Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Sep 29, 2004


Okay. In 12 hours, I will be getting ready to board a plane to my Caribbean paradise. I'm giddy with excitement! I'm all packed, and ready to go. At this time tomorrow, I will be wasted and sitting on the beach. Ahhhh I can't wait.

Miss me when I'm gone! I'm sure I'll have a big write up when I get back.
Au Revior!

Sep 28, 2004

Almost Packed

Well, I spent all day today packing. And, all day yesterday too. I hate packing so much. So, I think I've got everything packed but makeup, toothbrush, hair stuff and stuff like that. I just keep thinking I'm forgetting something though. I still have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow and it's a little overwhelming. But, no worries...I have a list!

That's about it. I forgot what I did this weekend. All I've been thinking about is this trip.

Well, I need to get back to packing. I'll be back in a week. And yes, I'll have a drink for you. On the beach. But, no salt. I said no salt please. :)

Sep 25, 2004

Christmas Is In The Air!

Oh yes. It is. In the air. At West County Mall. Because I smelled it and felt it.

Today I spent the day shopping with Beckie. Like..all day. Not that I'm complaining since shopping is my favorite activity of all. Anyway, when we got to the mall, it was bustling full of people and faintly smelled of cinnamon and Christmas. It was nice cause I love Christmas. And I can't wait to put up my Christmas tree!

So, I got a few things today. A ring, a bracelet, 2 pairs of earrings, 3 shirts, a huge picture for the living room and some shelve thingies for the living room too. Oh, and a PINK MINI IPOD. Oh yes. I finally got a pink one. YAY! Forget the other purchases, my ipod is much more important. Right now, it's charging, eagerly awaiting to be filled with songs! Exciting stuff!

That's about it. Right now I'm watching Love Actually and so far..it's kinda blah. So, hopefully it gets better. Tomorrow I must start packing for the vacation. And I guess I should do laundry. That's it for tomorrow.

Sep 23, 2004

Free Cookies!

The first *4* people to email and let me know you want cookies, will receive a Halloween tin of cookies from me.


of my croissant.

I feel..

so stressed out. I told Chris last night, if I had a stress test, I don't think I'd pass it. I usually don't get so stressed out about things but since I went to the 'berg...I feel like my chest is going to explode! I seriously need to relax.

I think part of the problem is that I'm not working out anymore. I think I'm going to go check out the Y in O'Fallon today. I hear it's really nice. And, the only thing I can think is ANYTHING has to be nicer than the Y in St. Charles, cause that one sucked. My favorite Y is the South County one. Before we moved to St. Chaz, we would go there probably 6 days a week most weeks. Since we moved, I've been to the Rec Plex but I didn't really like that either. So, I'm gonna check out the Y, and maybe that will help relieve some of my stress.

So, I made my chocolate croissants last night. I took some pictures for my website. So, maybe I'll post a picture later. They taste really delicious too. Go me.

I have no plans for today. I really should call my friend Dionne and have lunch with her. Tomorrow I'm having dinner with Beckie and then on Saturday we're going shopping. I've gotta pack for vacation too this weekend, but I'm trying really hard not to think about that.

Well, that's it from Danaville. Seeya!

Sep 22, 2004


For whatever reason, I haven't been able to post on my blog. Perhaps I should give a shoutout to Blogger for being a pain in my ass. So, I'm getting settle d back in after visiting my old hometown. Slowly recovering from the whole shock of that mess.

