Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jul 9, 2007

Don't Stand So Close To Me.

So, lets talk elevator etiquette, shall we? Today, I was waiting for an elevator. There are also roughly 14 other people waiting for the same elevator. Since I was standing closest to the elevator that opened, I got in first. There were already 2 people in the elevator. What happened next shocked the hell out of me. 11 of the 14 people shoved their way into the elevator. I was pushed into a corner with people TOUCHING me. Just as the doors were about the close, a guy sticks his arm in and really loud says, "IS THERE ROOM FOR ONE MORE?!?!" You may think that sounded like a question, but rest assured it was not. It was merely a statement as he crammed his narrow ass into the already too full elevator car. WHAT THE FUCK, OVER? I start to freak the fuck out because I hate touching strangers in an elevator, and I hate it when people take the elevator 1 floor up or down, which 2 of the 15 people did. What in the hell is wrong with people these days? Why would you think it's ok to cram that many people in an elevator? Any other time, I would have gotten out. However since I was turkey of the goddamned club sandwich in the elevator, I was unable to move. So, as the elevator reached my floor, I ended up being the only chick on the elevator. One of the remaining guys was Mr. Is There Room For One More. What did he do? He stepped back and motioned for me to go ahead of everyone. Oh how fucking polite. Let's be nice to the chick now, but lets not worry about crowding her personal space or pushing her so far in the corner of the elevator that she had to dig the panties out of the crack of her ass. It's bullshit I say. Bullshit. I am starting to harbor elevator rage and I swear, one of these days it's going to come barrelling out like a bull on a bull run.

Okay, so on to more drama. Like my mother. I just got off the phone with my sister because after I talk to my mom, I almost always have to call my sister and have a bitchfest. I had an 18 minute and 37 second conversation tonight with my mother about fucking postage stamps. Don't ask me how, for I don't think you would believe me anyway. Just know she's crazy. My Grandma is crazy. I often fear that crazy is in my blood and I'm well on my way to crazytown. My family literally makes me crazy. I know it. I feel it. I get mad. So mad, that I have to call my sister and tell her why I'm mad. Usually because my mom tells me something that my grandma said or did to her and it's so fucking crazy that it makes me mad, and it's not even happening to me. No wonder I'm crazy. It's in my fucking blood I'm afraid.

I'm sure you're all wondering what I did this weekend. Oh trust me, you are. Friday, I had a really yummy dinner consisting of BBQ'd porksteaks, yummo potatoes made on the grill, corn on the cob, baked beans, and delicious ice cream for dessert. I also watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was a good, but not as tear-jerking as I suspected it would be. Saturday, I don't remember what I did during the day, but I did go to the Cards game on Saturday night. It was fucking hot. I hardly ever sweat, so when I start sweating, you know it's hot outside. Not even the cool, refreshing beer could cool me down. Nope. Sunday, I got up bright and early to meet up with Cindy and her brother and go to the wineries in Augusta. I had a grand time. We started out at Montelle, then headed to Sugar Creek, then on to Mt. Pleasant. Good times. I'm not a huge fan of Missouri wine because it all tastes like cough syrup to me, but Montelle does have some good (semi)dry stuff. After the wineries, Carol & John came over to work on the deck, and since I was napping when they got here, Carol ended up cleaning up my kitchen AND making dinner. Booyah! They should come over more often.

Hmm, what else? Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. Last night I spent most of the night hacking my guts up. Literally, my guts. Err, my broke down food. Gross. I also had a craptastic headache that continued into today. I guess maybe you could call it a migraine. I don't know. It's hurts, I know that.

So my birthday is coming up. Since my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, I'm going to have dinner with the fam on the proper day. The problem is that I don't know where I want to go yet. I feel like I've been to every yummy restaurant in the STL area. HELP ME! Pick my birthday place. Pleeeassseee! I also need to decide what I want to do with my friends. Last year I spent my birthday in beautiful, sunny Florida, so it's going to be hard to top that one. I don't really want to go out to a bar/club either. I want to do something. An activity. Any ideas?

So that's about it. I feel like I need a shot of whiskey to calm myself down after the whole "postage stamp saga." Peace, love and hair grease.

PS. As a side note, I want to mention that normally, I do not use the GD word. However, I was very upset about the elevator incident today and I just wanted to make my post very real life for you. I did use the GD word today while conveying the story to my dear friend Lori who loves to listen to me and never, ever judges me for sins like using the GD word. Okay, that's all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also hate elevators, for the small talk some feel compelled to initiate and for the insane-o moms who try to stuff three and four strollers in one at a time. Rage on!

7/12/2007 01:09:00 AM  

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