I don't think I'll be getting much rest next weekend. (Mardi Gras) This Thursday we're going to see Mitch Hedberg at the Pageant. Woohoo!

Well, that's about it. Again, if anybody knows a good fireplace store around the 'Lou, let me know.

Jan 26, 2005


So, I was just watching the news, and I saw a little story on the State of the State address with Missouri's new gov. Matt Blunt. WHAT THE FUCK is the first thing that came to mind. $14 million cut from mental health, $626 million cut from Medicaid???? I realize that not everyone thinks the same things are important. However, with that said, I will say that those 2 things ARE important, and it blows my mind that he wants to cut that much from those 2 things. I know that some of you who read my blog don't share in my political views. That's ok. I still like you, but you may not want to continue reading the rest of this post, cause I'm about to get nasty.

What in the hell is the deal with elected Republican officials? And, who in the hell elects these people? I just don't understand it. Why would you cut that much money from healthcare? And, why would you want to privitize the Dept. of Revenue? It makes me ill. Personally, I have family who use both mental health state benefits and Medicaid. They have no other choice. Why is it okay to cut this when it is going to effect so many people who have NO OTHER CHOICE. I think we all forget about that sometimes. Not everyone is as fortunate as those of us with jobs, and a fat savings account. I just don't understand it. Plain and simple. I noticed that none of the Democrat's clapped during the speech, while all the Republican's stood and applauded. HOW CAN YOU APPLAUD? Besides that, the short little fuck with the snowbunny wife can't even say Missouri right. He thinks we live in a state called M I S S O U R A H.

Anyway, I'll just say it now. If you want to post a comment, that's fine. But that's just how I feel. So, with that, I'm going to try and calm down and go to bed.

Jan 25, 2005

I'm feeling tired. Throat is still sore too.

Tonight I had the new Fit & Delicious Pizza from Pizza Hut. I think it sucked, basically. I mean, it just didn't taste right. I'm not sure if it was the sauce or the crust. I didn't really like it though. Good thing I ordered some cheese breadsticks too!

Gene Simmons is on American Idol tonight. It's hard to imagine him in his KISS outfit, from seeing him on this show tonight.

So, tomorrow is Wednesday. YAY! The week is half over! I hope the rest goes by quick! I'm ready for another weekend. I need some rest.

I only wanted to post to tell you all not to order the Fit & Delicious pizza, because it's nasty. So, that's it.

So I'm at home sick today. Yesterday, my throat started hurting and my nose started running and I just knew I was getting sick. This morning when I woke up, my throat really hurt, my nose was all stuffy, and my head hurt. So I called in sick to work and I've just been sitting around being miserable. I hate when I get sick. This past weekend we were around some of our friends and their baby. I think I may have picked something up from the baby. Just daycare germs or something. But, I'm full of meds today, so hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling better.

This weekend I did some shopping. I got some GREAT deals too! 2 Michael Kors skirts that were $89, I got one for $18 and one for $21! Then, I got a pair of Nike shorts that were $58 for $12 and a pair of Nike pants that were $68, for $18. Then, I got a Jones NY sundress that was $100 for $4.98! Yes, seriously. All at Famous Barr. They had clearance stuff that was cheap, plus an extra 40% off of those prices, plus 15% off of that. It seemed like everyone was having a sale. I got a pair of Ann Taylor pants for $29, that were originally $90. Then I got a really cute sweater set for Spring, that a really light pastel green color, some khakis, a t-shirt, some flip flops, 2 pairs of earrings and a necklace from NY & Co. I had a coupon for that too and save $75! I love finding sales. It was a good shopping weekend.

I watched Collateral this weekend, the one with Tom Cruise & Jamie Foxx. I thought it sucked. There was a lot that didn't make sense to me, and I hate movies that always leave the obvious solution out. It's like they just ignore it and hope that nobody notices. So I didn't really like that movie too much.

Well, these meds are making me sleepy and I think I'm going to go rest.

Jan 20, 2005

So, we went to a new restaurant in St. Peter's tonight. It's called Salina's Tex-Mex and it sucks. Sorry, but it does. I just thought you'd all like to know that.

