Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Apr 28, 2004


Today went by so slow! I'm just glad it's almost over!

Tonight I went to Hallmark to buy Mother's Day cards and I ended up buying a really neat photo album too. I will put new pictures I take with my Rebel in it. I also went to Pier One today and bought these really cute glass vases (like the ones I bought the other day) and some daliah's and I made 2 arrangements for me and 2 for my sister. I now have 4 of them on my fireplace mantle and they will do until my florist gets done with the real ones that will go there.

Chris made his super special dago spaghetti sauce tonight. Since he'll be at class tomorrow night, he made it tonight so I can have it for dinner with my aunt/uncle & cousin tomorrow. I'm so excited about them getting here! I packed 1/2 my suitcase tonight and will probably finish tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get out of work by 3 tomorrow so I have time to pick up my dry cleaning and go to Target before they get here.

I just drank a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat brew and I think I drank it too fast. I'm feeling a bit woozy. OH well!

I need to go get the clothes out of the dryer. Oh so exciting!

Apr 27, 2004

I voted!

For Fantasia, on American Idol. I know, I'm a nut. But it really pissed me off last week, so I decided to vote for who I liked, that way, I can't bitch about it if she gets voted off..because at least I tried. Anyway, I dialed the number and got right through. Then, I decided I was going to cheat and vote again, but it was busy and I couldn't get through. I guess that's what you get when you get greedy. :P

Tonight I straightened things up a little around the house for my aunt & cousin's arrival on Thursday. The bad thing about me straightening things up, is the fact that I become obsessive about making little thing perfect. I think it's a sickness, really. That's why we have a housekeeper. Because if it was up to me to clean the whole house, it would take me 2 weeks because I'd have to arrange every single piece of carpet to stand upright. Yes, I'm that kind of obsessive.

I've got to decide what to pack to Michigan. It's going to be in the 50/60 temp. range with rain this weekend so, it kinda puts a damper on what I was going to wear to the shower. So, back to the drawing board for me! I guess I'll just pack some jeans and be done with it!

I ordered this shirt today. I can't wait to get it and wear it!

Oh, an update on the Rebel, it's on the way! (still) But, hopefully I'll have it tomorrow. I can't wait to get it!

I'm kinda tired. I have some stuff I should do. I really need to go by Pier One and get some more flowers. Then, I need to go to Hallmark. I think I'll do it all tomorrow. There's a Pier One not far from the office, and a Hallmark on the way home. I'll just do it on work time! That way, I'll be making money, while I'm spending money! Oh yeah! Go me!

Well, that's about it for now. Can some cute, nice, funny, smart girl hook up with my friend Asten? He needs a new girlfriend. Seriously. He's a nice guy, I swear. And he's funny and smart and goes out of his way to be helpful and he'll even buy you things if he goes somewhere. He's really nice. Check out his blog. Ok, that's it, bye!

Apr 26, 2004

What a long day. I just got home. I was seriously busy today from the moment I walked into the office, until the moment I realized it was time to go, and I needed to leave because I had other things I needed to do. After work, I hurried home to get these vases to take to my florist for the arrangements she's making for my fireplace. Well, I hadn't really sat down and chatted with her in a while so I got trapped at her house for about an hour. And, I realized I had bought the wrong vases. Great! So, after I left her house, I ran back home and ate dinner really quickly. Then, Chris and I went to Pier One to try and find the right vases. We failed. Instead, we ended up buying 2 really small julep looking vases and some fake pink dahlia's to go in them. They look pretty cute. Now I just need to figure out where to put them.

After that, we went to Bed Bath & Beyond to get my aunts bridal shower gift. I ended up spending way more than I wanted to but, in the end, just decided to make it a combination shower/wedding gift. It's her second wedding anyway and dude. I spent a lot of money on this stuff! Anyway, I just got home like 20 minutes ago.

When I checked my email, I had an email from the place I ordered the Rebel from saying I needed to call them because they need to call my credit card company and verify the ship to address (my work). It was such a pain in the ass. They guy I talked to was a jerk. I realize the company is just trying to protect themselves as well as the consumer, but they don't have to be such pansies about it. The guy told me that he "looked up" my work phone number and it "came back as a business address, so you're okay there." Uh, yeah....duh? It was just really frustrating. I hate that. JUST SEND ME MY CRAP OKAY?

I can't complain too much though, I got a really great price on it.

Anyway, I just read Asten's blog and noticed him talking about summer plans. GUH. My summer is already packed, and it's not even May yet. It really all starts with this weekend. First, Michigan. Then, the weekend after that I'm having a garage sale and I have to go to my friend Dionne's graduation. The next weekend I have to go to a bridal shower for my friend who's wedding I'm in coming in June. The weekend after that, we're in Miami for my aunt's wedding. The weekend after that, we're going away for our anniversary. I *think* the first 2 weekends in June are still open..unless I'm forgetting something, which I am. The 2nd weekend in June is the bachelorette party for my friend. The next weekend is her wedding. The weekend after that, the weekend is blocked for reason's I can't really talked about right now (surprise related) and also, that 'surprise' weekend, I'm supposed to be going with my family to my great-grandmother's grave for a 'decoration day' that they have each year. She's buried on the property of where she was born and where an old cabin still stands, so usually everyone goes out there and cleans up the cabin and stuff like that. It's pretty much a tradition. Anyway, in July the only thing I can think of right now is the family reunion and Cornerstone Festival which is around the 4th. I think there are 2 more things going on in July, but I can't think of them right now. For August I'm drawing a blank and at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct, we're going to the Dominican Republic for a week.

That about sums it up for now. I'm sure more things will be added soon.

I think we're going to buy a new entertainment center for the living room and a bookshelf for the bedroom pretty soon. Tonight we stopped by the furniture store and they had some new pieces out that match our set for the living room and bedroom. But first, we need to figure out something to do with our existing entertainment center. The thing is heavy as shit. I actually like it and wouldn't mind keeping it for the family room that's eventually going to exist in the basement, however I already know Chris isn't going to carry it downstairs so I'm not even going to ask him. :P

I also need to get my ass in gear and start painting the master bathroom (which I already have paint for) and the bedroom. I've been talking about the bedroom for weeks now. The hardest part is painting. I really need to do that. Maybe I can start painting the weekend of the garage sale.

Well, I think I'm going to watch the Restaurant now. Have a good night!

Apr 25, 2004

I'm Full.

Blah. I made turkey, gravy, carrots, stuffing and salad for dinner. I feel like making myself throw up, I'm so full.

Today was a pretty uneventful day. Lunch at Subway, a trip to the grocery store, and then, I finally unpacked 2 boxes in the bedroom and rearranged some stuff. Now, I have the office full of boxes for the garage sale and I don't think Chris is very happy about that. HA. But, I'm planning on having the sale in about 2 weeks, so it won't be that long.