Yesterday I had an interview. First, just let me say, I have to be the weirdest person alive. Anytime I DON"T want a job that I'm interviewing for, 9 times out of 10, I end up getting it. And, when I WANT the job I'm interviewing for, I usually don't get it. Anyway, so this interview was for an Executive Assistant for 2 VP's. Anyway, I wear a suit and go to my interview. The lady I interviewed with was really kind of a bitch to me. I guess bitch isn't the right word. Condescending. So, during the interview, I had decided to myself that I didn't want this job. So, the interview gets over. Oh, did I mention that the lady I interviewed with was fat and had warts all over her face? And, when she got up to leave, she knocked the table over. But, that's besides the point, right? Anyway, I get home, and get a call from my agency that they want a second interview me. I say no. They tell me again they want to meet with me and I'm the only one they're looking at. So, I give in and say yes. Well, as I'm getting off the phone, I'm told "so, I know you wore a suit today and and all, but for some reason, all the women there wear skirts, and they want you to wear a skirt tomorrow." I say "um. WHAT?" And she repeats herself. I say no. I'm not wearing a skirt just because they told me to. First of all, all the men there had on suits. Now, I did notice that all the women ADMINS had on little cute skirts. And, I did think that was a little strange, but I figured it was like..skirt day or something. I dunno. Anyway, I don't know why that infuriated me so much, but it did. I think it's a bunch of crap. So, that pretty much put the nail in the coffin for that job. Besides that, I'm leaving for vacation next week so it wouldn't have worked out anyway. So, I called the lady back and reminded her of my vacation and that was the end of that. What are your thoughts on the whole ladies have to wear a skirt thing? Am I just crazy or is that not weird?

Speaking of vaca. we are now going to Puerto Plata instead of Punta Cana. Apparently, our resort in Punta Cana was damaged by Tropical Storm Jeanne and it's closed. So, we got it changed over. They only problem we had was with Priceline and getting our flight switched. Chris finally got it worked out, but it ended up costing us $268. So, it's straightened out and I'm not even going to think about the fact that we had to pay extra. I guess we're even lucky that Priceline let us switch.

I'm in the middle of making some chocolate croissants so I can take some pictures for my new webpage. I finally found someone to help me out with it. He had told me he didn't have time a few weeks ago, but I begged him and he eventually caved. He's such a nice guy.

I'm gettin a lot of response with my cookie business too. I can't wait to get my website up! I'm also in the process of putting together a little 'package' for the Holidays that people can order as gifts. I already have a insurance company in Michigan who's going to order a huge order of these holiday gifts. So, I'm excited about that!

Well, that's about it for now. It's such a beautiful day outside. Yesterday I opened all the windows and it just felt so nice. Today though, it's a little warm and I'm kinda thinking of turning the A/C back on. But, I dunno.
Maybe I'll post some more tonight. I really need to go finish my croissants. I'm sure they've risen enough by now. Ciao!

Sep 19, 2004

I'm Back!

Just made it home from my weekend. That's all I have to say tonight. I'm tired.

Sep 18, 2004

My Hometown

Is a shitty little berg. As a matter of fact, it gives new meaning to the word "little". Today we visited with my "evil" grandma and went to the big Ham & Turkey Festival. I should have known things would be not good, since I woke up to rain. As I was driving from my aunt's house to my town, about 20 minutes away, I saw my first girl-sitting-next-to-guy-in-a-pickup-truck of the day. You know you're in a shitty town when you see that kind of action going on.

Anyway, my visit with my Grandma went well until I mentioned the fact that we were planning on visiting my other aunt/uncle, after we left her house. The gates of her wrath were unleashed. She seethed venom as she stated how much she hated my aunt. And, I must admit, I did egg her on about it. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I took great satisfaction in the fact that I pissed her off. (Yes, I know that's not very "granddaughterly" of me) but, that's okay, cause she's not a very nice person anyway.

After that pleasant visit, we went to the Festival. What a crock of crap. As soon as we got there, I saw like EVERYONE I went to high school with. It was crazy that these people were still in this little town. I saw one girl that I never did like and nothing about her had changed. Then, I ran into this little gossipy biatch I went to school with and she proceeded to tell me that the girl I saw earlier is now a "ho" who, "just tries to get laid all the time from anyone she can." You know you're with good people when the conversation drifts there. It was humorous though. The fact that these people are in this circle of destruction that I am not a part of. I just smiled, nodded, and said goodbye.

From the minute I drove into town, I was so ready to leave. I hate that place. I'm sure it will be another 2 years before I go back again. Actually, I'd venture to say that I won't go back there until my grandmother dies.

So, after that, I drove out of dodge as fast as the speed limit would allow, which was only 35.
I did make it out alive though. That's all that counts!

