Work Issues
Before I zonk out on the lethal dose of Nyquil I just took, I thought I'd take a minute to ask for some advice.
How do you tell someone you work with to stay out of your business? Without being too much of a bitch, which I'm tempted to be. I need a tactful way of saying, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY KOOL-AID." Without, of course, saying "fuck", "kool-aid", or yelling. Since I moved, there is a certain person who is really eager to help me out as if I'm a new kid on the block or something. Now obviously, I do know she means well and is trying to be helpful, but people, the world is not all fucking rainbows and puppy dogs. I appreciate the help, but I really don't need it to the extent that you are giving it. Here is a small example, she likes to do my job. As in, if she hears I'm about to do something, I swear she'll either do it before me, for me, or do it after me and show it to me like, "look what I did! Aren't you proud of me?" It's driving me to drink...lethal doses of red colored thick syrup. Well, not really, but it is literally driving me insane. I need some help. Give me some advice on how to be nice and gentle, but firm and mean. As in, Mr. T mean. Like, "Get the Fuck back, before Dana make your skull crack." Something along those lines.
Obviously you can see this is bothering me. Thus the use of so many F-bombs. Sorry, I'm just pissed.
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