I need a wireless card for my new desktop. Maybe I'll get one this week. Last night I ordered the Digital Rebel. I can't wait to get it. Hurry up and get here camera!

Thinking about what I did this weekend, it was mostly filled with doing laundry. I'm still not done. I have like 2 more loads to do. I'm determined to get it all done tonight. So, a lovely night of more laundry and The Soprano's is in the cards. Wooo.

Tomorrow I have a ton of stuff to finish at work. But, I'm fairly confident that when it gets done, everyone will chill out...including the accountant. Then he won't have anything to meddle in as far as The Lab is concerned. Friday I'm not working because I'll be on my way to Michigan, so that's cool. A short week!

Guh, I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a short nap after I switch this load of laundry. Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Apr 24, 2004

Singin' In The Rain!

I saw 2 wrecks today. I just don't get it..why, when it rains, do people lose their damn heads when they drive? Like rain is some new disaster and they don't know how to act. IT'S RAIN. BE CAREFUL. SLOW DOWN A LITTLE BIT, AND DON'T CUT PEOPLE OFF.

Tonight we watched Kill Bill. It was really good. A lot better than I thought it was going to bed. We were going to go see Kill Bill 2, but all the theaters didn't have movies playing until 10ish, and we didn't feel like going out that late or in the rain.

I'm tired. And, tonight I started freaking out about not having bought a gift for my aunts shower next weekend. I don't know why I started freaking out, I just did. Maybe tomorrow I will go gift shopping. Hopefully it won't be raining.

My sister moved into her new house this weekend. She seems really happy to be out of the roommate from hell situation. I'm glad she's out though. I can't wait to see her *brand* *spanking* *new* house.

Well, TiVo is backlogged again. There are so many shows recorded that we haven't watched it's pathetic. I guess we're going to have a TiVo marathon tonight. I guess it's better than sleeping out in the rain.

Last night we went with RJ & Jason to see The Punisher. It kind of sucked. I really thought it was going to be a good movie, but the acting was absolutely horrible. Oh well! For dinner we went to this chinese buffet in St. Charles, called Village China Inn, or something like that. It was really good! Actually, they had such a wide selection of stuff that I guess it really shouldn't be called a chinese restaurant. They had like pizza and chicken nuggets and different 'american' food like that. They also had dip-it-yourself Prairie Farms ice cream tubs, plus the usual soft serve machine stuff. Anyway, it was good and we all walked (errr rolled) out full.

I woke up this morning and it was raining. It's still raining. I feel like going back to bed. I have like 6 loads of laundry to do, and I need to drop a ton of stuff off at the dry cleaners. Beyond that, I'm not doing a damn thing. I think later, we're going to head over to the in-laws to watch Kill Bill and have French Onion Soup.

I just had a Kashi Go-Lean Blueberry Waffle. It was pretty good. It has a ton of fiber. 6 grams. Woo. Fiber is good for you kids, remember this.

Yesterday I was at Borders looking for Rocco's new cookbook. They didn't have it! That sort of annoyed me. Oh well! I'll just have to order it online.

Next week our Rebel should be here. I'm so excited! I'll post some pictures at some point next week.

Well, I guess I should go switch the laundry. BLAH!@#!@

Apr 22, 2004


Time to get the jacket back out! I'm freezing! What happened to the warm, sunny weather? Screw this chilly business.

We're going to see The Punisher tomorrow. I haven't been to the movies in a long time. Since like February. Sheesh. We used to go to the movies a lot. I think next week I'm going to go with my mom (in-law) to see 13 Going On 30. Yeah, I know it looks dumb. But part of me really likes those dumb kid movies. I think they're cute.

I got an email from my friend's mom today. My friend, we'll call her "S", is pregnant again. This is her 5th pregnancy and will be her 4th child. I'm really kind of devastated about it. "S" isn't exactly the most stable person around. I don't know how she's supporting her kids now. Well, I know she's not exactly supporting anything right now, so that's what makes it so hard. I love her to death. We spent a lot of our childhood together and then, we grew up, she just went in a different direction than I did. Her first child (with our other friend "J") lives with "S's" mom & dad. I'm so glad. She's 4 now and I just don't know if she'd be as advanced as she is now, if she hadn't lived with her parents. Anyway, the email kind of disappointed me, but I hope everything goes okay with her.

On a lighter note! I went jogging last night and thought I was going to die. haha I'm totally not a runner. So, this was actually a big deal. I'd like to be a runner, but I guess that's just something I'll have to build up to. Being able to jog without feeling like I'm going to drop dead.

I'm really tired tonight for some reason. Part of me wants to take a nap, but I know if I do, I'll never go to bed tonight. Then, I'd be forced to watch NGC *all freaking night*.

I hate watching the news. It just get more and more ridiculous every night. I mean, just report the news. We don't need to hear your opinion and we certainly don't need to know who Jennifer Aniston is kissing. FRUSTRATING I say! Frustrating.

Well, I'm supposed to be somewhere at 7, so I suppose I should pep myself up and try and get up out of this chair.

Apr 21, 2004

Happy Administrative Professionals Day...

formerly known as Secretary Day. What the hell is the big deal with the name change? A secretary, is an administrative assistant, is an office assistant. They all fall under the same umbrella. Anyway, that's besides the point. Happy A P Day all you A P's. You go girls! My boss took me to lunch on The Hill today. Sometimes he just performs these random acts of kindness to me. It really surprises me. Go my boss. Woo.

Today was a good day. A lot better than yesterday. Mostly because the accountant wasn't in the office today. I made a ton of progress on one of the databases I maintain today however, I lost about 1/2 of the stuff I'd put in during the day right before I left. GRRRRRR. Now, I have to do it over. DO OVER. BLAH!

What in the hell is all this sudden popularity with plastic surgery about? I'm seeing some women on TV who aren't ugly or anything who are totally changing their faces. It's so weird. I mean, I'm all about a boob job or some lypo, but damn. BUTT CHEEK IMPLANTS? NEW CHINS? Give me a break. People are insane. Maybe there's something in the water. I better stick to my Diet Pepsi.

Also, I just want to comment on tonight's American Idol. WTF? Who is voting on this stuff? Why isn't the redheaded weasel gone already? Jennifer Hudson was one of the best. I cannot believe she was voted off. I almost want to protest Fox by not watching that show anymore, but part of me can't stop watching it because I want to see who wins. Damn me!

How did women in the Victorian era wear *metal* corsets?? How bad did THAT hurt? I'm sorry, but there is no way I'd wear a metal anything to make my waist look smaller. Fuck. That. Noise.

And yes, in case you are wondering...that comment came from the fact that I'm currently watching NGC. I'm addicted I tell you, addicted!

I need some new eyeshadow colors. Something bright, without being too wild. Maybe some yellows and pinks. I'm going to have to make a trip to Sephora. I also need to go to Nordstrom and find a dress to wear to my aunts wedding. Wooo, shopping! Go me!

