Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Nov 29, 2005

Vinegar & Lollipops

I started this post off by laughing at the way vinegar is said and spelled. I'm so easily amused these days.

We just returned home from Dining Out For Life, and I am completely stuffed. I hope you also got out and visited one of the many participating restaurants who are so generously donating part of their profit to the St. Louis Effort for AIDS.

I had another run-in today with Mr. Pornmonger. He once again told me how "good" I look on the elliptical. Then, we got into a discussion regarding spandex. I feel so freaking uncomfortable talking to him now. What's even more creepy is the fact that he's now started going to the gym at the same time I do, and getting on the treadmill that is located directly behind the elliptical I am on. Freak. I'm about this close to going off on him and letting him know I know all about his work porn viewing ways. Why are guys such wack jobs sometimes? Besides the fact that I'm so obviously not available, neither is he! PLUS, well nevermind the plus. Even if I was available, this guy wouldn't have a chance in h - e - double hockey sticks.

So, after the gym, I took a shower and realized that I didn't have my flat iron with me. So, I had to walk around work with curly hair. It pretty much sucked because everyone had to remark about my curly hair. Do you know how old that gets? I was all, "yes, it is curly." "yes, I have to straighten it each morning." "yes, it's been this way all my life." Geez o pete people. Stop commenting on my hair. I think in general, people were just getting on my nerves today. Sometimes I have bad people days. Or, perhaps it was the fact that this jackass from a different department came down to yell at Sir Talks-a-Lot about a project he fucked up. Now, I'm all about yelling at people, but not when it's someone else yelling, and that someone is standing within earshot of me. I just wanted to tell him to 1. turn it down a notch and 2. get a freaking conference room. Ugh.

On the way home tonight, I was thinking of how much I often like to drive my car fast. Then, I was thinking of cars that I'd like to take for a test drive, and then drive really fast in them. I think my first choice would be an Acura TL, followed by a BMW 6 Series. After that, it gets a little fuzzy, but those are my top choices. Oh, and as a side note, I don't always drive my car fast. Just certain times on certain stretches of road.

I'm trying desperately to avoid working my paper. That could be why this post is so long. Any little thing to keep from writing. My last night of this class is on Thursday and I couldn't be happier. I'm even going to have a pre-celebratory drink with Kara tomorrow. Well, that's not the only reason I'm seeing Kara, but it sounded good at least.

I've recently been reading a bunch of different blogs that I don't normally read on a daily basis, and I must say I'm pretty interested in all of them. Some blogs just don't draw me in to make me want to read more, but the few I've found lately do. Watch for their links coming soon.

Well, I don't think I can say anymore. I think the hour has come for me to start working on the dreaded paper. Send me good paper vibes, please!

Nov 28, 2005

Shake Dat Laffy Taffy

Again, yet another nasty song I can't stop listening to. I just don't get the whole nasty song thing. However, whatever the artist is aiming for is working for me because I just find myself being shocked and awed by the nasty lyrics.

So today was "Cyber Monday" and I'm proud to say that as of right now, I didn't buy anything. I did, however, almost buy some stuff, but then I decided to wait until tomorrow just to buck the system. I'm trying to stick it to the man. Know what I mean?

I picked a date for our annual Christmas party and sent out the invites today. One more thing I can check off my "Christmas To Do List". And yes, I actually have one. This year, the invite list is smaller than previous years. I need a small, manageable group. There's too much going on this month to have a big party. Anyway, if I missed you, let me know. I'm sure I didn't miss you on purpose. :P

So, that's it. Work today was good. I killed myself at the gym today. These past 4 days I have eaten my weight probably twenty times over in Thanksgiving leftovers. So, I'll be hitting the gym everyday this week. You know you should too.

The wind is blowing something fierce tonight. Last night the tornado sirens went off and since they're located literally right outside our house, it scared the bejezus out of me. I hightailed it to the basement after I was woke from a sound sleep. I really hope tonight isn't a repeat of last night. That would suck.

Nov 27, 2005

Lazy Sunday

I've been in my pj's all day. I slept until noon and I've pretty much eaten Thanksgiving left overs all day. Oh, and I've been catching up on TiVo. It's been a pretty good day. Technically, I should have been finishing up a paper that is due on Thursday, but I figured I'd just put it off until tomorrow.

Last night we went to see Wicked. It was awesome. I thought Stephanie J. Block did a great job playing Elphaba. Much better than the Glinda. We went with our friends Jason & Stacey and had a really good time. Afterwards we headed to the Tap Room for some food and a few beers.

This has been a really busy past few days. I'm looking forward to getting back to a little bit of the norm this week and going back to work. After this week, I think things will not be normal until after the first week of January.

Now, the marshmallows, chips and soda I've just consumed is not mixing so well in my stomach, so with that, I'm going to lie down.