Rolaids are now being consumed.

Anyway, moving on. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm tired. Funny how working tends to do that to people. Damn work. I took a little nap tonight when I got home and woke up around 7. Now I probably won't be able to go to sleep at a decent hour tonight. *shrug* Good thing tomorrow is Friday!

My ex-stepdad called tonight (long story) and asked if we wanted to go to NYC this spring. I was like "Ummm..let me think...HELL YEAS!" So that will be fun. He said he wanted to take a week and spend there, but I'm not sure I want to do a week. Well see though. I definitely want to catch a Broadway show though, so maybe at the most 4 or 5 days. So I'm looking forward to that. Plus we have our cruise coming up this May, so that will be fun too.

Did anyone watch American Idol last night? Am I just being paranoid about them not showing very many 'good' singers? I think they said like 32 people made it through...but they only showed like 4. Maybe I'm just biased because I live in STL. Who knows. Maybe I'm just crazy too.

I heard that Mike Sampson from KWMU died. That kinda sucks. I liked him. It's kinda weird though. I definitely would not take over St. Louis On The Air. I think Greg Freeman cast a death curse before he died. Now who ever takes over the show, faces death. Or something. Anyway, it's sad and he will be missed.

Jan 19, 2005

protesting again

I'll take one of each please.


Sweet Jimmy Choo eases the pain.

Titles are soooo 2004.

Don't you agree? I'm so tired of coming up with some clever title for my posts that usually doesn't end up sounding so clever afterall. So, I'm protesting.

This post is going to be totally random...so prepare yourselves. I'm sure I'll be back to my regularly scheduled boring self tomorrow.

I really hate how people give you their opinion on things, when you didn't ask for it..and when you certainly don't care about it. It's funny how people have a knack for interjecting when they shouldn't. Fuckers. Yes, you. You know you do it.

I can't wait for the weekend. I live for weekends. As if that isn't obvious. But this weekend, I'm not going to do anything. Except hang out at home, do some laundry, pick up a tiny bit (but not too much because the cleaning lady comes on Monday), and sleep. I'm going to sleep a lot this weekend. Because I'm tired.

I forgot to take my iPod to work today. That sucked. I had no music all day. I had no funky dance to break out into in the hallway. What a wasted day. Since I forgot my iPod, I didn't go walking on my lunch break either. Damn my forgetfulness!

I haven't been shopping in a while. Maybe that's why I'm forgetting things. I'm going through withdrawal. I did go shopping like a week and a half ago, but it wasn't 'real' shopping. It was 'exchange' shopping. I got some jeans, khakis, 2 shirts, a sweater, all on sale from the Gap and then 3 bra's from Vicky's on SALE. But, I need to go real shopping. Like all day, nitty gritty, down and dirty shopping. Where I come home with 40 bags and love every single thing I bring home. I've been wanting to check out some second-hand stores around here. So, maybe I'll do that sometime soon. I like shopping by myself. I don't know why, but I do. It's therapy and it makes me happy.

This is turning out to be a pretty random post. You may remember my spat with my sister on Jan 1. I haven't talked to her since. I did send her a pretty long email the night before last, but I haven't heard from her. It would be nice to talk to her, but you know...I'd kinda like her to work out whatever issues she's having before I talk to her again. But, I am her sister so if she wants to talk about it..that's cool too. Whatever. But you know..sisters will be sisters and no matter what, I'll always love her and she'll always be my little sister. I'm not really sure why I just shared that with you. She doesn't read my blog..but it was just something on my mind. See...random.

I guess I should end this...this...whatever it is I'm doing right now. Maybe I just need to go to bed.

Jan 18, 2005


I've noticed that a few people have linked me on their sites. I just wanted to say thanks and let you know that I will do the same as soon as I figure out how to add links again. I'm sort of an idiot when it comes to my blog template.

Oh hell yes!

Mitch Hedberg tickets have been purchased. My week is now complete. Now, lets just hope he doesn't get high and cancel the show..as he's been known to do in the past.

Today went by slow. The day seriously could not have gone by any freaking slower. I was ready to stab myself in the eye with a plastic spork, but when I went to find one, I could not. Apparently the cafe at my place of work doesn't believe in the spork. Damnit.