Well, I'm typed out right now. I think I'll go read my new Cooking Light magazine. I feel like cooking a big feast this weekend.

Apr 20, 2004

My nose is runny.

It makes me snuffle. MAKE IT STOP.

Well, as I said in my earlier post, my day was basically shitty. The evil accountant pissed me off to the point of no return. I hate him. He makes me want to break shit and say the F word before noon. Besides him being completely computer illiterate, he's a cock. When I say cock, I'm not just saying that because I'm mad at him. I'm saying it because he really is. He's an asshole, plain and simple. Sometimes, he's not a half bad guy. Other times, he talks to people like they're the dirt on his shoe. I just hate him. Thankfully he's gone on Wednesday's and Friday's. I really hope tomorrow goes by fast.

Tonight I came home and made dinner. Then, my aunt called to talk about our Michigan trip and planting plants. That was pretty much the highlight of my night so far. I did get an invitation to my friends graduation next month too. She just finished her Masters. I'm so proud of her! She worked so hard! YAY FOR DIONNE! YOU GO GIRL!

When I got home tonight, I put on a new shirt that I had never worn. I have a lot of clothes that I've never worn. All of them still have the tags attached. I'm a total clothing whore. Sue me.

The point is, I really kinda like this new shirt I've never worn. It's a cute yellow polo. I may wear it with my new (with tags still attached) Banana Republic navy blue capri pants. YAY for a new outfit!

Thursday me and 2 of the women I work with are going to a gallery show for one of our photographers. I'm excited to see her work.

Well, in other news, It's Culture Shock Week on NGC. Why am I so addicted to this channel. And only at night. Usually around bedtime. However, since it's CSW, I'm watching it BEFORE bed! I need help, I know.

Well, that's about it. I like it when Indian's say "rupees". Our web developer at work is Indian and he says 'rupees' a lot. It's a funny word I think.

I have to pee, so I'm going to stop writing now. Ciao!


Is this day over yet? I want to go home. Today is a sucky day at work. The accountant is so on my shit list. He's such a dick sometimes. Thankfully he won't be here tomorrow or Friday, but there's still the rest of today and Thursday. I just want to stick a spork in his eyes.

i just had spaghetti and a fig newton bar for lunch. I'm full.

It was supposed to rain today, but so far, no rain really, besides a few sprinkles. I wish it would either rain, or clear up. Make up your mind sky.

Well, what a crappy little update. Too bad I'm having such a crappy day. Hopefully by this evening I'll be in a little bit better mood.

Apr 19, 2004

What's the password???


I had swordfish for dinner. It was okay. I'm tired too.

Today was a really productive day! I got a lot done at work. When I got home tonight, I planed the rest of the rose bushes and some cala lilies. I'm tired. Digging holes is hard work!@# The cleaning lady came today and I'm kinda ticked at her weekly cleaning performance. There are some things that she usually does, that she didn't. I'm thinking about calling her. I just sent her a referral so she better put on her best cleaning smile for my house, damnit.

You all need to get this because, well, it rocks. It will rock you. It might even make you rock out with your cock out. Or...not. However you wish to rock, it will probably rock you that way.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow. How sucky. I wish it was sunny and 80 degrees everyday, forever.

My boss told me about a 'gay' experience he had once today. He's really kinda homophobic, but in a non-discriminatory way. He told me about a guy trying to pick him up once at a Kodak conference. Apparently the guy thought he went that way, and put his hand on my bosses knee. In turn, my boss knocked the guy out of his chair backwards. It was kinda funny because he was all animated when he was telling me the story. I guess this happened when he was about 19/20ish. He finished up the story with "the guy had no idea that I was neither pitching or catching!" At least he made me laugh today.

I had Cheerios for lunch. Is that weird? They were good.

I'm in search of the perfect pair of pink heeled sandals. I can't find the pair I want anywhere. There is one pair I like from Banana Republic, but they're a little dressy. I dunno. Maybe I'll find something when I go to Michigan.

Well, I'm going out for a bit. Later tators!

Apr 18, 2004

End of the weekend :(

So, it's the end. Oh well! It was a great weekend! I'm actually okay with it being over. I'm in a good mood!

Today I planted 3 rose bushes and I have 3 more to plant. Hopefully I can get them planted tomorrow night before it rains. Anyway, after that, we headed down to Oakville and ate at Gianinos, then headed to the WOC to start working on the new PC's. Then, I left Chris there for a while and went over to Mary & Jim's for Nicole's party. It was nice seeing Jamie & Jon, considering I haven't seen them since like..last June. I kinda feel bad because we're both in the wedding coming up and we really haven't seen them that much. Anyway, it was just such a great nice. The weather was nice, I was in a good mood, and we did fun stuff! We left Oakville around 9ish, but stopped for ice cream first!

I talked to my neighbor today and she agrees with me that the woman who lives on the corner is a wench. This lady (who lives on the corner) leaves her grass out in the street after she mows her yard. It's so freaking annoying. It's not like she's a frail old lady who can't be out doing yard work. I mean, she takes really good care of her yard and mows it herself, yet she throws the grass onto the street and just leaves it. By the end of summer, there is a thick layer of brown grassy crap all around the street by her house. My neighbor said she always wants to bring it up at the subdivision meetings but she doesn't want everyone to be mad at her. I told her she should just put an anonymous note on her door and I would do the same. I think if she doesn't start cleaning her junk up, I'm going to reach my boiling point and go down the street in the middle of night and sweep up all her grass, and then just dump it on her front porch, ring the doorbell, and run. hahahahahahha that would be SWEET!

Does anyone else think Albert Pujols has a nice ass? Mmmm yes, yes he does. Too bad he didn't hit that ball just a little harder today.

This week should be a rather low key week. I don't have any big projects going on at work besides the continuing doomed mailing database and merge.

Next weekend is another 'home' weekend and then the weekend after that is the Michigan trip. I think next weekend we're going to try and see The Punisher. I also want to see Kill Bill (Vol 1 & 2). I am probably the only person who hasn't seen either one yet. I just haven't had time.

I just found out from Chris that his friend from Cape moved to STL this weekend. That's actually kind of funny considering who the friend is. And yes, there is a story behind that.

Well, I'm going to watch The Soprano's now.

Good Morning!

I'm in such a good mood! When I woke up this morning, it was just so beautiful out that I was automagically put in a good mood! The windows were open all night and it felt *so* *nice*. And, I love the smell of fresh air! So, as soon as I get dressed and straighten my hair, I'm going to go out and try and find the rose bushes I am looking for. Lowes didn't have them, but a few weeks ago, I saw that Sam's did have the ones I was looking for. Then, I need to go to Toy's R Us and get a gift for my friends baby.

I am so jazzed about spring/summer! I love it. Even when it's hot and humid, I love it. A lot better than winter.

Anyway, I'm off to get ready! I hope everyone has a great day!

