Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jul 31, 2007

Dumb Dumb Dumb....

it down! Here I go again. Another rant about stupid people. Can you seriously blame me though? So, I had this post all typed out in my head. Then, I read Mae's blog today. And she posted a comment that someone else posted on a message board. It went something like, "China has electricity?" Umm, wtf. Seriously? How dumb are we? Yes, China has fucking electricity. Shit, even the most remote places on earth have electricity. Perhaps I'm too up on the news. I mean, I always know news before Chris does. He tries so hard to get one over on me, but what can I say? I'm a freaking news junkie. Growing up, my dad would have 3 TV's going with 3 different news channel literally 24 hours a day. So, maybe that's my fault. I don't know. I think it's common sense. That leads me back to school. Common fucking sense people. Writing a paper? Common sense. Using the internet? Common sense. Using the library? FOR GODS SAKE. Seriously? It's as if everyone skipped grade school and went straight to grad school. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah. Anyway, the post I had in my head, was not China related. I just got a little sidetracked with the no electricity in China comment.

On a lighter note, here are a few pictures and myself and my sister. You'll notice we are monkeys. Don't you know monkeys wear shades? It's major, yo!

Jul 30, 2007

Down On The Farm

So I am back from Birthday Weekend v2.0. It was a really good time! While I'm a city girl through and through, there is something comforting about going to the farm. See, Matt's parents live in the country. I don't mean "just outside the city limits." I mean, in the country, on 700 acres. With no gas station, no Wal Mart, no nothing. They live in a huge house that they built about two years ago. This place would be my dream house if it was in the city. Anyway, Matt's parents cook like Paula Freaking Dean. I'm talking racks upon racks of ribs, hand cut steaks, potatoes, vegetables, salad, dessert...the whole shebang! I'm pretty sure I ate enough food to feed a small family this weekend. It was delicious. Fresh lemonade, strawberry shortcake, german chocolate cake, huge breakfast spreads each morning. Oy vey! Other than eating, we went to Silver Dollar City and I rode this beast. Obviously I'm no coaster pro, but this thing scared the crap out of me. When we first took off, my heart literally stopped beating. By the time we went down the first hill, I couldn't breath. By the time my heart started beating again, the only thing that came out of my mouth was "OH JESUS!" "DON'T LET ME DIE" "OOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I might add, I was riding with a 12 year old who was LAUGHING at me! LAUGHING. Well, needless to say, I made it! Never again though. Anyway, the day at the SDC was good. On Sunday, we went shopping in Branson at the new Landing and then we hit the outlet malls. Good times. We didn't get home until around 12:30am though. Long weekend. Good, but long.

As I drug my ass into work this morning, I found myself feeling grumpy. Surprise, surprise. As I walked down the hall to my office, I was looking down. Partly because I was half asleep and partly because I had no desire to be at work this morning. Anyway, I noticed this lady in front of me who had on an ankle bracelet under her pantyhose. WTF over? Is it just me, or is that a big fashion faux pas? Of course, this woman has huge 80's hair and wears skirt suits in primary colors from the 80's. Sooo, maybe it's just that she's stuck in the 80's. I don't know.

This post wouldn't be complete unless I talked about how busy I am, so here I go! I am so busy this week. I have a paper to write about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, another paper to write about the Wizard of Oz, a clever baby gift to buy for a very special little girl, and a list of other things to do that I don't even want to get into. As always, I'll get through it.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Jul 27, 2007

First Things First

Well, my new blog design is coming along slowly. Don't get your hopes up for anything soon. However, I promise, one day, it's coming. Moving on, my right arm is in extreme pain since yesterday. I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle. Fun.