After that we returned to my aunt's. Chris rode the horse and apparently fell off. Even though he's a much better rider than me. I didn't fall off. So ha! But, in his defense, he fell off because the saddle malfunctioned. I like horses, but I'm always afraid I'm going to fall off and become like Christopher Reeve. But, I think I just overthink a lot of situations. After that, we had pizza and hung out with the relatives. I helped my cousin get ready to go out with her hoodlum friends by putting makeup on her to look older. She's only 16, and who knows what she was going to do..but I thought I'd be nice and do the "cousinly" thing. She looked pretty cute when she left though.

So, right now it's 12:43am on Saturday night, and I'm lying in bed wishing I was at home. Tomorrow I'm going to see my mom for a few hours then head home. I miss my bed, but most of all I miss my husband. He went back home tonight cause he's racing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get home around 6ish.

Well, that's all from central Missouri tonight. OH..I forgot to mention, Friday night we were at Vista Grande at the Lake of the Ozarks and Big Brother was on one of the TV's. I could not believe Drew got rid of Diane. What an idiot. He would have won the big money going up against Diane. AND, she wouldn't have been pissed off at him, so he could have spent her money first, then his money. What a dipshit. Oh well. It's just a TV show. I just felt the need to mention that. Okay, I'm out. Night.

Sep 16, 2004

Leavin' on a jet plane...

actually, not a jet plane, but a Volvo.

I'm leaving early in the morning for my visit with my aunt and the big hometown Ham & Turkey Festival. I'm sure the weekend will be full of excitement! How fun.

When I get back, I will be busy baking. Even more reason to get excited.


I need help with my new website...cookiesbydana.com. I know a little html, but that's about it. I was looking at oscommerce.com but I don't have the patience to do it myself. Anyone want to help me out? Please. :) I don't want anything super super fancy, just something neat looking and professional too. I could pay you a little bit. Not much though, and I'd rather you just do it for me for free...cause your nice. I could pay you in cookies though. Or, any baked good for that matter. Email me if you're interested.

What's Big & Square...

and weighs 46lbs??

The package I sent to Iraq today! Kirk's going to be really surprised.

Tomorrow morning I leave for my weekend trip. I need to pack but I just can't get motivated to pack. I hate packing. That's too many decisions in too little time. I guess I'll force myself to do it later.

I got some inquires into my cookie business today. Go me! I think it'll pick up a lot by Halloween. And, hopefully my website will be up soon.

Today has not been exciting. I really have nothing to say.

Sep 15, 2004

The Spider Saga.

Okay. So, apparently my house is infested with spiders. Actually, not my house. Just my kitchen. In the past 2 days, I have seen and/or killed *6* of the exact same kind of spider, in the kitchen. Today was the breaking point.

Usually, if I see a spider, I can kill it (or have Chris kill it) and go on about my day. However, due to the 3 spiders yesterday, I'm just a little jumpy. So, this morning, I go into the kitchen and turn on the light. I look at the light switch, right by my hand, and see a spider!!!! ARGGGGHHHHHHHH I jumped, screamed, knocked the calendar off the wall and jumped some more. By the time I settled down enough to get enough sense about myself to kill the thing, my skin just started crawling. So, I kill it, and decide I'm going to call Chris and demand that an exterminator be called. So, I call him. I look up at the other wall while I'm talking to him and see not 1, not 2, but (3) T H R E E more spiders!!!! At that point, I just lost it. I had to get out of this house before I got eaten by the spiders.

So, anyway, I did call an exterminator and he will be coming out on Tuesday. I then spent the rest of the day out. I went to Jamie's house and hung out all day. I got home about an hour ago and I'm still freaked out. I feel like if I go in the kitchen, I'll be standing in front of a cabinet and all the sudden, all the cabinets are going to burst open, and millions of spiders are going to come crawling out to attack me. (Crazy? yesIamthankyoubye.)

So, that was pretty much my day.

My cookie business is going good so far. I did some advertising today and some of my trusty friends from the Corporate world did some advertising for me today too. I've got a few more ad tricks up my sleeve, but I think it's going to work out.

Well, that's it. I can't stayed focused on one thing too long. I've gotta keep an eye out for the vicious spiders.

I need..

to go find a box today. A box big enough to fit all these goodies in to send to Iraq. I get the feeling that I'm going to have to try a few boxes before I find one that works.

I've got no clue what I'm going to do today. I suppose I should do some laundry and pack a few things for this weekend. And, I think I'm going to go around and put out a few fliers. But, beyond that I'm not sure. Oh. I know. I need to go to Hallmark. I like how I think vicariously through my blog.