Apr 17, 2004

Mr. Pro Sports Heckler Guy



Honkers Ale is yummy! Especially with orange slices. My friend Asten turned me on to it. It goes down rather smooth. Yay for good beer.

I just had Chinese from China King. I like their fried rice. And they always give us the hookup on the delivery.

Tomorrow is going to be another pretty day! We bought some pepper plants and some basil plants tonight. So, I'll probably plant those in the morning. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to my friend's daughters birthday party. And, since we'll be in So. Co, we're going eat at Gianinnos. Woohoo!

I need a workout partner. Chris can't keep up with me on the elliptical and sometimes I hate doing weights by myself. If anybody goes to the Recplex and would like to be my workout friend, email me.

Oh, yay for the Card's winning today! Hopefully they'll keep up the wins!

Well, I'm tired. And, I think I'm going to play Atomica. Sweet Dreams!

Beautiful Day!

Well, I've been up and going since 7am-ish! We went to breakfast with Nicky, Jason & the baby, then we hit the zoo! It was such a great day to go! We had a lot of fun.

After the zoo, we went back to Jason & Nicky's and had lunch, hung around with them for a while, then headed home. When we got home, we started working outside and we just finished up. Now we're getting ready to head to Loews to get some yard related items.

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day I think. I'm getting hungry and I really need a beer. I'll post again tonight!

Apr 16, 2004


You can find pictures from the game tonight, here.


I /hate/ Metrolink. It's the most useless, horrible form of public transportation. Ever. I actually feel rage against Metrolink. GRRRRRRR Perhaps the problem isn't the Metrolink train, maybe it's how the train is run. Why are there no turnstiles? WTF is the deal with the gay little validators?? COME ON. And WHY does nobody know how to actually ride the train when there are a lot of people getting on and off? Fucking St. Louis hoosiers. I hate it. I really really hate it. I miss Chicago. I miss the El. People in Chicago know how to properly use transportation. AND, Chicago has a transit authority. St. Louis has Whelan Security. WTF. Ok, I'll stop bitching about it now, but I'm serious. I hate Metrolink.

Anyway, we just got home from the Cards game. (Go Cards!) It was a pretty good game! Have any of you seen the new Bud commercial, with the Mr. Pro Sports Heckler Guy? It's so funny and so true. Tonight, we had Mr. Pro Sports Heckler Guy sitting behind us. He sat behind us last year too. I guess he buys the same season tickets as Peter does. Anyway, he was a riot. We just kept laughing. During the game, the sprinklers came on!! It was funny. I dunno what the hell was up with that. They just came on for a few seconds, then went off. I had beer and it was good. My hotdog was good too. Kosher dogs are the only way to go at Busch.

Anyway, it was a good night. I'm tired now though. We took a few pictures. One is of a "parlimullet". This guy was serious. Not only did he have business in the front, but he had business in the back, with party over-cover. It was a unique mullet. I'll post some pictures in a bit.

Tomorrow morning we have to be up bright and early to meet Jason, Nicky, & Dagon for breakfast and then the zoo. That should be fun. I'm actually looking forward to it! It's going to be a beautiful day.

Well, I suppose I should finish reading up on news, watch Sportscenter, then go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some good pictures at the zoo.


Well, I'm bored! I'm at work, and was actually working up until about 30 minutes ago. Then, I just stopped and started goofing off because I don't feel like working.

I just want the end of the day to be here so I can leave! I'm ready for the Cards and some beer! Today is going to be such a nice day! I think I'm going to escape for lunch and go to Office Depot since I didn't make it last night.

I don't remember driving to work this morning. Isn't that weird? I just remember leaving the house, and getting out of the car at work.

Well, I think I'm going to play Atomica and wait for my boss to get here. I'm thinking he'll be in around noon. Wooo. 1 1/2 hours of games!

Apr 15, 2004


I think I'm going to make a Chocolate Raspberry Ganache Cake this weekend. Some of you know that I really like to bake, some of you don't. For those of you who don't, now you know. I like to make cakes. You are a better person for having been told that.

If the cake comes out pretty, I'll take a picture.

Well, our trip to The Dominican Republic is set in stone and paid for! We're leaving Sept 30th and getting back October 5. I'm so excited! But, considering it's still a good 5 months away, I'm not going to get real excited right now. I think I can contain my excitement for a few more months. Besides, I'm going to Michigan in 2 weeks and then, next month, Miami! Oh, AND next month is our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. For what anniversary am I supposed to get diamonds? Can we just skip ahead to that anniversary instead?

I just made the most excellent salad I've made in a long time. It was so good. Spinach is good. So are green onions.

Tonight I need to go to Office Depot to look a paper. Yes, I said to /look/ at paper. I need to find a paper to print a book on at work. Well, like 200 books. Then, I'm going to Hallmark to buy Mother's Day cards. I used to be so on top of holiday cards and everyone loved me, now I've fallen behind and people don't love me anymore. Sad situation I tell you.

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. We're going to a baseball game. Woot! We have most excellent seats. Woot. Right on 3rd base, 7 rows back. Woot.

I need to switch laundry now and then go. Who will it be tonight? Kwame or Bill? (Bill!) More later...

Apr 14, 2004

Hump Day.

Woooo the week is half over! This weekend is shaping up to be not bad. Friday we're going to a Cards game, Saturday we're going to the zoo, and Sunday I'm going to a birthday party for a friend of mines little girl. It should be fun.

Today was a pretty good day. I got a lot done, including booking another vacation! This time, it's to the Dominican Republic at an all inclusive resort (alcohol included) and for the both of us, it was $780!! We still have to get airfare, but still, $780 for 2 isn't bad for a week! Especially when you include all food and beverages, and watersports. So, I'm excited about that!

We also started the refinancing process today. Our mortgage payment is going to go down by like $300, which is cool with me! Hopefully it will be done soon. I think it should be done by the end of the month really.

I brought some work home tonight that I didn't finish today, so I suppose I need to do that soon. RJ came over for dinner tonight. It was mighty tastee. I made beans with lots of onions, ham, and pepper and some cornbread. It was really yummy! Chris doesn't even like beans and he had 2 bowls.

I think tomorrow, since I'm going to be on my own, I'm going to make a salad with tuna.

Well, I'm going to get working now. If any of you have any questions about vacation, mail me.

Apr 13, 2004

doot doot doot

Well, I finally just sat down! Woo. When I got home tonight, I started some laundry and then started making dinner. I made a huge yummy spinach salad, cous cous, green beans, broccoli & cheese, and baked chicken drumsticks. (Yes, I really *do* like green veggies.) Chris's mom came over for dinner tonight because John has a SLIME meeting (MG car meeting), so she's hanging with us tonight. Last week I made the mistake of tivoing The Swan so she's watching that. It's so horrible. How can anyone watch this show more than once?#@?#@

Today was a pretty good day except toward the end of the day. Our Xerox rep came out and basically told me there was no way our new printer that we bought EXPLICITLY for printing 5x11.5 mailers, could print backprint on the mailers. So, I was a little ticked about that. Then, the accountant pissed me off again, as per usual. Well, I guess it's not fair to see he pisses me off, he just annoys me at times and sometimes I feel like I can't contain my rage. Butttt, that's a different story. As I was getting ready to leave, someone else pissed me off, and basically all the way home I was pissy. But, once I got home, I felt a little better.