Nov 25, 2005

Post Thanksgiving Update

I had a fabulous day today! This morning, my mom and I went shopping. While I didn't really find any great deals, I did manage to snag a few gifts for people, as well as myself. (Imagine that!) After shopping, we came home and started cooking. We basically cooked all day long. While we were cooking, Chris climbed on the roof like a trooper and put up the Christmas lights. Things couldn't be any more perfect! India & Matt got here around 3 and we sat around and laughed and then, we laughed at them when they started playing DDR. It was cute. So, I ended up cooking way too much food. When I say to much, I really mean too much. I think it's due to the fact that I'm always having some sort of party. I'm used to cooking for like 15-20 people, so I just tend to go all out and make a feast! Anyway, dinner was good. After dinner, we played Password and laughed our asses off. Then, we watched a lame movie, Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, and again laughed our asses off. My sister and I are always laughing when we're together. We're so totally goofy. Sometimes, the best part of us being together, is when I start laughing because of her, and she starts laughing, and then I end up laughing so hard I can't breathe and tears start coming out of my eyeballs. It's just a chain reaction.

Tomorrow we're going shopping. Apparently Pier One is having a 60% off sale and Victoria's Secret is supposed to be having a sale too. Woohoo!

So thats about it. Tomorrow we're also going to see Wicked, with dinner at Saleem's and dessert at the Melting Pot. Yay! I'm looking forward to it. Now, I'm going to watch another movie and then probably have some cherry pie. Speaking of pie, I have a ton of pie leftover. Pumpkin and cherry. The pumpkin is probably the best pumpkin pie I've ever made and the best pie I've ever had. I also have chocolate chip cookies left over. If you want some, and you know me, stop by. I will feed you. Promise.

Nov 24, 2005

Thanksgiving v2.0

So, today was fantastic. We ate, drank, and visited with family from far far away. Then, we came home and went to sleep. Ah, turkey induced sleep. So sweet. I totally curled up in my chair and just passed out. When I woke up, everyone else was still sleeping, so I played X-Box and talked to my kinda step-sister-in-law, sorta. If that makes sense.

So, I wanted to go out tonight, but as I kept trying to get up and change clothes, I just couldn't get that UNF to actually do it. Instead, my Mom and I started cooking again for dinner tomorrow. We made more deviled eggs, a pumpkin pie which looks deabsofrickinlicous, and some cookies. Now my Mom is getting some other prep work done. We're getting up at the crack of dawn to go shopping. I'm so very excited, as you can imagine. Black Friday only feeds my shopping habit. I love it! I am a little torn though on what to get for a few people. I'm sure I'll figure it out though, and if I don't I'm sure I'll find something for myself at least!

So, now I think I'm going to play some more X-Box and then watch Elf.


Happy Turkey Day! May your bellies swell to gigantic proportions and you have a great day visiting with family and friends! Since today is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd take a minute to post a few things that I am grateful and thankful for.

Firstly, I'm very thankful for everything that I have in my life. My home, cars, stuff and mostly the jobs that both Chris and I were blessed to have that enables us to have all of these things. I'm also thankful for all of my friends, as well as those who aren't my friends. I'm thankful for my family as well. I'm thankful that I'm a pretty normal person who is able to usually make good decisions, I'm thankful for my high self esteem also. Basically I'm thankful for everything in my life that makes me, me and all my friends and family.

I hope you're all thankful for a host of different reasons.

Now, cinnamon rolls are ready to be eaten and then I need to get dressed. Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov 22, 2005


I have no idea what that means.

I started cooking for Turkey Day tonight. I also started cleaning and doing a whole load of other things. Now I'm tired and want to go to bed. Tomorrow after work, I have to drive to the Lake to pick up my Mom and then drive back, and bake a carrot cake, cherry pie, and pumpkin pie. Oh, and I need to make deviled eggs. It's going to be a late night tomorrow.

I have nothing else of note to say. I hope you all have a very nice Thanksgiving. I told my Mom that while I was NOT thankful for my evil Grandma, I was very thankful that my Mom didn't turn out like my Grandma. I think that's something to be thanksful for worth mentioning. I'm also thankful that I was born with such a kick ass personality. I could go on and on about what I'm thankful about, but everytime I type the work thankful, I keep typing "thanksful" so I think I'll just stop now.

Nov 21, 2005

Like Abandoned Monkeys

So I returned to work today, after being off for a week. Wow. When I walked in from the parking garage all I heard was "hey Dana!" "welcome back Dana!" "Dana!" so I figured it might be bad. My desk was totally covered with files. I couldn't even see the top of my desk. It sucked. Plus, my group was so needy. They reminded me of a bunch of abandoned monkeys who were scared, hungry and confused; jumping around and smearing their feces all over the place. Hah. So, a lot of stuff has come unraveled this past week and I figure it's going to take me about a week and a half to whip the troops back in shape. I'm so glad this is a short week, however it sucks on one hand because now I only have 2 more days to catch up on my weeks behind worth of work. Wooo good times at work!