I got my hair cut tonight and I think it's rather cute! It's almost all the same length and hits just below my jaw line. Loves it!

Oh, one more thing before I go. I'm in the process of looking for resorts to hold our 25th annual family reunion. There's two things I need though. The resort needs to be on or close to a river where we can go floating/canoeing and there needs to be about 20 or more cabins/rooms with kitchenettes. If anybody has any suggestions of places that are in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Tennessee, or Kentucky please let me know. You can leave a comment, or email me at d bellers at gee mail dot com. You sort it out. I'm sure you can figure it out.

I'm off like Anna Nicole's top! Have a great night!

Jan 17, 2005


Here is the Clinton bobble head doll. His head bounces up and down and across really quickly for yes or no. It's pretty cool.

And this is a postcard that I thought was cute. And this is the other postcard I got. The title is "Foreign Policy Can Be Fun!" There was a poster they had, but I did not get it. I should have, but did not. Ryan did though.

Oh, and lets not forget our wonderful stop in Cooter. Yes, Cooter. I could not make this up. Seriously.


It's cold outside! I've been so busy lately that I've neglected to post to my blog. I suck, I know.

This weekend, we made a trip to the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR with Beckie & RJ. We had a good time, but I will say..if it wasn't for the Library..I can't imagine why anyone would travel to Little Rock on their own free will. Yikes! That place kinda sucks. The nightlife is pretty much non-existent and what there is of it, consists of about 20 frat guys from the sticks who go from bar to bar, and litter. (long story.) Anyway, so the Clinton Library was really neat. The architecture of the building is cool. We took lots of pics and I'll try to post a link to those later. I picked up a Clinton bobble head doll at the gift shop. It's a riot.

We got back last night and were tired. Since I am off work today, I slept in this morning, then went to the gym. GEEZ. People. Don't you know that when I'm off work, I expect to go to the gym at 12pm and have it be empty? The place was packed. I guess everyone else who was off today had the same idea as me. Oh well, I got a nice workout in. Then, the plan was to come home and take a shower, then nap. Well, I took the shower, but now I'm obviously not napping. I do fully plan on napping, but I need to do some laundry and I need to go to the grocery store at some point...so there's an internal conflict of what I want to do going on. I'm really pushing for the nap though!

This week will be a busy one at work. Thank goodness it's a short week. My boss gets back from China on Wednesday and I'm sure she'll hit the ground running. That's okay though, I'm ready for it. After having 10 days without her, I'm ready to put out fires again! Tomorrow I'm getting a haircut. I think I'm just getting it all trimmed one length, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll find a picture of something I like before I get there tomorrow night.

I think this coming weekend I'm going to do a whole lot of nothing. I'm tired and need to be lazy for a weekend. We will probably get together with some friends one night, but that's about it. Besides that, I have a ton of movies to watch and XBox games that need to be played. Speaking of games...I'm looking for some new games for my Game Boy SP. Any suggestions? I really wish they made Bejeweled for the Game Boy. That would rock.

Well, that's it. I think I'm going to go take a nap now. I'll try and post the Clinton Library pics later tonight.

Jan 8, 2005

Oh sweet weekend!

*Yawn* I just woke up at 10am. Loverly! NO alarm, no TV timer, no suit! I just kinda slept until I was ready to get up, then I didn't even get dressed. Now, I'm getting ready to eat some Rice Krispies. (snap, crackle, pop!) However, I will actually stop bumming around in a bit to do some laundry and pick up around the house.

Beckie & RJ are coming over this afternoon and we're going to go workout. After that, we're going to feast on chicken that's been slow roasting for 5 hours and potatoes, celery, onions, carrots, asparagus, and salad. Yum! Sounds good already. Then, I don't know what we'll do. Maybe we'll watch Anchorman, or play my new Cranium game.