Tomorrow I have kickboxing so that will at least get out a little steam. I hope it's a little warmer tomorrow. I can't wait for the weekend!

Well, I've got some things to do and I need to call my grandma. Soo, see ya!

The Today's Show has too many commercials.

Seriously. Can I please get some freaking news people?

So far, my day has been going great! Which is a good thing because I was expecting a horribly craptastic day. So, yay for the day going good so far!

After lunch I'm going to work on the database and hopefully finish it up by the end of the day (wishful thinking!) but, we'll see.

For now, I must get back to work, stuff is stacking up on my desk and it seems like the stacks are growing stacks. ARGGGGHHHH! Bye!

Apr 12, 2004

Well, I just got home for the day. BLAH. After work, I went to the gym and had a pretty good workout. After that, I went to the grocery store and was there for like 2 hours. Oh, and before that, we went to Subway for dinner and I had a really good spinach salad. I really love spinach. It's a superfood, you know.

I was really happy to see that the grocery store had *pink* grocery bags! I guess they were left over from Easter or something. But, since I love pink, it made me happy to think I'd be taking my groceries home in pink! (It's the little things people, the little things.)

Today I got 2 new dresses. One from Banana Republic and one from Ann Taylor. I love them! One is sleevless and kinda short and the other is a cute black halter dress. I will wear them this summer and hopefully it'll be warm enough to wear one of them next month in Miami.

At the store, I picked up a Frommer's Budget Travel magazine because my friend Asten said it was a good magazine for travel. I shall read it tonight before bed instead of watching the National Geographic Channel, which has become an odd habit for me at night. Because you know, everyone needs their fix of shows about Africas deadliest snakes and weird body piercing rituals before bedtime!

So, I tivo'd the Miss USA pageant. (please, no comments) And as I'm watching it, right.now. I'm realizing these girls are so ugly. Does nobody enter the Miss USA thing anymore? I remember when I was little, I used to think these girls were so beautiful. Was I just young and blind? Shit.

Well, tomorrow is going to be another hell at work. I have a huge project to work on that needs to be done by the end of the day and also I need to work on a database, which is a work in progress. Hopefully though, things will go my way and there will be no snags.

I'm going to go read my magazine. Later!

Screw-Ups Abound Today!

Oh Happy Monday. On the way to work this morning, I saw a wreck. Actually, I smelled it first, then I saw it. Thankfully it was on the other side of the highway so it didn't mess up my traffic flow. I actually got to work on time! Go me.

When I got to work, I was busy nonstop, up until about 4 minutes ago, when I decided I was taking a time out to post to my blog, because lets face it...we all know blogs are more important than work. Right?

Anytime my boss touches anything..I mean *anything*..he fucks it up. Just automatically it happens. I don't know why he continues to touch things. It just makes my job harder. The bad thing is, our clients know he fucks things up. They actually joke about it. GRRRRR STOP TOUCHING THINGS!

The only sunny part of my day so far is the fact that the weather thingie I got says it's going to be 80 on Saturday. That makes me happy.

Well, that's about it. I have a ton of stuff to do today and need to get busy!

Apr 11, 2004

My Weekend

Well, Happy Easter everyone. I hope everyone had a good day.

Okay. Lets start with Friday. After we got off work, we came home and took a short nap, then got on the road. Our first stop was going to be in Columbia at my sister's apartment. Before we got there, we decided to stop in Kingdom City (think of a truck stop amusement park of a city) and eat. We went to McDonalds, which, was probably the most busy McDonalds I've ever been too. The scary thing was the place was F U L L of hoosiers. It was so scary. I'm not talking like hoosier like, drinks Budweiser from the can...I'm talking hoosier like, dirty, crooked teeth, probably live in a trailer, and beat their kids, hoosier. So, after so mild confusion at the counter ordering our food, we finally sat down. We happened to sit across from a family of hoosiers. There was the dad. Tall, skinny, crooked-yellow teeth, dirty clothes, you get the picture...the mom was short, fat, and dirty. Then, there were 2 kids. One was a fat kid with an afro (he was half white/half black) and the other kid was a spitting image of the dad but probably around the age of 6. I just assumed the afro kid was hers for a previous marriage or affair or something. Anyway, usually I don't tend to actively stare at people in public but I promise, if you were there too, you would have stared. Anyway, the thing I noticed was this family was really quiet. I mean, they just weren't talking to each other. It was weird. So, the little boy was just sitting in his seat, eating his burger, and kicking his feet in the air. He was being really good. All of the sudden, the dad lifts up his hand in the air, like he's going to back hand him. BACK HAND him. A 6 year old. So, I look over, and I see him mumbling something to this kid with his back hand (aka pimp hand) raised to him. The little kid looked like he was going to shit his pants and promptly stopped eating and kicking. At that point, I told Chris that we had to go, quickly. I don't understand why people beat their kids. Why would you threaten to backhand your 6 year old?? Can someone PLEASE tell me? Anyway, after we left we continued our journey to Columbia.

When we got to my sister's place, she was there with a study group for physics. When I walked in, I could have sworn she was studying with William Hung, but then I realized it was just a kid that looked like him. OH well. My sister was cracking the study whip on all of them, and they told me after 6 hours of studying, they didn't want to do it anymore. I liberated them and told them to rebel against my evil sister. My sister later reported to me that they did indeed rebel. YAY FOR THEM!

We finally arrived at my grandma's around 10ish. My grandma lives in BFE aka Warsaw. No, not Poland, but Missouri. Anyway, it was pretty uneventful then on out. We did get to "meet" my mom's new dog, Puppy. She's a Boston Terrier. She is so hyper, I mean, it's bad. You can't even get this dog to sit still while you pet it. It's so playful and hyper and like...clucked out. If the dog was really a human, you'd think it was on drugs.

Saturday we didn't do much. Actually, I don't remember doing anything. Wait, yes. We went to Wal-Mart Super Center because I needed supplies to make my famous carrot cake. This Wal-Mart in Warsaw is brand spankin' new. So, it was a mad house. And, it was raining. I almost got into several wrecks...IN THE PARKING LOT. The freaking parking lot people. People would not stop at the end of aisles like they're supposed to. So, we finally get into Wally World, and it's a zoo. People are some times really inconsiderate of other people when shopping. That's when I start getting mad. Finally, I just got so pissed off, I started bumping people with my cart and I didn't even feel bad about it. So, we finally got our supplies and got the hell out of there. When we got back to my grandma's, I made my cake and then we just kinda vegged out on the couch.