Now let's talk about a few of my favorite things. You know, stupid people - girls who spend too much time primping - traffic - things of that nature. So, I've already told most of you about the idiot guy in my class. The guy who had no idea how to write a 5 page paper. Ugh. It's so frustrating to feel like the smartest person alive. I want to be challenged. Please stop dumbing it down for everyone just because one or two people don't get it. It's making me want to rage. Also, what is up with girls who are pretty in the first place, spending copious amounts of time putting makeup on? I hate to break the news to ya chickies, but there is no amount of makeup on the planet that will make you beautiful. Trust me on this. Obviously you don't think you're beautiful enough anyway, otherwise you wouldn't be putting on so much face paint. Right? Sheesh. Get with the program ladies. Self confidence. Get some. Fo' rizzle. Hmms, what else? Traffic! Holy shit batman. Slow the fuck down on the "old" 64. During construction, i'm not sure if you know this or not, but during construction, when you see those signs that say the speed limit is 45? Well, they put those signs up because you are supposed to go that speed. They don't put the signs up for you to ignore. I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to speeding on 40. I'm a speeder. I've got 5 tickets and not a lot of cash on hand to prove it. However, I know that during construction, I'm going to have to slow down. I'm just going to have to. So, if I'm slowing down, you should to. I'm going to be pretty pissed if one of you douchebags hit my new car. (I'm getting a new car soon.) So, make sure it doesn't happen. Bitches.

Anyway, me and my gimp arm are going down to Branson with Chris, Indy, and Matt for a wild and crazy birthday weekend with my sister's in-laws at Silver Dollar City. Should be a good time. Have a good weekend kids.

Jul 22, 2007

The Birthday Weekend - v1.0

So this was my big weekend. I turned another year older today. BOOHISS. But, I had a great time. Friday, I went to my happy hour at Laclede Street. It was fun, and I got a little tipsy. After that, we went out to dinner with some friends to Mangia. Saturday, I ran some errands and then met up with Kara & Lori at the Mayfair. We then went down to the Tap Room for the Zombie Squad Disaster Awareness Fair (which was a huge success btw) where we met up with Jason, Nicky, Carol, John, and Cindy. After that, we went to dinner at Lucas Park, where Stacey met up with us. After dinner, we went to a rockin' rooftop party held by a friend of Michael's. After that, we headed to Big Daddies in Soulard and then when that place closed, we went to Lafayette Pub. Good times, lots of dancing, and lots of shots. Today, I pretty much did nothing. Tonight I went to Charlie Gitto's on the Hill with Chris, Carol, John, Steph and Dan. We ate so much food. That place is crazy good. Now, I'm downloading tons of music with the 3 iTunes gift cards I got this weekend. Sweet! I also got a bracelet, 2 necklaces, 3 pairs of earrings, money, a Studio Branca gift card, a candle set, a new purse, and a really cute change purse. Pretty sweet haul. And, the best part is that the gift giving isn't over yet! My sister and my mom still have gifts for me. Next weekend will be Birthday Weekend v2.0. We're going to Branson. We're also going to Silver Dollar City. (Please, don't comment and tell me how lame that is. I KNOW.)

Anyway, I'm pretty pooped. Not ready for Monday. Busy day, even busier night. I have a paper to finish. Ew. As a side not, L-I am interested in the dental paper. I'll email you back soon. That paper isn't due for a few weeks.

Okay so that's it. Here are a few pics from the weekend.

Jul 19, 2007

Yeah, I'm Old.

So begins my birthday weekend. Tomorrow, my friends are throwing me a happy birthday happy hour at Laclede Street Bar. Saturday, my other friends are taking me out to Lucas Park for dinner, then drinks at Molly’s in Soulard. Before that though, we are going to the Zombie Squad Disaster Awareness Fair at the Tap Room. Good stuff.

Anyway, I’ve been really busy lately. I promise a proper post soon. Oh, and look for changes coming to the blog. I’m switching over to WordPress. Ok, that is all for now.

Jul 12, 2007

Tired Is Me

What the hell is up with this day? I am extremely tired. I wish I never had to sleep. Imagine how much you would get done if sleep wasn't required. I would have time to actually do EVERYTHING that's on my schedule. Man, that would be great.

Anyway, more doom and gloom on the job front today. Tomorrow we have a conference call. I imagine that it will be extreme doom and gloom then. Great! Just in time for my birthday!

This isn't a very exciting post. I'm tired and feeling consumed by the man. Tomorrow is the annual IT golf tournament. After that I'm either working on my paper or going to see a movie. Saturday, I'm kicking it at Kara's dad's fabulous pool, and hanging with Grandma after that. Sunday, I'm working on my paper for sure. Those are the weekend plans.

