Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Apr 28, 2005

I feel the love!

Yesterday was Administrative Professional's Day. My boss & group hooked me up! When I got in yesterday, I had a HUGE arrangement of flowers and 2 gift bags. One of the bags was from my boss's kids. They got me a box of Godiva truffles with a card that said "Thanks for taking care of our mom!". The other bag had a $50 g/c to the Face and the Body Spa. I was sooo surprised. So, after that, I was at my desk doing some work and on the phone. I noticed everyone congregating near the main area of my department but I didn't really think anything of it. All of the sudden, my boss told me to come over and they had *2* cakes for me and gave me a $100 g/c to Westfield and cards that my whole group had signed. I was then seriously, seriously surprised! For lunch, we went out to KC Masterpiece with my boss & my boss's boss. It was really nice. I also got some movie passes. I had the best day yesterday! I love my group! They're really a great bunch of people...even though some of them get on my nerves..most of the time!

So, my flowers are still on my desk and this morning when I came in, they made me smile again! They're beeeauuutttiiifuuull!

Tomorrow we're going to my mom's for the weekend. I hope it doesn't rain all the way down to her house. That would suck. Sunday we're hoping to get home early. I want to tan and go to the gym and the tan place closes at 5 on Sunday's and the gym at 6.

We're down to 21 days 2 hours 33 minutes and 18 seconds until vacation! Can't wait!

Apr 25, 2005

Mmm Cheeseburger!

So tonight at the gym, while listening to my i-pod, Cheeseburger in Paradise came on. And this is the first time I actually listened to all the words..and it made me really hungry for a cheeseburger! But no cheeseburgers for 26 more days! Gotta drop a few more pounds before vacation!

This weekend we went over to Beckie & RJ's for a BBQ. We gave them our old gas grill because we got a new gas grill last summer. RJ made burgers and brats and they were yummy! Then we went to Maggie Moo's. (You don't need to remind me that it's not healthy.) I also went shopping on Saturday afternoon with my mother-in-law. I got a really cute dress and a shirt.

Yesterday Chris went to the Thai Fest with the fam, and I went grocery shopping and tanned. It felt really nice lying in the tanning bed. It was all warm and stuff. However, my back got a little burnt.

I'll go again tomorrow and then on Thursday and Sunday. We're leaving to go to visit my mom on Friday and won't be back until Sunday. We're going to celebrate Mother's Day since I won't actually be with her on Mother's Day. Then, next weekend (Mother's Day weekend) we're having a BBQ at our house for Chris's mom & grandma, so the whole family will be coming over.

That's about it. I'm tired and think I will try to go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow goes by quicker than today did!

Apr 19, 2005


I've hit a blogging slump. I really can't think of anything to post about. I'm tired of posting about my boring daily activities...however, since I can't think of anything else, here I go.

Chris's sister got engaged last weekend. We had an engagement party for her this past weekend. It was a lot of fun & I can't wait for the wedding. It's going to be fabulous!

I don't remember what else happened last weekend. This weekend I'm going formal dress shopping (again) in the hopes of finding a great halter evening gown. Then, on Sunday, we're going to the Thai Fest in North County. I think that's it so far.

On Sunday, Chris and I went to a new church, close to our house. I'm Lutheran and have been going to my church in Oakville, but it's such a pain to drive 45 minutes each way. So anyway, this church is about 3 minutes from our house. It's very traditional Lutheran, which is what I grew up in, and what I tried really hard to get away from..but it wasn't actually that bad. I think we're going to try it out again this Sunday. Coincidentally, the lady who did the flowers for our wedding goes there too. On the way up to communion, she pinched me and said hi. It sorta freaked me out because sometimes when you see people out of the normal places you are used to seeing them, you get thrown off. Anyway, it was cool.

Work has been pretty busy lately. I'm getting really stressed out. Well, I was on the verge of slitting my wrists, stressed out, but I'm okay now. I think a lot of it was me worrying about stuff that I shouldn't have been worried about. I'm really hoping after we get back from our vacation, I'll be A LOT more relaxed and not so easily stressed out. We leave in 32 days. I just can't wait. I think this is the worst stressed I've ever been before a vacation. So..hurry up 32 days and get here!

I got my hair cut. I don't know if I've posted since then. I really don't like it much. My hair lady sorta fucked up and cut it a lot shorter than I wanted. The first night I was crying and I just covered my head up with a blanket and sat in my chair until Chris got home. But now, I'll at least go out without the cover on my head. People keep telling me that they think it's 'cute' but I think they're full of shit and just saying that to make me feel better. Oh well. Gotta love people for trying not to hurt your already fragile hair feelings!

I made an Almond Cream Cheese Poundcake tonight, to take to work tomorrow. It came out sooo yummily! I'm about to ice it too. Then sprinkle it with slivered almonds. MmMm Yummy!

Well, I guess that's it for right now. Hopefully I get my blog-groove back soon.