Saturday night, for some reason, sucked. We couldn't sleep, my mom kinda made a scene because my sister made her turn off the TV. She then came into our room and asked if she could watch TV in there. We said fine for a while, but then when we got ready to sleep, she got upset because we told her we were turning off the TV, so she started crying. (For those of you who don't know, back in Sept. my mom had a "incident" and went into cardiac arrest, almost died, has brain damage, had a feeding tube, was in ICU for about 3 months and it was just really horrible. So, needless to say, she's still not quite right and still has brain damage) Anyway, she just started crying and after that, we couldn't really get to sleep. Sometime during the night, we did fall asleep though.

This morning, when we woke up, my grandma made breakfast (which was very good) and then we went to church with my mom. OH MY. Let me say it again. OH MY. Okay, I am Lutheran. And, I mean, I like to praise God, but I am not Baptist. At all. I'm Lutheran. I'll say it again, I'm Lutheran. So, we end up at this tiny little Baptist church not far from my grandma's house, in Warsaw. In the woods. Okay, so I've never really laughed so hard in church that I embarrassed myself. That was before today. We walked in, in the middle of Sunday school. They apparently hold Sunday School in the chapel. So, there were about 7 people there...all like old hoosiers. Which, is fine. It's church, ya know? So, the service finally starts, and the "Praise Singers" and the "Breakfast Brothers" start singing. Yes, I said "Breakfast Brothers". They are a group of 5 men who apparently go to different churches on Saturday mornings and sing. I use that term loosely...sing. IT WAS BLOODY AWFUL. Horrible. I looked at my mom, then at my sister, and we just busted up laughing. We totally couldn't contain our laughter. It was bad. Finally, we got it under control. A few minutes later, we look up, and see this girl in front of us who is wearing a prom dress that is about 3 sizes too big for her, with a t shirt under it. UHhhh.. WTF? It was a prom dress from the early 90's with the off the shoulder, shoulders. It was so funny that I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I poked my sister and held it together long enough to point and say "What is up with THAT?" At that point, my sister lost it, we were actually laughing OUT LOUD....IN CHURCH. About that time, the preacher (who was wearing suspenders and didn't know how to use the proper grammar when speaking) started reading "the word". We seriously couldn't stop laughing. We just laughed and laughed and tried to stop, but couldn't. Chris was so pissed at us. He just kept looking at us like "shut the fuck up!" Which, is weird because he totally hates going to church, so I just naturally assumed he'd be laughing too. Anyway, at the end of the service, we get up quickly to leave, but are bombarded by the regulars who want to 'meet' us. So, the preacher introduces himself and asks Chris where we are from. Chris says "St. Louis" and his reply is "Oh, that's great! I have a friend who lives in St. Louis on Copper Street!" Uhhhh. OKayyyyy....Chris just smiles and nods and my mom, sister and I practically tear the door off trying to run out before we really bust out laughing. We get in the car and just cut loose. It was bad. Chris got in the car and yelled at us, and we just laughed at him. Do people in the country really think that St. Louis is so small that we know where "Copper Street" is? I dunno. I know it's wrong, I really do, but there is something about small town people that I just cannot deal with. I never want to live in the country. Ever.

So anyway, we get back to my grandma's and my aunt comes over, we eat, visit and leave. (Finally) I slept pretty much the whole way home. When we got home, we frantically showered to get the cigarette smell off of us, then went out to dinner. After dinner, I tried to go to the grocery store, but realized even grocery workers need Easter off. BLAH. I need groceries!

I hope you enjoyed my account of my weekend. There are many other thoughts I had, but I'm too ashamed that I would even think those thoughts, I don't want to write them down. Being in the country does weird things to me. I get mean. ROAR.

This week should be fairly busy. Lots of appointments (doctor and other things) and lots to do at work.
I guess I should stop typing now. I feel like I've been sitting here typing for 30 minutes. Actually, it's been 35. Sheesh. I think I'm going to watch the Soprano's now then go to bed or something.

I am so glad to be home. So, so glad.

Apr 9, 2004


I have been working on a mailing for like 3 hours and I can't get it right. WHY CAN'T I GET IT RIGHT MILKMAN DAN?? WHY WHY WHY.

It's almost time to go. I have some things to do before we leave for the weekend but oddly enough, I'm not in a hurry to complete them.

That's all for right now. I've gotta get as much done in the next 10 minutes as I can because I don't want to still be dealing with this shit on Monday.


The Political Compass

Chris just sent this to me.

Apparently, I'm to the left and down 2 marks. Just like Nelson Mandela and the Dali Lama.

Apr 8, 2004


So I didn't update today or yesterday. Sorry.

Today was an interesting day at work. It was long and stressful and I'm glad it's over.

After work, I went to the Apple store then ended up buying some clothes at NY & Co. I totally love that store. After that, I came home and started some laundry, paid some bills, then went out again. My intention was to go get stamps, go to the ATM and get something to eat, but I ended up not getting stamps, shopping some more and then getting something to eat. I came home, took a shower and now I'm watching a tivo'd The Apprentice. I cannot believe this guy just called Amy a "Stepford Wife" WTF? What a cockmunch.

Tomorrow my friend Beckie is coming into town for Easter but we're going to my grandma's so I'm not going to spend time with her. Hopefully she makes it into town on time and we can have lunch together though. After work, it's off to Grandma's house we go. 5 freaking hours in the car. Oh yay. I'm glad I have a Volvo with nice leather butter seats. Hopefully this weekend will go well and everyone will have a good time. Wheeeee

I got Easter baskets for my mom and sister and grandma. I can't wait to have kids so I can leave a little bunny poop trail of jelly beans from their rooms to their Easter baskets. That's what my mom always did with me and I thought it was the coolest.

Tomorrow will be another crappy day at work I think. At least the accountant won't be there. He gets under my skin so badly. I just want to stab my eyeballs with toothpicks sometimes.

Well, I won't be updating this weekend because my Grandma lives in the sticks and is intarweb free. It's a shame I know. I'll update when I get home Sunday. Miss me!

Apr 7, 2004


Don't buy the Lean Cuisine Steak & Mushroom Broccoli thingamajig. It's nasty. I had to throw it away. Now I'm eating a healthy, filling lunch of Cheez-Its and Diet Pepsi. But, to be honest, I can't really think of anything else I'd rather be eating right now...and hey, it's better than eating shit.


Yes, it is. I just got to work about an hour ago and I've already got done a lot of tasks. Go me. Now I'm getting ready to work on a database that is a PITA. Wooo, can you sense the excitement!

Tonight, I fully plan on going straight home from work. At 4:15PM. I'm tired (still) and I just want to spend a normal after-work-evening at my home. Is that too much to ask? And if I feel untired at some point, I'm going to go workout.

