Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Mar 31, 2006

Work Issues

Before I zonk out on the lethal dose of Nyquil I just took, I thought I'd take a minute to ask for some advice.

How do you tell someone you work with to stay out of your business? Without being too much of a bitch, which I'm tempted to be. I need a tactful way of saying, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY KOOL-AID." Without, of course, saying "fuck", "kool-aid", or yelling. Since I moved, there is a certain person who is really eager to help me out as if I'm a new kid on the block or something. Now obviously, I do know she means well and is trying to be helpful, but people, the world is not all fucking rainbows and puppy dogs. I appreciate the help, but I really don't need it to the extent that you are giving it. Here is a small example, she likes to do my job. As in, if she hears I'm about to do something, I swear she'll either do it before me, for me, or do it after me and show it to me like, "look what I did! Aren't you proud of me?" It's driving me to drink...lethal doses of red colored thick syrup. Well, not really, but it is literally driving me insane. I need some help. Give me some advice on how to be nice and gentle, but firm and mean. As in, Mr. T mean. Like, "Get the Fuck back, before Dana make your skull crack." Something along those lines.

Obviously you can see this is bothering me. Thus the use of so many F-bombs. Sorry, I'm just pissed.

Mar 30, 2006

Sick v2.0

So, I know I posted a few days ago about starting to get a cold, but my cold turned into much more. Such as, an ambulance/er trip because I thought I was having a heart attack, when in reality it was a really bad case of G.E.R.D, and of course an ulcer that I have. It was the most horrible I've ever felt in my life. That was on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I didn't sleep that night. I alternated puking and trying to get comfortable. So, yesterday morning I got into see my primary doctor and she changed my medication to Prevacid and gave me some pain meds so I could actually go to sleep. Then I had to get some blood work done. Well, after all that, I was feeling pretty hungry, so I ate. Then I took my pain meds and went to sleep. When I woke up, I started feeling nauseated. Well, remember when I said I was starting to get sick with the stuffy nose/sore throat? It turned into a flu. So, all yesterday into last night, I couldn't keep down anything. Not even water. I started dry heaving and it just wasn't very fun. So, this morning, I woke up feeling pretty much the same way, just not as bad. I did finally eat something a bit ago, but I'm sorta feeling like it's just going to find it's way back up. My head is throbbing, but I'm hesitant to take any Tylenol because I'm afraid it's going to tear up my stomach. I hate being sick.

Mar 28, 2006


I'm home sick today. My throat feels like it's being stuck with pins, and my nose is running faster than I can blow it. So, it feels great to be me today! So, I've been working from home most of the morning and now I'm trying to catch up on some TiVo. (I might add that I haven't watched TV in a couple of weeks so I'm pretty behind.) Not that you care or anything.

So, Chris and I have an addiction that I'd like to share with you. We're addicted to a Mexican place near our house, La Carreta. It is so freaking good. We've been going at least 3 times a week lately. The people are nice and the food is good, oh and the drinks are perfect! So, if you've never been, go there. It's good.

Oh, before I forget, here is a picture of me and the midgets! We had a blast!

Mar 24, 2006

Paralegal/Secretary Wanted

Are you or do you know anyone who has medical malpractice paralegal/legal secretary expierence? If so, please email me. Seriously.

Mar 23, 2006

Hot Midget Action

There's still time! So far, there are 17 of us going on Saturday night. How can you pass up this unique event? If you'd like to go, email me! It's going to be a blast.

Mar 20, 2006

Say I Won't

I saw that on someone's shirt. Call me stupid, but I didn't really get it. Maybe you do?

Okay, so I've had a lot of questions/comments about midget wresting/tossing/foxy boxing this weekend. Yes, I am indeed serious. It's at PT's on Saturday night, 8pm. $15 a person. It should be a fine evening! I will be there with a group of crazy people. Maybe you'd like to be one of them too!

I have a paper to write that's due on Thursday. I know I should start writing it, but I started watching this show on TV, and now I can't stop. It's a stupid show too. Something about Dallas Cowboy cheerleader tryouts. So, maybe when this is over, I can start writing it. It'll be easy to write, once I get started.

Now, maybe I'll get started.

Mar 19, 2006

Play Some Skynard!

I'm cold. I'm tired of being cold. Where are you 90 degree weather? Please come visit soon.

Last night we headed out to Schlafly Bottleworks for dinner. On the way, we saw a wreck. We're not really sure what happened, but it involved several cars and a cop car. The cop car was hit on the drivers side, and then there was another car that the front was all smashed up. Anyway, it was just interesting to see, so I thought I'd mention it.

After dinner and a few Pale Ale's, we met up with Kara & Bradley and headed to Felix's to watch Michael Schaerer play. It was a fun time, where I consumed more Pale Ale. By the time I got home, I had beer googlie head. However, my googlie head wasn't enough to make go to bed smelling like smoke. So, I took a shower, then went to sleep. (I think that is an important detail, that's why I mentioned it.)

Today, well, I'm dragging ass. Yesterday, we cleaned the house. I got a lot accomplished. Today, I need to go to the grocery store and I was supposed to go shopping for the cruise, but now, I don't feel like doing either of those things. I definitely need to go to the store though.

Oh, before I forget. Next weekend, midget wresting at PT's. I'll be there, will you?