Traffic really sucked tonight. I hate St. Louis traffic. Mostly because you fuckers don't know how to drive. Sometimes, I want to purposely hit the car in front of me out of rage. As in, step on the gas and hit the car. Does anyone else ever have these feelings of rage? Speaking of rage, prick in the big SUV on 40 tonight? Fuck you buddy. Yeah. I flipped you off without even turning my head. That's what you get for flashing your lights at me and honking multiple times just because I turned my blinker on to get in a different lane. Unfortunately some people have to EXIT and when it's rush hour, exiting isn't that easy. Prick. Don't honk at me.

Moving on, I went to see the H.O.S today. My mouth is healing up nicely and he said I should be back to my normal self in 3 to 4 days. Sweet! Today, my mouth/face is extremely sore but I know that's because I've used my mouth/face today more than I have in a week.

Oh, I found out from my Mom today that it would be okay to spend Thanksgiving Day with Chris's family and not have to cook 2 days in a row. So, Thursday we'll go to Chris's cousin's and then Friday, my family will be here. Yay! I love the holidays. I'm so excited to start Christmas shopping. I already know what I'm getting for my sister and a few things for a few other people, but that's about it.

Well, I'm going to watch some TV and then go to bed. I'm pooped after today.

Nov 20, 2005

Turkey Day

$250 worth of Thanksgiving groceries have been purchased. I am prepared for the festivities. I think it will be a grand feast!

I just made Chris's favorite icing for his birthday cake. Chocolate chips and Eagle Brand. Not *my* personal favorite, but hey, it's his birthday.

It's cold outside and I'm ready to curl up and take a nap. I think we're going to watch Harry Potter later.

Birthday Tales

While Chris's birthday cake is baking in the oven, I figure I have a few minutes to tell you about my evening last night. For the past few weeks, I have been secretly plotting a surprise for Chris's 29th birthday, which is today. I emailed some of his friends and family and asked them to surprise him at Casa for dinner, then head out for a night of drinking. Everything went off without a hitch. He was totally bamboozled and it was sorta funny. Everyone was sitting down when we got there. The place was totally packed and the hostess was telling people that there was a 20-30 minute wait. So, Chris tells me he's going to go talk to the hostess. I say, "no, wait, I'll take care of it." He kinda looked confused, but I still don't think he had any idea of what was going on. When we got seated, everyone yelled "surprise" and he was just sorta stunned. It was great! He got a lot of great gifts too. Gift cards, khakis, DVD, games, and the best of all, Lightning Reaction. This game was a lot of fun, but mostly only if you're drunk. Anyway, after dinner we headed over to Trainwreck and had a few drinks. Then, ended up at Rhino's Sports Bar. There was a band playing there who actually wasn't bad. They were made up of people maybe in their 50's. They played 80's/90's stuff. It was good. We played pool and threw darts in which we discovered that Jason must have been a pool shark in his past life, and obviously is a member of a dart league. Anyway, it was a great night and Chris had a really good time.

Some of you who know me, well, know my obsession with surprises. I'm such a cheeseball when it comes to surprises. I'd say, for the past 6 years, I've thrown at least 3 "surprise" parties each year. Yeah, I know, I'm cheesy like that. It's so ridiculous, I realize, but I can't stop myself. Now, the really strange thing, although I guess it's not really that strange when I think about it, anyway, nobody has ever really been able to effectively surprise me. There was one time at work where I was surprised, but that doesn't really count. My friends and family have never been able to surprise me. I challenged Chris, but he wouldn't accept. See, I'm way to crafty for anyone to ever bamboozle me. So, I guess I'll just throw enough surprises for other people to make up for the lack of surprise for me!

Chris's parents are coming over for dinner tonight. I've got to take a shower and then go to the grocery store and do my Thanksgiving shopping. I'm so looking forward to that.

An update on my ongoing mouth saga. Last night at Casa, I was able to eat a whole order of refried beans and 1 order of corn cakes. That is the most food I've been able to eat in over a week. It was great! This morning I've feeling good, and my face has gone down even more. I'm still sore, but it's getting better. I've got an appointment with H.O.S tomorrow morning and then it's back to work. I'm actually looking forward to going back. Staying at home this week has sucked goat ass.

Nov 19, 2005

Yum Yum

Me: Hey, I've lost 6 pounds this week.

Chris: Heh, yeah probably all in pus.

Yummy. Pus. I'm still sucking it out. The secret to weight loss is to get an infection and suck out all the pus. What have we been doing eating healthy all this time? Geez.