Oh, and birthday plans have been firmed up. Saturday, I'm going out with the friends. Starting out at the Zombie Squad Disaster Awareness Fair at the Tap Room then, dining at Lucas Park Grille, then heading over to Soulard. Sunday, me and the whole fam are going to Franco for dinner. Yummo! Sounds like a good birthday to me! You may think the birthday stops there. It doesn't. It continues well into the next weekend. Score for me!

So that's it.

Jul 11, 2007

Scheme Scheme Plot Plot. I'm Comin' For That Number One Spot.

I've noticed that I usually start my posts out by saying "so" and then whatever I have to say. I think that's gay. I will try and change that. Starting now.

Today I had an awakening about my job. I realized that the likelihood of me having a job this fall/winter is slowly becoming a slim chance. Today, after a lengthy discussion with my mentor, I made the decision to actively start looking for a new position at a different company. The uncertainty is killing me. So, I need to update the good ole' rez and start sending that puppy off with a big fat kiss.

Moving on, still no decision on the birthday activity. Chicago was a fab idea L, but not feasible right now. I need to stay in the 'Lou that weekend because the following weekend, I'm heading down to the big town of Crane, MO to hang out with the sister and new brother-in-law and his 'rents. Good times!

I need to come up with a topic of a paper. Have I told you how much I hate writing papers about random topics of my choosing? Give me a fucking topic already. Shit. I've come up with a few ideas, one of which was how the Marines are leaders and the Army guys are sheep. Then, my other idea had to do with my fear of dentistry. Hopefully I will have reached a final decision by tomorrow, 6pm.

That is all for now. I'm going to finish watching Top Chef and then am going to hit the hay. I have a lovely day full of meetings tomorrow. Get excited, bitches. Kiss Kiss - out.

Jul 9, 2007

Don't Stand So Close To Me.

So, lets talk elevator etiquette, shall we? Today, I was waiting for an elevator. There are also roughly 14 other people waiting for the same elevator. Since I was standing closest to the elevator that opened, I got in first. There were already 2 people in the elevator. What happened next shocked the hell out of me. 11 of the 14 people shoved their way into the elevator. I was pushed into a corner with people TOUCHING me. Just as the doors were about the close, a guy sticks his arm in and really loud says, "IS THERE ROOM FOR ONE MORE?!?!" You may think that sounded like a question, but rest assured it was not. It was merely a statement as he crammed his narrow ass into the already too full elevator car. WHAT THE FUCK, OVER? I start to freak the fuck out because I hate touching strangers in an elevator, and I hate it when people take the elevator 1 floor up or down, which 2 of the 15 people did. What in the hell is wrong with people these days? Why would you think it's ok to cram that many people in an elevator? Any other time, I would have gotten out. However since I was turkey of the goddamned club sandwich in the elevator, I was unable to move. So, as the elevator reached my floor, I ended up being the only chick on the elevator. One of the remaining guys was Mr. Is There Room For One More. What did he do? He stepped back and motioned for me to go ahead of everyone. Oh how fucking polite. Let's be nice to the chick now, but lets not worry about crowding her personal space or pushing her so far in the corner of the elevator that she had to dig the panties out of the crack of her ass. It's bullshit I say. Bullshit. I am starting to harbor elevator rage and I swear, one of these days it's going to come barrelling out like a bull on a bull run.

Okay, so on to more drama. Like my mother. I just got off the phone with my sister because after I talk to my mom, I almost always have to call my sister and have a bitchfest. I had an 18 minute and 37 second conversation tonight with my mother about fucking postage stamps. Don't ask me how, for I don't think you would believe me anyway. Just know she's crazy. My Grandma is crazy. I often fear that crazy is in my blood and I'm well on my way to crazytown. My family literally makes me crazy. I know it. I feel it. I get mad. So mad, that I have to call my sister and tell her why I'm mad. Usually because my mom tells me something that my grandma said or did to her and it's so fucking crazy that it makes me mad, and it's not even happening to me. No wonder I'm crazy. It's in my fucking blood I'm afraid.