Last night we went to Subway around 7pm. When we got there, the place was PACKED. Like, packed to the gills. So, we go in and stand in line. There's this loud, big woman who's ordering the toppings on her sandwich. She says "HEAVY LETTUCE, HEAVY TOMATO, HEAVY CHEESE, HEAVY GREEN PEPPERS..." you get the point. She said "heavy" on everything. It was so obnoxious. Everyone standing in line was sorta looking at each other like "WTF?" Anyway, after her sandwich was made, she looks at the kid behind the counter and says "Oh, by the way I have 3 more sandwiches." Everyone just kinda let out a sigh. Finally we got tired of waiting and left...but not before my dead husband said "You're crazy, lady." And made the staff crack up. We ended up going to a different Subway where there was no line. So that worked out. After that, we went to the store and stopped by EB Games. We got this game for the XBox. I wouldn't really call it a game though. It's really neat. I had heard about it from my friend Beckie and then read the reviews on it and everything sounded neat, but I didn't realize how cool it would be. The workouts are actually good workouts, and the 'trainer' is really easy to follow. The menu's are comparable to Weight Watcher foods, depending on how high or low you set your calorie intake each day. There's also yoga, which seemed to be pretty neat too. Anyway, it tracks your progress, and lets you set up a daily schedule. I like it because it lets you pick which area you want to focus on for the day. So, if you go to the gym on Monday, on Tuesday you could focus on upper body or whatever, and you'd still be getting some exercise every day of the week. Anyway, it's a neat program. If you have an XBox, check it out. Also, I hear it's coming out for the PS2 in February sometime.

I'm going to go make some cereal. Go build a snowman or something...since it finally snowed here!

Jan 5, 2005

Is it Friday yet?

It feels like it should be! Tomorrow morning, I think it's going to be hell driving to work. If the roads are icy, that is.

Not much to mention today. My upper abs are so sore from doing an ab workout last night. They feel injured almost. Perhaps it's just because I rarely ever do ab workouts. I should start doing them more.

Oh, before I forget, Thanks Jeff for pointing out the Destiny. Looks great, but I want to leave from Miami. A friend of mine went to Aruba this past summer and brought back pictures. It was sooo beautiful, so I'll definitely be visiting there sometime in the future.

Next month we're going to Memphis to bum around, visit Graceland, get tanked, and hang out with my cousin and fiancee one night. They live in Nashville, but they're going to drive up to Memphis and meet us. So that should be fun.

Oh! And, it seems like airfare will be getting drastically cheaper in the next couple of months, so I'm feeling optimistic about the airfare for the cruise. We'll see!

So that's it. I baked some new cookies tonight. Crispy Lemon Cookies is what they're called. And basically, it's cake batter, rice krispies, butter, and egg. Simple and really good! I'm going to take them to work tomorrow to test out on the masses. If they go over well, I may make them a regular cookie. I'm looking through my recipes to try and find something good to make this weekend. Something unusual and elaborate. The problem is that I cook too much to get excited about simple things. So I need to make something I wouldn't normally make. I will find something. Hopefully by tomorrow though, since I'll probably need to go to the grocery store.

Well, that's it. This weekend isn't shaping up to be much, and I'm okay with that. Something with Beckie & RJ, and besides that, nothing. Laundry, file sorting and probably cooking. Exciting! I'm excited just to be able to rest. I'm pooped!

Jan 3, 2005

Are You Okay?

"your eyes look all glazed over and you just look out of it." That, coming from the mouth of a co-worker. GEE THANKS. Actually, I had a headache all day today. It wasn't one of those headaches that was going away with Tylenol either. It lasted *all* day. Perhaps that's why I looked "out of it"...because I felt like a truck was driving over my head, then backing up and driving back over it. Regardless of this, I had a busy day. I woke up early this morning and realized it was raining. The drive to work sucked the big one. After I got to work, I had a ton of crap to do..and that pretty much was the flow all day. I didn't end up leaving until around 5:30pm but thankfully traffic had died down and wasn't bad at all!

I came home and started working on stuff for the big family reunion letter I'm getting ready to send out. I even traded a few emails with my 6th cousin. Yes, my 6th freaking cousin. That's just how big my family is. We keep in touch with 6th cousins. When I'm not weirded out by how odd that is, I sometimes think it's sort of neat that my family is so connected.