Have you ever...

started crying during a movie, and for some reason not been able to get yourself under control for a while? Geez. I started crying during this one part of Walk the Line, and I think I was crying for like 15 minutes after that. Then, at one point, I started laughing because there was a dog in the theater eating popcorn (no, seriously.) and I couldn't stop laughing. I felt like such a retard. Regardless, the movie was good. Joaquin Phoenix is a hottie. He was really good as Johnny Cash. The movie wasn't real deep or anything. If you know anything about Johnny Cash, you know the storyline here. It was just put together nicely and I felt like it was one of those movies that you just wanted to keep watching. So, it was good. Reese Witherspoon was, of course, cute as a button in this movie too.

After the movie, we went to Bread Co. for lunch. I got soup, of course, but, I also got a scoop of tuna. It was so good and was really the most protein that I've had in over a week.

I'm getting ready to take a nap. I'm tired and want to sleep before we go out to dinner tonight. Before I go though. I just want to share a word with you.

Transparent. As in: Easily seen through or detected; obvious.

No reason. Just wanted to share that.


I went to bed around 9pm last night and woke up around 10am this morning. I felt really good. I only woke up twice during the night, and that was to take my meds. So this morning, I ate some oatmeal and got dressed. Now, we're going to head out and catch the early showing of Walk The Line. Reese Witherspoon is such a cute actress. I think it'll be a good movie. Oh, and the best news of all, while my face isn't 100% back to normal, it's down a considerable amount. I still look funny, but not as freakish as before. I'm kinda ticked thinking about this infection. If I had been on an antibiotic all this time, perhaps this could have been avoided. Oh well, it is what it is. I'm feeling better though, and that's all that counts.

Nov 18, 2005


It's almost 7pm on Friday night and I'm exhausted. I guess it's from the mouth stuff/meds. So, I'm thinking about going to bed. I don't really have anything witty to say. I had an exciting dinner of refried beans and a strawberry popsicle. If I get hungry later, I may have my Ensure shake. Exciting night, I know. So, that's it for now. I just want to sleep.

To Keep With The Disgusting Theme...

I'm keeping a cup full of my spit and pus to show Chris when he gets home. It's totally gross and I'm thinking about taking a picture. Oddly enough, I'm feeling a ton better since taking the antibiotic. I take another at 6:30. I guess maybe that's what had me feeling so crappy. Stupid infection.

Tomorrow, Chris and I are going out to Casa for his birthday. It is fitting because I love their corn cake thingies. I can eat those because they're mushy! Plus, refried beans. And, who knows, maybe by tomorrow night, enough pus will have drained and I'll be able to eat some regular food.

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! This year, my mom, sister, and sister's boyfriend are coming to my house for Thanksgiving. We're having both turkey and ham. Turkey because you can't have Thanksgiving without it; and ham because I like ham better. So, I need to go grocery shopping soon. Maybe on Sunday. Anyway, after that, there's shopping! Soo excited! Hopefully there will be some really good deals this year. We'll see!

Me vs Hot Oral Surgeon

I lost. Big time. So, last night my right topside of my mouth started bleeding again. It was throbbing too. Ouch. So this morning I called the H.O.S's office to report this. Apparently H.O.S doesn't work on Friday's so she told me she'd have him call me. He called about 10 minutes later and told me to come in and he'd take a look. Take a look my ass. First he took a look, which was fine. Then, he disappeared and came back with this weapon looking pick thing. You could have stabbed someone with it. He told me he was just going to "poke around a little" and then it started hurting. So bad, tears came to the surface. Well, he poked so hard that a huge chunk of pus came out. Holy shit it was so disgusting. So, I have an infection. Fuck Fuck Fuck. No wonder my face is still so huge. He put me on Clindamycin and said other than that, the other incisions looked good. I go back in on Monday for a follow up. Now, here's the other crappy part to this story. He told me that I really need to be eating because it would sorta help the whole healing process. Okay, makes sense to me. He said that I should buy some Ensure or Boost or some sort of meal replacement shake. So, I decide to go to Taco Bell and get some pintos and cheese, cause they're soft and all. I also got a 7 layer burrito so I could eat the filling out of it. Well, after that I stopped at Walgreens to get my Rx and I also picked up some Ensure. Good thing! I got home and realized that the twat at Taco Bell gave me cheesy potatoes instead of pintos and cheese. I looked at the receipt and it said "pintos and cheese". WTF with the cheesy potatoes. UGH.

For fucks sake. This is just getting a bit out of hand. Oh, here are some more yummy details for you! I can actually push on the outside of my cheek, and pus will come out of my incision. When I spit it out, it's really stinky and a really nasty green/yellow/light brown color. MmmM. Oh man. The smell is just disgusting. The upside of this is, I'm thinking if I can get the pus out, the swelling will go down shortly after. H.O.S told me I could use a hot water bottle against my cheek and then massage the infected area. Mmm pus.

Here's a little reminder for me. Antibiotic at 6:30, Advil at 8:30. K. Great.

Nov 17, 2005


These are really cute charms. I would like the give thanks, love, and dream ones. These shoes are cute too. I think they're a bit over priced though. I'd pay maybe $60 for them.