As I got up this morning, early I might add, I noticed the wind was blowing kinda hard. I don't know why I felt the need to mention that. It's just something I noticed. Maybe it will rain. That would be nice.

Oh. Shit. Today is Wednesday. You know what that means? FREE POPCORN AT AMC. Oh yeah. I totally forgot. If I go to the movies today with all the other old people (65+), I get free popcorn. Maybe I should get my butt in gear and go see an early movie! I must go shower and prepare for my adventure today!

Have fun at your jobs. Ha Ha. Because I don't have one. And while you're working your butt off(reading my blog), I'm going to be seeing a movie...NOT working. Ha Ha.

Sep 14, 2004


Here's a flier! Thanks to Jon at jonmega.com for helping me with this one!

Just a clarification...

It's C R O I S S A N T, not C R O S S I A N T.

You may continue on.

Thank you.


Today was a productive day. Which, as many of you know, is my favorite kind of day. It started out at the post office. I was semi-amused when I walked in and heard this bitchy lady yelling at the guy behind the counter about the junk mail that her "underage son" signed up for "3 years before he was legal." (Whatever that means.) She was yelling at the postal guy like he was supposed to make it stop or something. I don't know why I found it amusing. Maybe it was because the guy was standing behind the counter with this look on his face like "I don't care lady." Anyway, moving on..

I spent the rest of the day shopping. I got a *TON* of stuff for our friend in Iraq. He's going to be like, the most popular officer in Iraq. Cause right now, my livingroom floor is filled with food, candy, toiletries, games, balls, medication, towels, socks and shirts. Now I've gotta find a box big enough to fit everything in. But, I'm glad I got everything. Hopefully I'll get it out before I leave on Friday.

Anyway, for the past 45 minutes, I've been trying to work on a flier. Notice the use of the word "trying". I just can't get it right. Basically, since the Holidays are coming up, I'm going to start selling my famous baked goods. Platters of cookies and bars and chocolate crossiants by the dozen etc etc. Anyway, I'm trying to make some fliers up to distribute but I just can't get it right. Hopefully the artistic side of me will come out soon and I'll get it done. So, if anyone needs some cookies or something, email me. I'd be happy to give you a discount if you tell me how much you love my blog! :P

Well, I guess that's it for now. I need to finish working on this flier. Seeya!

Sep 13, 2004


What an uneventful day. I baked 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies and then I made a dozen chocolate crossiants. I was bored. What else can I say?

I did discover this little guy in my backyard. A freaking groundhog. I believe he lives under the deck. So, the mission will be to destroy the little piece of crap.

Well, so much for an update. That's what happens when I have a boring day. No exciting update. Tomorrow should be better. I have several places to venture out to tomorrow. I'm sure I'll run into some stupid people.

Have a good night!

Sep 12, 2004

Baby Jonathon

The End of the Weekend

boohoo. It was such a good weekend. Last night was the big "reunion". Now, when I first heard about this thing, I told Chris it would suck. But, he wanted to go anyway. And, it really sucked. By the time we got there, just about everyone was wasted. And, not in an adult wasted kind of way. It was like they were back in high school, and someone's parents were out of town and everyone was drunk offa Boones. Anyway, the food sucked but the beer was cold so I guess that's all that counts. This guy who Chris went to high school with, came up to me and asked me if I remembered him. I was like "uh, no." (Keep in mind, I didn't go to school here) So, he acts all hurt that I don't remember him, yadda yadda yadda, and finally I say "well, who in the hell are you?" And he tells me he was the bellhop at the Sheraton, where I stayed the night before my wedding. 3 freaking years ago. I just laughed. Because who in the hell remembers the bellhop at a hotel? Anyway, I asked him if he still worked there. And he told me yes, when he comes "home." Did I mention he's a 28 year old senior at Mizzou??? hahaha Gotta love class reunions when you find out everyone turned out so successful. We ditched early and went over to Jamie & Jon's to see the baby.

We didn't get home until late. We stopped by White Castle, then came home and ate and watched a rip of the movie Paparazzi that Jon gave us. I might add that the movie was kinda sad. I don't recommend going to see it. It does NOT get the Dana Seal of Approval.