Mar 17, 2006

In A Funk

Yes, I'm still alive. No, I haven't abandoned my blog....yet. I'm just in a funk. I don't want to do anything that requires communicating. Does that make sense? I'm tired of explaining things to people who don't understand. I feel that this is mainly caused by people I work with. That, and the fact that I have zero patience.

So anyway, tonight we were supposed to meet up with Kara & Bradley and Tama for a little St. Patrick's Day fun. However, at 10:30, they bailed. So, we were at the casino, and left. Now I'm pissy. I really shouldn't blog while pissy.

Ah, pictures. Here are the pictures from last weekend. I might as well answer the questions before you even ask them. Yes, I was really really wasted. Yes, the times are correct in the pictures. Yes, I do look like I'm about to fall over in one picture. I'm aware. The guys in the pictures are random guys who hung out in our little group that we met over the weekend. The old guy claims he's MAFIA and the young guy milk's cows for a living. No shit. Oh, and yes, I do look pretty damn good in the one photo of all three of us with our champagne glasses. Thanks for noticing. Now, Enjoy!

Mar 12, 2006

Wild, Wild Weekend

So, this weekend was our 'girls' weekend in KC. We had a blast! A total blast. I won't go into great detail, but I will give some highlights. Friday night, I hit the pillow around 6:30am on Saturday. Saturday night, I hit the pillow around 4am Sunday morning. Oh yeah. The weekend included an old naked cowboy, bull riders, techno, Jagerbombs (a lot), and copious amounts of beer. Also, the manager of our hotel fell in love with us so we got extra attention. Our suite was awesome, and last night, he brought us up a handwritten note with a bottle of champagne, strawberries, cheese, crackers, fruit, and granola bars. It was a really nice gesture! I should have some pictures up last this week that Kara Took.

Today I'm dragging ass. Majorly. So that is all. Oh snap. Tony just got shot on the Sopranos.

Mar 7, 2006

Hoodoo Higgity Doo

I have no idea.

This weekend, we went to Columbia to have lunch with my sister for her birthday. Her birthday was two weeks ago, but Saturday was the only day we were able to go see her. She wanted Thai for lunch, so that's what we had. 21 year olds get what they ask for! She also informed me that she's going to Vegas for spring break. That's cool. I wish I could go to Vegas for spring break! Instead, I'm going on a cruise. Neener Neener Neener!

I've been getting really sleepy after dinner lately. Sleepy as in, falling asleep in my chair by 6:45pm. For example, last night I fell asleep around 6:45pm, in my chair. I slept until 8:32. Then I got up and went to bed. I slept from 8:40 until midnight. Then, I woke up, and got a drink of water, then went back to sleep. It's been like that for the past couple of nights. I need more sleep I think.

Oh. One thing before I go. If you drive on highway 40 on a daily basis, and you feel the need to talk on your cell phone, in lieu of driving, I say fuck you. Get a headset motherfuckers. Yeah, I busted out the f word and the mother f word. This morning, I was behind a guy in a Camry who was on the cell phone. As a result, he drove about 35 and kept slamming on his breaks. Oddly enough, traffic wasn't that bad on 40 this morning, so there was no reason for it. He was holding his cell phone up to his ear. GET A HEADSET. I will just say, if someone in a Volvo rams you out of the blue some morning, and then backs up and rams you again, trust that it will be me. And, because I'll be in a Volvo, I'll be able to back up and ram you multiple times. You'll deserve it too. All because you felt the need to hold your fucking brick of a cell phone up to your nasty, crusty ear.

That is all.

Mar 3, 2006

Booty Booty Booty Booty Rockin' Everywhere

I went to a happy hour after work tonight. It wasn't exactly happy enough for me, so I left. I had a good day though. Today I got to meet with a certain CEO of a certain HUGE IT company. It was exciting for me. CEO's are like rockstars to me.

Then, Chris and I went out for margaritas tonight. Now, I'm feeling *really* happy and listening to badly written songs.

Mar 2, 2006

Livin' On The Edge

Instead of my normal Chinese fare of chicken fried rice, I switched things up a little tonight and got pepper beef instead. I am so hardcore. xXx.

Mar 1, 2006


When I was 2, my parents got a divorce. My dad was/is a huge asshole and I was used as a pawn to "punish" to my Mom. Life sucked, but that's life after divorce as a child. Today on the way home from work, for some reason I remembered something from those days. It was the end of summer and my Mom had just dropped me off at my dad's after having spent all summer with her. I remember being so upset that she was leaving me there. Anyway, I had a walkman that I was listening to, and I remember going in the house and not talking to anyone because I missed my Mom so bad. I was listening to Tracey Chapman over and over because I knew my Mom liked her, and it made me feel closer to my Mom. I hate my dad for making me feel that way. Back then, I didn't really understand things. Now, I realize that because of his hate for my Mom, he really just hurt me. Although, now, since I'm grown, it's really hurting him. I haven't talked to him for 10 years and have no desire too anytime soon.

Today, I waded through 6 feet of bullshit at work. I came home home and headed straight for the liquor cabinet. Chris said he's never seen me do that before. That's because I've never really had to deal with as much bullshit as I'm dealing with right now. People suck. And why is it that people get in a work environment, and then lose their minds? Crazy shit.

I don't really have anything else to say right now. I'm currently going through iTunes and sorting through music I like and music I don't, and Im buying new music. I also have the urge to buy some really expensive jeans. I'm really trying hard to fight off the urge though.