So, I'm thinking maybe the swelling of my head is making me crazy. I'm sitting here just sorta spacing out, staring at my laptop, listening to I Love The 80's in the background. Suddenly, I smelled the smell of a cut apple. You know the smell I'm talking about, right? Yummy! I have no idea where it came from. I just sorta smelled it. Chris is supposed to bring me some mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC for dinner tonight. I hope he hurries up. I'm extremely hungry and my options are sorta limited at this point. It would be so great to eat an apple. Oh, wait. I can't even bite down. THIS SUCKS. When I'm back to normal, you should prepare yourselves for a big long rant about how bad this went.

Thirteen Thursday

Thirteen Things about Dana

1. I don't feel very peppy today.
2. I really like seeing Broadway shows
3. I really am obsessed with shoes. I have over 82 pairs
4. I'm afraid of flying. I always feel like I'm going to die.
5. I'm very scared of turning into my mother.
6. Things I've gone through in life have made me mean.
7. I really dislike confrontation, even though I'm really good at it.
8. I don't like lame excuses. Tell me the truth, trust me I can handle it.
9. Negativity pisses me off.
10. I like meeting new people.
11. I love to host parties.
12. I love kids but am afraid to have one of my own.
13. I cry during sad movies.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!






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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Random Things

My Mom doesn't understand that it hurts to talk. So, she keeps calling me and wants me to talk to her for long periods of time. Then she talks about shit that I don't even want to hear about. I finally tell her I'm taking a nap, just to get off the phone. Seriously though, it hurts to talk.

Oprah looks good with curly hair. She should keep it curly.

Since I've been at home all week, I've come to realize that people in my neighborhood make a lot of noise with their vehicles during the day. One neighbor has this huge diesel powered truck that he likes to let run for long periods of time before he leaves. It sounds like a garbage truck. My other neighbor has been using his leaf blower on and off all freaking week. Give it a rest. Trust me, I've seen your stupid trees. They're still full of leaves. Geez.

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. That means it's almost Christmas! How exciting. Presents, family, hot drinks, and party hats! Woo. I added some more stuff to my wish list today. At this point, I'm just adding stuff that I don't really really want, but I would kinda like to have. You can only add so many pairs of Jimmy Choo$ to your list. heh.

I am so glad I stopped taking the percocet. Not having my stomach feel like it's ripping itself apart is so great.

Harry Potter comes out this weekend. I hope my face goes back to normal so that I can go see it. I need some good non-swelling thoughts.


I keep meaning to point this out. Anderson Cooper writes some pretty entertaining articles. This one in particular cracked me up. He talks about his Mom, Gloria Vanderbilt having sex.


I ate some noodles today. Do you know how hard it is to gum noodles between the roof of your mouth and your tongue? I don't recommend it if you are hungry. I've come to realize that a really good weight loss plan would be to have oral surgery on a weekly basis. I've dropped 4 pounds so far.

I still feel good today. So hopefully things will still that way. I'm really freaking out about my face though. I really hope the swelling goes down soon. I look like a total freak. TOTAL FREAK. It sucks.

Well, the Ultram is kicking in so I'm going to take a nap.

Good Morning!

So, I woke up extra early this morning. I just couldn't sleep anymore. After last night's puke/sick episode though, you would have thought I would have slept late. Anyway, this morning I got up and took some Advil, which helped very quickly. Then, I ate a scrambled egg, took an Ultram (the alternative to Percocet), then took a shower. I'm feeling pretty good this morning, but I think I'm going to go back to sleep rather soon. I'm just praying that I don't have to puke at any point today. That would suck.

I really hate being at home this week. I actually miss work. It's pathetic. I miss human interaction. Ugh, I hope this is over soon. I think my face is a little less swollen this morning. It's almost like the swelling is dropping lower on my face. I guess that's a good thing. I still look like this guy though.

Well, I think I will go back to sleep now. I'm getting a little sleepy!


That's how I feel. Shit-a-riffic. My stomach feels a ton better. I drank some Sprite and took a Pepcid. Now, it's just this throbbing pain in my mouth that needs to disappear. I took some Advil LiquiGels though. Ugh, this sucks. Why didn't you fuckers warn me that it would be so awful? I totally would have reconsidered! My gums are so swollen that I can't even bite down with my front teeth. It sucks. I guess I really should have had my Mommy come and take care of me. That's how big of a baby I am. I'm not afraid to admit it. Since I haven't had anything to eat that I've actually been able to keep down, I'm totally looking forward to some oatmeal in the morning. I'm also going to try some macaroni and cheese tomorrow too. Maybe I can cut the noodles up in smaller pieces so they're easier to swallow. I will be so glad when this is over so I can get back to blogging about interesting stuff. Like shoes and shopping. Heh.