Anyway, today I mostly slept. Then, I got up and helped Chris clean up and wash our cars. After that I made dinner. A very exciting day. I made cous cous tonight with peas and garbonzo beans. I love cous cous. I could eat it everyday.

This coming Friday I'm going to visit my aunt and I'm excited about it. Did I mention that already? I think I did. Other than that, I can't think of anything going on this week. So, I'll have to make my own fun. Like that's unusual. heh.

Sep 10, 2004


those stupid, damn D.O.C commericals. I don't get it. I mean, what kind of sale lasts ALL THE DAMN TIME. Oh, wait. They always seem to end on Tuesday. I'm so tired of seeing that freaky looking guy with the freaky looking glasses telling me I need to come in NOW NOW NOW. Grrrr!

This morning after my interview, I went shopping for a dress to wear tomorrow. I found one too. Yay! It's hot! And, it was on sale. Go me. It was $80 marked down from $200. I love finding a deal.

Yesterday I went to the hospital to see Jamie & Jon's new baby, Jonathon. He was so beautiful. Tiny little thing. He weighed 8lbs at birth, though when I held him, he barely felt like like he weighed 5lbs. It's just so amazing to see a newborn baby and to think that one day they're going to be grown ups. I've seen Jamie & Jon's daughter grow up since she was born when I first moved to STL, and it just blows my mind. Anyhow, I'm glad everything worked out and he was delivered safely!

Next Saturday, I'm going to the old hometown to the big Ham & Turkey Festival. Yeehaw. Get excited people. Anyhow, since I'm only going for the day, I decided to go visit my aunt/uncle/cousins for the weekend. So, I'm going to Lake of the Ozarks on Friday to spend the weekend. I'm excited. (really) ... well, not really about the Festival..but you get the point.

Well, I think that's it for now. I keep thinking there is somewhere I need to go today..but I just can't think of where. So, fuhgeddaboutit.

Sep 8, 2004

It's soo nice...

outside! I went out earlier and after I came back, I decided to open all the windows. And now, there is a fabulous breeze blowing through my house. And, it smells like outside. I love that smell.

Have any of you tried the low-carb bread from St. Louis Bread Co...or Panera Bread, whatever they're calling it these days. Today I had the chicken salad sammich on Rosemary Walnut low-carb bread. Wow. It was really good. I think I would try it again.

So, I went to Home Depot. I must have walked away with literally everyone of the paint samples they had available. I just couldn't make up my mind. So, I brought all 2500 of them home and taped them on the wall. Now, I've just gotta pick a color or two. Process of elimination people. I'm going to have to call for a Chris backup on this one. Hopefully I'll have a color picked out by the end of the week.

I wish I had something to do today that involved me being outside all day. Yet, I have nothing to do. Tomorrow I need to go shopping to find a lovely dress to wear to the big reunion shindig. I really hope the dress gods are smiling down on me. I'm really picky when it comes to dresses. So, we'll see!

Well, that's it for me. Oh. One more thing. If anyone is interested, my friend Beckie is walking in the Memory Walk for Alzheimers. If anyone could make a donation, she'd appreciate it. Her team goal is to raise $2500 and so far they only have around $800. The walk is next weekend. So, if you're interested and want to do something nice for a good cause, here it is. Any amount would help.

Sep 7, 2004


I had an interview today. It went well. It's for a contract job at a certain communications company, but it pays well, which is a bonus. On the other hand, I have another interview this Friday at another company downtown and I hope that one goes well. The pay isn't as much as the one I interviewed for today, but I think it would be a better opportunity. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck!

Tomorrow I'm going to pick out paint samples. For some reason, I just wasn't motivated enough to do it today. I didn't do a lot today really. Laundry, made the bed, cleaned the kitchen and then went to the interview. After I got home, I went to work out, then went to a meeting for this diet I'm doing. I'm about sick of this diet, btw. I hate meat. I hate salad. I hate cheese too. I love veggies and fruit. That about sums it up.