That's about it. I didn't eat breakfast and now I'm hungry. I think I'll go find something to eat. I think one of my co-workers has more Quaker Oatmeal & Raisin Breakfast Bars. Those things rock.

I'm out.

Apr 6, 2004


Okay. So, it's 11:12pm and I JUST GOT HOME FROM WORK. What the fuck is wrong with that. I am an administrative assistant. It's not like I work the night shift at the local factory or anything. What the hell. Needless to say, I wasted all this time at work, and nothing got accomplished. Well, I did get Access working again, but the tape drive still isn't working. Oh freaking well.

What a day. I get pulled over, and I'm just getting home. I sense that this is going to be another week that I'm not home before 10pm all week and I don't make it to the gym again. It's already Tuesday and still I haven't had time to go. GRRRRRRRR.

In other news. I checked my voicemail when I got home, and I had a message from HR from this HUGE ASS PROFITABLE company that I've been trying to get a job at since I moved to STL. I'm so excited. I swear, I think I've sent them a copy of my resume every week for 4 years. hahaha So, either they're interested in me, or they're going to ask me to stop emailing them. That *would* be my luck. hahaha Either way, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Dinner was Taco Bell and 2 Rolaids. I hope this Diet Pepsi I'm drinking doesn't cancel out the Rolaids. Does anything actually "cancel out" Rolaids?

I'm watching tonight's The Real World, courtesy of my precious Tivo. Am I the only one who thinks Missouri always gets the short end of the stick when people from here are on reality shows? What the hell is up with Frankie cutting herself??? HELLO. CUTTING HERSELF. Dude. Call me crazy, but when I get upset, I don't want to cut MYSELF, I want to cut other people. When she threw that knife in the sink, my first comment would have been "GET YOUR BLOODY ASS, DISEASED KNIFE OUT OF THE SINK THAT EVERYONE USES, K THX BYE." Not, "Hey Frankie, are you okay?" Dude. I'm just shaking my head. This chick needs help, and Jesus. Can I get an Amen?

Well, it's late. I'm cranky. I want to finish watching this and then try and go to bed. Lately though, I have this thing where I can't go to sleep without watching the National Geographic Channel in bed. Sometimes I pick up the strangest, I can't explain habits.

Goodnight sweethearts!

fidius.org: What's My Pirate Name? (3/3)

My pirate name is Bloody Anne Kidd. Arrrrrrr Matey. I must wear my little pirate patch to work tomorrow.

What's your pirate name?


I bit the inside of my bottom lip today like three times. It was bleeding and everything. It hurts so bad I just want to cry. :(

All the bosses are in a big pow-wow of some sorts. I just went in the office and they were discussing one of the employees here and the 'production' of that employee. That doesn't sound so good. Hopefully I just walked in the middle of a conversation that I didn't understand. I really like all my co-workers, except one, but I don't think they were talking about him.

I decided to go to the bridal shower. I called my other aunt and asked her if she wanted to go and ride up with me. She was so excited! She's probably going but she's going to check with my OTHER aunt and see if she wants to go too. Then the 3 of us can ride up together. YAY!


It happened. This morning I finally got pulled over. After all my years of adult driving too. Such a shame. I was just getting onto 94/Page where the new Page highway starts and it's all big and nice and smooth. And of course, I punched it to around 70/75 JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. All of the sudden, I look in my rearview and there is a cop behind me. So I think (all in the matter of like 2 seconds) 'fuck it. I'm getting a ticket, pull over.' So, I did. And I had my license and insurance card out really quick. The cops walks up to me and asks me if I'm in a hurry. HELLO...why do cops have to ask that? Do people really have to be in a hurry to drive 70/75?? So, I say "yeah, well, kinda" and amazingly, he tells me if I will do the speed limit (60) and drive in the right lane (WTF?) he'll let me go. Okay great. Thanks! Then, he tells me he's going to "put me in the system" and if I get pulled over in the next 12 months, I will get a ticket for that, as well as for this morning. HUH? How the hell can cops give you a ticket for a stop that A. they didn't give you a ticket OR a written warning for and B. give you a ticket for a stop that happened however long ago. I think he was just trying to 'scare' me, but I don't really know how the law works in that sense. But, hey, at least he didn't give me a ticket. He didn't even run my license.

I voted this morning. Wooo. It was mostly a school board/bond/tax vote, but that's okay. At least I voted.

The accountant's wife has called 4 times this morning...actually 4 times in like an hour period. She's so nice but some days, she calls so freaking much. I guess I just assumed most people communicated with their spouses at work via email or MSN or something. Guess I was W R O N G.

I don't know what I'm feeling for lunch. I have a Lean Cuisine in the freezer but I'm not sure if I want that. Maybe I'll go get a salad and some fruit or something. I think I'm feeling a salad and some fruit actually.

Apr 5, 2004

The end of Monday!

Well, finally, it's almost over. Monday's are always so long! I went to the mall tonight but didn't buy anything! *gasp* We went to the Apple store to pick up Chris's notebook and then we were going to buy my mom Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for her therapy but Chris said it was cheaper at Circuit City so we didn't get it. We ate at the indian place at the mall then left and went to Circuit City. They *did not* have Mavis, which really sucked because now I have to go back to the Apple store sometime this week to get it. Oh well.

On the way home, we were listening to NPR and The Connection was on, and they were talking about a felons right to vote. I got really upset after hearing the conversation between the host, the panel, and the callers. I just don't get people sometimes. I don't feel like voting should be something that can be taken away from someone. I mean, just because you are a felon, that doesn't mean you aren't covered by the same rights and laws that other citizens are. You are *still* a citizen. Shouldn't that person still have the right to vote on the laws and protections that effect them? UGH I just get so freaking aggravated.

Speaking of voting, tomorrow I'll be sure to be up bright and early to go vote. I *heart* voting. Make sure you go vote tomorrow!

Well, that's about it for the day. I'm still trying to decide to go to the bridal shower. Hopefully I will make up my mind soon. Maybe tomorrow I'll consult my other aunt and see if she wants to ride up with me.

I like it when...

our cleaning lady comes. I really love coming home to a clean house that I didn't clean. I just want to take this time to give a 'shout out' to my cleaning lady, from Alpha Cleaning.

Today was a good day. I'm actually starting to come around on this time change thing. At least the days are brighter, for longer, or at least...well you know what I mean.

I got my invitation to my aunts bridal shower today. I'm still debating on weather or not to go. It's May 1 and in Michigan. On one hand, I'd love to go, because I love to travel...but then again, I just don't know if I want to spend the money to go, considering I have a lot going on during the month of May. So, I guess we'll see.

Tonight we're going to the mall (oh yay!). Then, I think I'm going to go workout. I didn't get to workout at all last week because I was sick, and that kind of sucked. Sooo, this week, I'll have to make up for last week.

It really gets on my nerves the media talks about people years and years after they are dead. THEY ARE DEAD. Get over it. Sometimes I just get tired of hearing it.