Nov 16, 2005


Really quick. Apparently I've been picked as the RFT Blog of the Week. Hip Hip Hooray or some shit. Now I can share my puke stories with even more people! I puked again tonight. This is getting so old. My mouth hurts so bad. I can't eat and my stomach feels like it's going to explode. At this point, the only thing I could throw up is bile. Fucking wisdom teeth. Oh, and I stopped taking the percocets.

Before I Pass Out Again...

I just thought I'd share this thought. I've noticed a recent trend of people reading my blog. It's as if someone who works at a certain aerospace company is passing my blog around to everyone of their co-workers. Not that I mind. I'm just curious as to why anyone would even read a blog at work. Some of the blogs I read aren't exactly what I would call "work safe". Some balls you have guys.

I also just had another thought, totally unblog related. If getting my wisdom teeth out hurts this much, how in the hell am I going to handle child birth??!!? EWW don't want to think about it.

Something else that's killing me about this wisdom tooth thing, is the fact that it hurts to talk. I love to talk, but it hurts to talk. So no talking for me. Sleep. Sleep is good. Especially percocet induced sleep.


My head is no longer the size of Montana. It is now the size of Iowa. An improvement, but not much of one. Late last night, after I let the Rolaid dissolve, I started feeling 100% better. I got up at 1am and made a mashed potato and drank a glass of milk, then took more pills. So far, so good. This morning, Chris made me some oatmeal and then I took some more meds. I was doing good until about 30 minutes ago when, I kid you not, I got 3 consecutive phone calls from my mom, sister, and auntie. I swear they must have planned that. So, I'm awake now, but I will be going back to sleep soon I think. I've discovered that milk is a good alternative to food when taking percocets. I don't know why I didn't think of this before.

So, I'm still miserable, but not as miserable as I was yesterday. I think for lunch I will eat the potato soup that Chris so graciously made for me last night and that I didn't eat last night because I was too busy yakking. Yes, sounds like a plan.

My heart burns

So I managed to let a Rolaid dissolve in my mouth and I finally think my heartburn is going away. With any luck, in an hour or so, it will be gone and I can sleep.

I am so hungry for regular food I could scream. I would kill for a chicken soft taco or some macaroni and cheese. I'm tired of pudding, ice cream, and soup. Gross. If I'm feeling better in a bit, I may attempt to fix myself some oatmeal.

I have a confession to make to the flower delivery guy. Today, when you rang the doorbell and I did not answer, it was because my face looks so freakish that I was afraid if you saw me, you'd run in fear. So, when you called me and told me you were outside, I lied to you and said I couldn't get out of bed. So sorry about that. I technically can get out of bed, but I really don't want anyone to see me like this.

Everything is completely quiet in my house right now, except for the sound of my keyboard and the wind. The wind is blowing so hard that I keep thinking it's going to blow the roof off or something. Good thing I have the basement evacuation route drilled into my head.

Well, here's to hoping I feel a lot better tomorrow. Today I've felt like complete, utter shit.

Nov 15, 2005


You know what's better than a throbbing, bloody mouth? Puking out of that throbbing, bloody mouth, then cleaning up the puke yourself. Life's grand right now. You want to switch places with me, dontchya?



I seriously have the best friends in the whole world. I've gotten so many emails, calls, and today, flowers from my friends wishing me well. Sometimes I don't always let them know how much they mean to me, so listen up bitches, cause I'm only going to say this once. I love you guys! When I'm depressed, you know where to take me shopping to cheer me up. When I'm sad, you know what I want to hear to cheer me up. When I'm not up to par with my usual Danaself, you send me emails and send me flowers. You also put up with my snottiness and unreasonable requests at times. Thank you for being some great to me. Hugs and kisses, bitches.


So, I just changed my gauze and when I took it out, there was a big chunk of blood looking stuff on it. I don't know what that means. I need this oral surgeon to make house calls. I hate this. Blood makes me want to puke. I can't puke though. If I puke, that will screw up my stitches. Remind me never to get my wisdom teeth out again. What a stupid thing to do.

The Percocet Made Me Say It

My surgery was yesterday. I was a huge baby, and made a huge production of making sure everyone knew this. Just to ensure that I received the best care available. (I'm retarded, I know this.) My hot oral surgeon was fantastic. He smelled yummy too. If you need any oral work done, please let me know. Everyone needs a hot oral surgeon. Anyway, back to the actual surgery. It went really well. I was out of it yesterday totally and today I'm in and out. I was sleeping a minute ago and then realized that I tasted something that didn't taste like my usual spit. It was blood. Oh yay! So it's gauze back in my mouth. I called the office just to make sure that was normal, because I'm a big baby. Of course it's normal. The fact that my face is the size of the state of Montana is apparently normal too. I look like that guy from the movie Mask, who has elephantitis. Really. I look freakish. If I went out in public right now, people would point and laugh uncontrollably. I really hope the swelling goes down ASAP.