My dearest husband made red beans & rice for dinner and didn't even make me clean up. Now I'm pounding orange juice like it's going out of style because I feel like I'm getting sick. (Just another thing I can thank my bratty ass sister for.) When I get upset, I get stressed, when I get stressed, I get sick. Always. It sucks. So, I'm trying not to think about my dysfunctional family and focus on positive things, like going a cruise in May.

I'm not sure if I already talked about this or not, but we're planning on going in May. I want to go to San Juan, St. Thomas and St. Maarten. There are like 4 different ships I'm looking at right now and I can't decide which one I want to go on. They're all Carnival ships.

Well, that's about it. I'm spent. I was going to file away the 2004 stuff and break out the 2005 stuff..but I'm way too tired. I just want to lie down and relax. Tomorrow comes early and I still have a gazillion things to finish...AND I have my review tomorrow. Yippee!

Jan 2, 2005

Welcome 2005

So, 2004 went out with a bang...literally. Let me just say that New Years Eve and a dysfunctional family don't really go together. Seriously. I spent my New Years Eve listening to my sister and boyfriend scream at my mom, then my sisters boyfriend scream at me. Then, at about 12:02am, we were on our way back to St. Louis. It really sucked. The worst NYE I've ever spent. So, let me just send a big "thank you" out to my sister for ruining it and getting my year off to a shitty start. I salute you, dysfunctional sister. I think this will be the year that you are on my shit list.

Okay, so now that that's out of my system...lets move on to New Years Day. Since we didn't get home until like 2am..after driving for 1.5 hours and being very upset...we ended up sleeping really late. Actually, the phone woke us up around 11am. Someone forgot to give us the memo about brunch at Grandma's. So, we jumped outta bed and got dressed. We headed over to the in-laws to meet up and go to Grandma's. Anyway, as were driving on 270..(my father-in-law is driving) I look over and notice a highway patrolman riding beside us, pointing for us to pull over..and he doesn't look so happy. So, we pull over. My father-in-law is pissed cause he knows he's gonna get a ticket. The cop comes over to the car and tells us we were going 90. HA! He was grumpy. Anyway, to top it off, my father-in-law didn't have his current insurance card on him. The cop ended up writing the ticket for doing 80 in a 65 and he didn't write a ticket for the insurance card. So, we pull off, and before we know it..my FIL starts going like 80 again! It was sort of amusing. We had to remind him to slow down.

So, we get to Grandma's and everyone is already there. We eat brunch, I have 3 mimosa's and then, crash out on the couch while the guys watched football. I slept the whole time..then slept again when we got in the car. I was so tired. When we got home, we had to go get a new DVD player. We went to Wal-Mart because we figured that would be cheaper than anything. We get a DVD player, bring it home..and it doesn't work. So, we take it back and went to Target. Target had a much better one for like 1.45 more. So we got that one. Later Saturday night, Jason & Nicole came over. I made a huge pot of veggie soup and we watched a movie. It was a good night. So, 2005 started looking up.

Today we took down our Christmas decorations. I hate to say this, because I honestly do love Christmas...but I am so flipping glad that the Holiday's are over. This was not a good year for me. Granted, I made out like a bandit in the gift department....but the family department was not meshing so well. Anyway, after we did that, I took a nap and watched a few episodes of Sex and the City. We went to the grocery store, then came home and had pasta. I started doing laundry and now I'm watching Cops. Exciting day!

I'm glad to be going back to work tomorrow. I have my review this week. I'm supposed to be thinking of what my goals are going to be, but so far I only have 1 really good goal. So, I'll have to think about this one. But, I'll be busy at work and that will keep me occupied so I don't have to think about my dysfunctional family situation. I think we're having dinner with Beckie & Ryan this week too. And I know there's something else going on this week but I don't remember what it is.

I got 2 books for Christmas that I need to start reading. I also have some gifts I need to exchange. Not that I don't like them, just that I already have one, or don't need one or it doesn't work (like my itrip). So, hopefully I'll find some time this week to do that. I just noticed how bare my family room looks now without the Christmas tree. Oh well! No more pine needle mess for me!

So, that's about it for tonight. I'm really tired (still) so I think I'm going to go read, watch some more Sex and the City, then eventually go to bed.