I'm going to go pillage in the kitchen for dinner.

Go Cards!

Well, in honor of opening day, we are having a BBQ at work today and then we're going to watch the game. Woohoo! I work with a ton of guys who are really really really really into sports. Every sport in fact. It's like Vegas around here, year round. However, they take their baseball very seriously. I'm confident the Cards will pull off a victory today, even if Bushy will be throwing out the first pitch. Maybe Rochelle Moore will cast a spell on him. HA!

Okay, I'm off to eat a hotdog.

How can it be 7, when it's really 6?!?!?

That's the thought that was going through my sleepy dreams this morning. HOW. IN. THE. WORLD. CAN. IT. BE 7? Anyway, I didn't get out of bed until 8:15am, and didn't leave the house until around 8:40 something. I'm supposed to be at work at 8:30. On the way to work, traffic on 40 sucked. I cannot stand St. Louis drivers. People here CANNOT drive. AT ALL. I just don't understand it. It's like these people have never driven in rush hour traffic. Driving in California is much easier. At least people know how to keep the flow of traffic going.

Anyway, I'm at work now, and so far it's been an okay morning. I'm ordering 3 more Dell's. This brings my total order from Dell the past 2 or so months to 8 Dells with flat screens. I love my boss. haha

Back to work. More later!

Apr 4, 2004

Well, I've spent most of the day looking around for stuff for the bedroom. I can't find anything I like!! It's driving me nuts. What is there besides Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and Ethan Allen? I can't even find anything from searching on google. Well, I did find 3 things from Pottery Barn. I found some ledges to put on the wall to display like picture frames and stuff like that then, I found these 2 vases that you can hang on the wall that hold fresh flowers. But that stuff is for the living room, not the bedroom.

So, for the bedroom, I need to find wooden shades that match the color of our furniture. It's like a really dark cherry color. And, I need to find some wall sconces or either some wall light fixtures to put on both sides of the bed. I think I'd prefer that over the candle sconces actually. Then, I need to decide on a paint color. I'm leaning more toward a deep red or brick color but I need to go by Lowes and get some samples. Then, I need to find a bedding set to match the paint. So, we'll see. If I don't get this done soon, I'm going to go apeshit. It's driving me nuts.

I'm watching this Kiefer Sutherland movie called "Cowboy Up". It's kind of funny to see Jack Bauer in a cowboy role. But, I guess it's okay so far.

Apr 3, 2004

Well, today I did jack. and shit. I slept most of the day and watched tv. I guess that's a good thing though since my body is worn out.

Tonight Carol came over for dinner and we grilled out. For some reason, all the food tasted the same to me. I guess I just wasn't that hungry. I made fruit cobbler afterwards and that didn't taste right either. Have I mentioned I'm tired of this being sick thing? We watched TV after dinner and she just left.

I've been really addicted to playing Atomica from Pop Cap Games. I usually get addicted to most of the Pop Cap games once I start playing them. I should really start playing something else.

My neighbor came over this evening and invited me to her Party Lite party...tomorrow. UGH. I hate candle parties. I did say yes, though I think I'm going to call her and tell her no. I just wish the candle light people would go away. Forever. Candles are bad bad bad. I can't even count the number of times I've left candles burning and totally forgot about them.

I'm anxious to get started on redecorating our bedroom and finish our closet. Everytime I go in the bedroom it drives me nuts. I need to get on the ball and pick out the paint and everything so we can get started. Maybe I'll start shopping around this week.

I bought the plane tickets to my aunts wedding in Miami next week. Now I just need to book the hotel. Unfortunately the hotel is going to cost more than the airline tickets cost me. I think that's a tad bit sad. I'm looking forward to going though. I love going anywhere that is considered a 'vacation' or even sort of a 'vacation'. (see post "I Love Vacation")

I'm thinking about starting to organize a party this summer. Last summer we had a HUGE party a few months after we bought the house, and it was a total success. Sooo, I guess we'll throw another one this summer. I'll consult Martha for party ideas. Even though she's a criminal, she still has good party tips!

I think I'm going to go online shop for house stuff now. Later!


I just woke up. UGH. I feel worse this morning than I did yesterday. I hope I feel better after I shower and take some meds. It's really nice outside today. Chris is mowing the yard and I'd really like to go help him. We're also supposed to BBQ tonight, so I'd like to not feel bad for that also. We'll see.

No big plans today except for the BBQ and working in the yard. I need to plant some rose bushes and I also want to get a magnolia tree to plant. Maybe I'll do that the weekend after next though. I'm still afraid it's going to frost one last time.

We got caught up on about a months worth of backlog on tivo. We still have a few things to watch, but I think we can take care of those things tonight.

Well, I'm going to go take some meds and hopefully take a shower and feel better. More tonight!

Apr 2, 2004

I am....

What Flavour Are You? Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.

I am bitter and twisted. Expect from me acerbic humour and sharp commentary. While I may seem nasty at first, I'm actually quite good company if I like you, so long as you don't mind a bit of cutting to the chase. What Flavour Are You?


Well, I just cut all my fingernails really short. It's tragic really. Earlier tonight I broke one of my fingernails down to the skin. It hurt. Anyway, as i typed, it was really uneven and felt really weird. Soo, I just decided to cut them all off. Now it feels really weird. Oh well. My nails grow fairly fast so hopefully they'll be back soon.

Anyway, today was pretty good. The day went by pretty slow, but that's okay. I printed some pictures today at work and brought them home and framed them. My boss also bought me lunch today, which was a bonus. AND, the Soup Place had corn chowder so that was an even bigger bonus. Yes, I know it's amazing the little things that bring joy to my day.

So, what's up with this college girl gone missing, found in a marsh, then turns out she kidnapped herself. Here is the story. Anyway, all I can think really is that it was just a mad cry for attention. Poor Audrey. She needs help.

I'm interested in knowing who reads my blog. If you're reading my blog, I wanna know! Drop me a
line. Let me know what you think.

Well, I think I'm going to go lie down. I'm *still* fighting this cold I've had all week, and I'm hoping to get rid of it this weekend. Night-Night

Apr 1, 2004

Fast Week!

Wow, I can't believe it's almost Friday. Obviously this was a short week for me, considering I was out Mon/Tues. I think I'm getting a little better though. I started on expectorant today and hopefully by this weekend, I will be better. I will say though, this coughing business is wearing me out.

Today was a pretty good day. I stayed pretty busy most of the day, which was nice too. I'm just glad tomorrow is Friday. This weekend, I don't plan on doing anything. We're going to BBQ on Saturday and at some point, we need to mow the yard, but beyond that, I think I'm just going to rest and watch TV.

Easter is coming up so I need to send Easter cards out and make Easter baskets. We're going to my grandma's for Easter this year to spend with her and my mom and my sister. I kinda wish we were staying here, but I guess we'll see.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I need to be at work early tomorrow so I think I'm going to hit the sack. More tomorrow!