Chris started class tonight again. I can't wait to hear about his prof. for this class. He always has funny stories about his classes. The good thing about him going back to Wash U this year, is that he put his name in for tickets to the Pres. debate. Maybe we'll get lucky and get to go! Speaking of politics...I noticed that 2 people in my neighborhood had Bush signs in their yards today. I think I'm going to put a Kerry sign in my yard. I might as well let the neighborhood know I'm a Bush hater. That will give them something to gossip about at the next meeting.

Well, that's about it. I had something to write about earlier, but because I'm so lazy, I didn't post it and I forgot what I was going to write about. I'm sure it will come to me at like 3am. Oh well.

My vacation is quickly approaching. I can't wait. Hopefully Ivan misses the Dominican Republic. Because it would be shitty for my long awaited vacation to be ruined. I guess I should start making a general packing list. Oh what fun. Ok, that's all from me. I'm about to go watch Nip/Tuck and then Scrubs. Hopefully they killed Julia on Nip/Tuck, from her fall. That bitch gets on my nerves. We shall see. Later!

Sep 6, 2004


Wow, what a weekend it was! Friday we left for Chicago. Saturday morning we loaded up the Uhaul and then had lunch, then back to St. Louis we went! When we got back, we helped Beckie and RJ unload the truck, then we went home and had pizza. Yesterday, we went out to the St. Louis County Fair & Airshow for the afternoon. It was fun, except for the part where I got attacked by the Republicans with the Bush stickers as I was going in. That was kind of annoying, but otherwise it was fun. They had lots of free schwag at this years fair. The airshow was really nice and after a beer and a slushie, I was ready to go. After I got home, I went to the grocery store and then came home to watch my newest obsession. The Big Brother live feed. It's so weird, but since I watch the show on CBS, I decided I'd check out the live feed, and if I didn't like it, I would just cancel. Well, I'm totally addicted now and can't stop watching it. I'm a little strange at times, I know.

Today, we went over to Chris's parents for a big Labor Day BBQ. It was fun, but I am so full that I don't think I can get out of this chair right now. I ate for like 3 hours straight. It was crazy! Stephanie made this awesomely yummy Boston Creame Pie. Everything, I mean everything she made from scratch. It was soooooo good. And perhaps that's why I'm so full. If I had only had 1 piece, instead of 2 1/2..I might not be so full. ha.

Tonight there is no big plan. My only plan is to sit in this chair and do nothing. Because, I'm so full. Tomorrow, I have an interview in the late afternoon downtown. That's gonna suck. Fuckers just had to schedule it for 3pm...instead of say...10am. Hopefully traffic won't be too terrible on the way back. And, hopefully all will go well with this interview. I'd love to get this job. But, there's another interview I have on Friday that I'd be happy with too..and one on Thursday. So, I have 3 chances this week. Yay!

I really want to go to Home Depot and get a few paint samples for our bedroom. I'm torn on a base color of a reddish shade, a purple color, or something warmish..like orange/brown/tan/green something. So, I'll get pick out some colors and come home and tape them on the wall.

Also, I need to decide what I'm wearing to Chris's 10 yr high school reunion this weekend. I don't even want to go really. Not because I don't want to go with Chris, just because I hate silly high school get-togethers. I mean, seriously, does anyone even give a shit anymore? High school is so weird anyway. I mean, besides the few people out there who have stayed friends with or married their high school buddy/sweetheart...do you really care what people are doing? I could give a shit less. The way I look at it, I was only nice to you in high school because I had to be to keep my social status...now, I don't care. I can safely tell the person I hate them and always have. But, it's not my highschool, so I guess I should just calm down. I know like 2 of the people Chris went to h.s. with. One of them is in Iraq right now and won't be there, and the other I used to work with. She's nice enough..but kinda sketchy at the same time. *shrug*

Well, thats about it I suppose. It's going to be nice all week, so maybe I'll ride my bike some. And, maybe I'll wash my car. Who knows. I'm sure it will be a wild and crazy week. :P

Sep 3, 2004

Well, we're about to embark on our journey to Chicago. I'm sure traffic is going to be horrible the whole way. When I got gas this afternoon, the gas station was so busy that I felt like I was in Florida, trying to escape the hurricane. So, I got all panicky and got gas as quick as I could..only to realize, after my heart was racing, that I was in St. Louis and everything was going to be o-tay. I'm such a nut sometimes.

Anyway I hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend! See ya!