Now, let me just say that when you're all hocked up on Percocet and CNN has been playing tornado footage from Iowa all day, when the wind starts blowing, you tend to freak out. I'm freaking out right now. Like, contemplating going to the basement freaking out. So the question is, do I take more percocet to sorta even it out? Or, do I go to the basement like a retard? It's the percocet man. It's making me crazy.

So, that's about it. I'm lying in bed feeling miserable and bleeding. I can't look in the mirror, because that hurts worse than my mouth. I LOOK LIKE A FREAK. I obviously didn't get the memo on this part. If I had, I probably would have backed out.

Nov 13, 2005

Blood, Stitches and Ice

So, I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be for tomorrow. Jell-O has been made, tons of magazines purchased, and drugs pulled out of the closet and sat close to the bed. I hope everything goes well tomorrow and I also hope that the drugs work! Here's to not waking up during surgery!

Juniper Grill

So, the November restaurant was Juniper Grill in Soulard. The host this month, Marty, said he was nervous as to what my review would say. Our reservation was for 6:30 on a Friday night. I arrived about an hour early and sat at the bar. The first thing I noticed was how friendly the bartender was. The bar area was very cozy and small. The bartender poured some pretty nice drinks also. Once our entire party arrived, we were seated in the main dining area. This restaurant is very cozy and intimate. Guys, this is a *great* place for a date dinner. Our waiter was very good. Friendly and efficient. Unlike Balaban's, separate tickets were not an issue and once we were ready for them, they came out quickly. The food was excellent. We started with a small cheese plate, which included about 6-7 different cheeses, olives, and bread. It was very good and very affordable. We also tried the chipotle potato cakes. They were absolutely delicious. Everyone in our group enjoyed their appetizers, and there were many to choose from. The serving sizes were nice too. Good for anywhere from 2-4 people. Next, I had the corn chowder. It almost tasted like it had chipotle in it, but I'm sure it was just the andouille sausage. It also had a hefty portion of cheese in it. It was okay, but not great. I've definitely had better corn chowder. For my entree, I had the salmon. It was delicious. A very generous portion of salmon, enough for me to take home leftovers, covered with a corn salsa, served with roasted veggies and very savory bourbon mashed sweet potatoes. Personally, I noticed that the bourbon mashed sweet potatoes were not offered as a side item. When I go back, I'll be requesting them. The salmon was cooked perfectly, also. Three people from our group of 14 ordered the cabernet filet mignon. Each raved about it. I didn't try it because rare isn't my choice for steak, but it looked delicious. It was a huge portion of filet served with garlic whipped potatoes and grilled asparagus. Each dish was beautifully plated as well. Often, when going to more independent restaurants, I wait to see how the food will be plated. Many times, the food just gets put on the plate with no design put into it. Each dish at Juniper Grill appeared as if the chef took time in preparing each dish specially. I was very impressed. Unfortunately we had to leave a little early this time and skipped out on dessert. It all sounded wonderful though. Overall, this was a great place to eat. Behind Savor, this is my new favorite. If you haven't gotten the opportunity to check it out, please do. It's a great establishment and I don't think you'll be disappointed. I also want to point out that the pricing of this establishment is great. For the food that they are putting out, as well as the service, I would dare say they are a tad bit undercharging what they should be. So Marty, breath a sigh of relief! I loved it!

December's spot is still up in the air, but as soon as it's picked, I'll be sure to let you know. Also, check this post again in a few days. I will have linked to some pictures.

Situation #4 The One That Left You Wanting More...

I just returned from Erato Wine Bar and dancing at an undisclosed location. Go to Erato. It's sexy. The music was provided by a fine trio called Tom Ricardo Trio (I think, anyway.) The drummer was hot. As in, he was a good drummer. The wine was fantastic, but then again, when have I ever turned down wine?? While we were out, I was none other than the center of attention, (would you expect any less?) and I was talking to 'Geof, Richard, Will and Marty about what sort of 'face' they had when they saw someone they thought was cute across the room. Will said he didn't have a face. How can you not have a face? Marty said he did a thing with his eyebrows. Geof does this weird serial killer stare, and Richard never revealed his 'face'. I never disclosed my face. It's sinister though. Anyway, it was an interesting conversation.

I took a shower as soon as I got home because I smelled like a big nasty cigarette. The one good thing about Erato is that it's non-smoking. The dance club however, was not. So, as soon as I got home, I washed it off. You know, besides having sex in the shower, washing the nasty smell of cigarettes off is the next best thing.

Nov 12, 2005

Saturday Night Plans...

have been made. First, Erato Wine Bar then dancing, but I don't know where yet. I've heard the crowd at Erato gets younger and younger after 10pm, so I'll have a good hour before I get too annoyed!

I'll Let You Lick The Lollipop.