Apr 11, 2005


I hurt. It hurts to walk. It hurts to sit down, and it hurts to get up. Yesterday, Chris and I worked out in the yard from 9am-4pm. I mowed the yard, edged the driveway (only to have Chris tell me he could have done it easier with the weedeater), cleaned out the garage, washed both the cars, cleaned out 2 flower beds including moving rocks and putting in new soil, planted some tulips, planted basil, rosemary, oregano, and chives, and then various other yard stuff. I still have some more flowers to plant (zinnia, poppy, statice, and sweet peas) and 2 tomato plants and some zucchini. Anyway, after bending down and squatting and kneeling to plant stuff, I am thoroughly sore. Hopefully I'll be back to myself soon!

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut...short. So..I'm looking forward to that. No more poofy head!

Well, that's it for tonight. I am out of things to say and I need to stretch out and hopefully go to sleep! Nite all-

Me vs Aramark

So. I'm about to tell a tale of jelly & margarine. You may think it's petty, but rest assured...it is not. This is a serious matter!

My office building has all Aramark food service. I'm sure I don't have to list the numerous reasons why that sucks. Many of you who experience the Aramark Kiss of Food probably already know why they suck. But anyway, in my particular building..there are the regular 'food ladies'. The ladies who take your money. They charge you for everything, then short you on change. It's a big fat circle of greed. Anyway, every morning (up until recently) I stop in the cafe to get a styrocup of ice water and sometimes some toast & eggs. I always get charged .04 cents for water. That always pisses me off, but usually not enough for me to do anything about it. However, one morning a while ago, I got charged .09 for a little pack of grape jelly and a little pack of Promise margarine spread. WOAH. BACK UP. 1 pack of jelly and 1 pack of fake butter??!?! I am already getting charged for the toast..why do you have to charge me for the condiment?!? The thing is, you don't get charged for ketchup, mayo, mustard, relish, hot sauce, plastic ware, etc etc because it's placed after the food ladies. I don't get why the little jelly and margarine packets cost .09. So anyway, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Since I buy stuff just about daily there..I decided to start pocketing my 1 packet of jelly & margarine spread. So yes people, I'm a jelly thief and I don't even feel bad about it. The way I look at it, Aramark is just the man, holding me down, charging me for a small little packet of grape jelly and a small little packet of Promise spread. Anyway, if you're with me and you hate Aramark, can I get an 'Amen'?

Apr 9, 2005


Wow, today is such a nice day. This morning, we had someone come over and give us an estimate for siding. That was first thing this morning. Amazingly enough the price didn't give me a heart attack. We still have 2 more estimates to get though. There's so many decisions to make when it comes to siding though..color, type, size, etc etc etc. It's too much to decide. ha!

After that, we went to the mall. Chris got a new keyboard for his ibook and GTA: Vice City for the X-Box. I got 2 new shirts and some makeup from Clinique..it's bonus time! Then we had lunch at Chevy's. Now we're watching Ray. Tonight we're going to grill some pork steaks and I'm sure they'll be yummy!

I've been meaning to post a little story about some jelly, margarine, and Aramark..but I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll try and do it soon though.

Last night we went to Winery of the Little Hills and ate outside. It was really nice. However, I'm not a big fan of that place. They're a little overpriced for what you get and the wine isn't that great. But, the weather was nice so that was good! Chris is racing tomorrow so maybe I'll work out in the yard or do the winter to summer clothes switch, while he's gone.

In other news, the cruise countdown is down to 42 days! Dana-Out.

Apr 4, 2005

Friday night we went out with some friends and ate at Sweet Tomatoes then went to see Sin City. It was good, didn't I already mention that? On Saturday, my sister and her friend came from Columbia and we went shopping. I got a skirt and 2 shirts. After she left, I took a nap! Chris did some work out in the yard that took most of the day, then he took a nap. After we woke up, we went over to Casa-tel RJ and watched the IL game and ate Chinese. After that, we went to Maggie Moo's. In my opinion, Maggie Moo's is too damn expensive for their own good. The ice cream really isn't that great and the only thing they have going for them are their 'mix-in' things. Anyway, we went there regardless.

Sunday, we were supposed to get up early and fix cinnamon rolls, breakfast casserole & fresh fruit for Geof & Richard. HOWEVER, we didn't set our clocks forward Sat. night..so..we woke up an hour late. It was okay though, because G&R we're running late anyway. So it was nice hanging out with them and everything turned out a-ok. After that, Chris worked in the yard again, and I started reading a book, then fell asleep on the couch. It was definitely the weekend of naps.

Today was so nice. Outside & at work. Busy at work, but a good day anyway. When I got home tonight, I mowed the yard and slaved over a hot phone in order to Bandana's. Now, I'm trying to catch up on Desperate Housewives and maybe some other TiVo'd shows. This isn't a very interesting post, I know. But, it's what I did the past few days and that's all I could think of to write about. So, hopefully my brain will be working creatively again soon. Au Revoir!

Apr 2, 2005

It's Fry-day

Tonight we went to see Sin City. It was pretty good. Great visual film..the story I wasn't so interested in..but good flick anyway.

Earlier, I remembered something I wanted to post about...but now I don't remember what it was. Before the movie, we went to Borders and I got the "French Women Don't Get Fat" book. Perhaps American women wouldn't get fat if they drank APPLE JUICE. I got that in Tennessee last weekend, BTW.

My sister will be here around 11 tomorrow. I hope I'm awake by then. ha. I guess I should go to bed. I'm kinda tired.