I'm sure you're all wondering what I did this weekend. Oh trust me, you are. Friday, I had a really yummy dinner consisting of BBQ'd porksteaks, yummo potatoes made on the grill, corn on the cob, baked beans, and delicious ice cream for dessert. I also watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was a good, but not as tear-jerking as I suspected it would be. Saturday, I don't remember what I did during the day, but I did go to the Cards game on Saturday night. It was fucking hot. I hardly ever sweat, so when I start sweating, you know it's hot outside. Not even the cool, refreshing beer could cool me down. Nope. Sunday, I got up bright and early to meet up with Cindy and her brother and go to the wineries in Augusta. I had a grand time. We started out at Montelle, then headed to Sugar Creek, then on to Mt. Pleasant. Good times. I'm not a huge fan of Missouri wine because it all tastes like cough syrup to me, but Montelle does have some good (semi)dry stuff. After the wineries, Carol & John came over to work on the deck, and since I was napping when they got here, Carol ended up cleaning up my kitchen AND making dinner. Booyah! They should come over more often.

Hmm, what else? Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. Last night I spent most of the night hacking my guts up. Literally, my guts. Err, my broke down food. Gross. I also had a craptastic headache that continued into today. I guess maybe you could call it a migraine. I don't know. It's hurts, I know that.

So my birthday is coming up. Since my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, I'm going to have dinner with the fam on the proper day. The problem is that I don't know where I want to go yet. I feel like I've been to every yummy restaurant in the STL area. HELP ME! Pick my birthday place. Pleeeassseee! I also need to decide what I want to do with my friends. Last year I spent my birthday in beautiful, sunny Florida, so it's going to be hard to top that one. I don't really want to go out to a bar/club either. I want to do something. An activity. Any ideas?

So that's about it. I feel like I need a shot of whiskey to calm myself down after the whole "postage stamp saga." Peace, love and hair grease.

PS. As a side note, I want to mention that normally, I do not use the GD word. However, I was very upset about the elevator incident today and I just wanted to make my post very real life for you. I did use the GD word today while conveying the story to my dear friend Lori who loves to listen to me and never, ever judges me for sins like using the GD word. Okay, that's all.

Jul 5, 2007


Oh what a day! It seems so like a Monday, yet it's not. Thank goodness for that. I was busy today at work. I like busy days, but I hate them at the same time. Funny how a love/hate relationship works. I don't have any huge plans for the weekend. A Cardinal game on Saturday. That's about it.

I decided to give up drinking for 16 days until my birthday. I'm getting too old to recover quickly from the damn hangovers. I just can't roll like I used to. I remember the days when my best friend at the time, Melissa and I would go out after work, come rolling in around 6am, and then turn around and get into work at 9am, ready to work. It was nothing back then. Now, I'm lucky if I'm feeling half way decent by 9am the NEXT day. Sheesh.

Hmm, what else? Oh, my dining out club turns 2 this month. Yay for us! To celebrate, we're returning to Five in the Grove. I'm excited!

Well, as it is midnight, and I'm still up, I suppose I should go to bed. It's already a new day. TGIF!

Jul 4, 2007


It's been a busy coupla days. I went to The Police concert (which rocked, btw) and yesterday was Lori's birthday, so we stayed at the Hilton at the Ballpark and headed down to Laclede's Landing. Good times. Here are some pics.

And this one is a little random, I just found it. My little sister and me.

That's it for now. Happy 4th to everyone!

Jul 1, 2007

One Weekend In June

Another weekend gone. Sheesh, too fast. What happened this week? Well, Friday I went with some girlfriends to see a psychic. Saturday, Chris and I went to The Scottish Arms, which was absolutely delish. Then, Carol & John met up with us for some drinks. After that, we met up with Kelly BFF and hit up an awesome random house party. It was a friend of her brother's or something. Good times. Here are a few pictures.

Today, I spent most of the day in bed with a craptastic hangover. Glamorous, I know. Then, we went out to dinner with the fam. Now, I'm watching a movie and doing laundry. Sweet.

Tomorrow, I will be attending the Police concert. SO TOTALLY FUCKING EXCITED. I know you are excited too. Tuesday, I'm hosting a kick ass birthday party for my girl Lori. Wednesday, I'm attending a BBQ and then a pool party. Saturday, I'm going to the Cards game. Hopefully the holiday breaks up the monotony of the week.