Sep 2, 2004


SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. My husband is making me watch the monkey give his speech. It's making me angry. I just don't understand. It really pisses me off that what started out as a semi-valid reason for war, turned into a witch hunt for Saddam..a totally unrelated villain. I don't get it. Why isn't anyone asking WHAT HAPPENED TO OSAMA? Am I crazy? This guy is fucking nuts. Please don't tell me you are voting for him. I don't think we can be friends if you are.

Okay, that's it for now. I may add a few jabs here and there...but I wont say anything more...except for..Vote Kerry.

Even Angels Need A Little Lift.

I'm really worried about Hurricane Frances. All the poor people who are going to be effected by it. Hopefully everything works out, and for the most part, everyone and their belongings are okay. Perhaps our great President could bomb the shit out of the hurricane and it would be no more. heh. Vote Kerry.

Today was a good day on the job front. I got a call about a job and I got an email response about a job. So, hopefully I'll hear something from both jobs sometime next week. In the meantime, I filed for unemployment. I don't get how people can survive on unemployment alone. Who the hell can live on $250 a week. Especially with a child and/or sick child or spouse. I mean, when you think about all the major bills..mortgage, insurance, car payment, electric, groceries, gas money, etc etc...$250 a week is just a drop in the bucket. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally thankful for it, but still. If it wasn't for my major breadwinning husband, I'd be screwed.

We leave for Chicago tomorrow. Yah! We'll be loading up Beckie's belongings and bringing them back to St. Louie. And, I believe we're even going to have some Giordanos. Yummmm. Thought, pizza really isn't part of my low-carb diet...but that's okay. I'm willing to bend the rules for one night.

Well, it's time for Will & Grace. Plus, I need to attend to the never ending task of laundry. See ya!

Sep 1, 2004

A Good Day

Today was a good day. And for a moment today, I actually forgot that I'm a loser. This morning, I went to workout. After that, I came home and got ready for lunch with Beckie. Lunch was good, and we had a great conversation. You know the one...where you're both so damn chatty about stuff that you think is important, but probably doesn't amount to anything if you'd just stop and listen to yourself. Either way, it was a great conversation.

After lunch, I went to see VanityFair all by myself. And you know, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. First of all, the movie rocked. I totally loved it and I'll probably buy it once it comes out on DVD. I have this thing for English/Victorian 'new' movies. As far as Vanity Fair goes, the two words that come to my mind are "fantastically delicious" (but you have to say it with an English accent.) You should really go see it. Really. Now, secondly, I think I'm going to start going to movies in the day time, by myself. I basically had the theatre by myself..unless you count the 12 senior citizens who joined me. The great thing was they're all quiet so it's all good with the Dana.

I had a really good day. And, to top it off, before I went into the movie, I got a call about a job. So that was a good thing too. I should find out more tomorrow.

In other news, my grandmother is in the hospital. I talked to her today and she told me she has Emphysema. I thought it was kind of odd, considering she's never smoked. But I guess you don't have to be a smoker to get Emphysema. I don't have a great relationship with this Gramma, but mostly because she's a hateful old lady. And I know you're thinking I'm a horrible granddaughter for saying that, but it's true. And at least I'm honest. Anyway, when I was younger, like 2, my parents went through a messy crappy ugly d-i-v-o-r-c-e. And my dad got custody of me. So, when I turned 15, I went to live with my mom because my dad's side of the family are weirdos. And, of course, hateful. So, ever since then, my Gramma has held this horrible grudge against me for 'leaving' her. I know that she loves me, I guess she just has a weird way of showing it. Anyway, back in my hometown, every fall they have something called the Ham & Turkey Festival. Keep in mind I grew up in a small town like 30 minutes south of Jefferson City. So, my aunt invited me to come for the Festival. I decided that I'd go make an appearance, if nothing else but to piss my dad's side off. So, when I told my Gramma I'd be coming for the jolly Fest, she actually sounded excited! Now, I'm sure she'll have some hateful words to say to me but that's okay. For one day, I shall return to my hometown and frolic with the townies.

Well, I really need to go to Hallmark and get my little cousin a 'thinking of you' card. She's doing her first year of college at KU and apparently she misses home extremely bad. So, I'm going to put together a little package for her to cheer her up a little.