What the hell? Again with the stupid lyrics. Fifty Cents needs a new song writer.

This will be a quick update, so pay attention!

Today my sister came to visit me. I also turned my paper in. We went shopping and amazingly I resisted buying anything. Mostly because I'm saving for special Jimmy Choo'$. We just returned from the birthday party. Nicole's son got this really cute horse to ride. When we left, he was having a blast on it. Hours of entertainment.

I have a review coming on Juniper Grill, as well as some photos. I'm just waiting on Richard to get me the pictures....HINT HINT.

That's all for now. I need to go hand wash a shirt that the dry cleaners wouldn't clean because it has too many sequins on it. Damn those sequins!

Nov 11, 2005


I need a nap and lots of water. Tonight we're going to Juniper Grill. Tomorrow my sister is coming to hang out for the afternoon. Birthday party tomorrow. Dinner with Kirk tomorrow. Shopping to do tomorrow. Lots to do. Surgery on Monday, did I mention I was nervous? I really need a nap. I'm getting cranky.

So Thirsty

Last night I went out with Kara and a huge group of women for Kara's big birthday celebration. We went to the Famous Bar and O'Leary's. I ended up spending the night at Kara's because I was in no shape to drive home. When I woke up, I was so damn thirsty I couldn't stand it. Ick. So last night, I ran into a very old friend. I couldn't believe it because I barely recognized him, and he barely recognized me. I've known him since I first moved to STL. He owns a karaoke business. Turns out, he's Kara's friend, Tama's cousin. WTF. Small world. It was nice to see him though.

I really shouldn't even be posting right now. I need to start on my paper that I still haven't done. I'm turning it in at 10am tomorrow morning, so I really need to get busy. My phone is ringing. I can hear it vibrating in my purse. I suppose I should get up and answer it, but I'm totally comfortable so I think I won't. Okay, paper writing is me.

Nov 10, 2005

Do Something.

This morning on the way to work I saw a homeless family. I was at a stopped at a stop sign and happened to look over. There was a mom and two children. They were bundled up and have a few blankets and a few bags of belongings. I can’t even begin to tell you how much my heart broke at that moment. I wanted to stop and offer something, anything, but I didn’t. I noticed the youngest child, a boy, had a book that he was looking at. I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t enrolled in school, but I guess when you’re homeless, sending your kids to school each day is an obstacle.

I’m a coordinator for United Way fundraising, and this year I toured Guardian Angel Settlement House. I don’t think I’ve shared this information on my blog before, but if I have, sorry for the repetition. When I visited Guardian Angel, I was deeply moved by the sister who runs the facility. I decided then that I wanted to volunteer there, but because I often get really absorbed in my life, I never made it there to volunteer. After what I saw this morning, I made the decision to finally volunteer, so I called Sister Annalee and am now going to help out.

My ultimate dream has always been to open a very special homeless shelter that includes an area for families, job placement, drug & alcohol counseling, a clothing store that makes clothes available to people for jobs and interviews, and a bunch of other things. Just a place where people can be given the stepping stones for a new life. I know one day, I will be in the position financially to do this.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share this. With the Christmas season coming, I really hope that some of you who read my blog will get involved in some way with helping those who really need it. No matter if it’s a blanket, money, your time, food, whatever. I really believe that every little bit we do out of our hearts makes a big difference in someone’s life.

Nov 9, 2005

With Christmas On The Way

Who wouldn't be green with envy? I can understand guys who have foot fetishes. I think I'm beginning to develop a fetish with my own feet. I just love shoes! That's why I read this blog.

And now, a big announcement. A new, fresh, exciting change is about to happen at dudeitsdana.com. My good, talented friend Jon is designing me a new template. I assure you it will be hip and true to all the things that I love. Look for it in December.

I Hope You're Happy Now!

This obsession that I have with the Wicked soundtrack is getting completely out of control. Really, you should check out the soundtrack so you all don't think I'm a crazy lunatic. Not that you don't already think that, but you get my point.

I've been sitting here for a few hours trying to write my paper. It hasn't happened partially because I've been trying to write a rebuttal to something and the fact that I don't actually have a copy of my draft on my laptop. It's on my work PC and my gold card is convientely in my desk. So, I'm at a stopping point. That's fine. I've got other things on my mind anyway.

Did I mention that I got tickets to see Wicked? I just wanted to remind you. ha.

You know, I had all these great things to say earlier tonight, but somehow, I don't remember what they were and I don't really feel like talking about great things tonight anyway.

Have you ever taken a break from something? With my surgery coming up, and other medical stuff that I'm not really going to go into, I think I need to take a break. I'll have a week off and the week after that will be Thanksgiving and I will have 3 days off for that. Then, maybe I will be ready for December. One can never really tell though.

With that, I'm off like your mom's prom dress. ciao.

Happy Happy Happy!

Guess who has tickets to Wicked for Nov. 26?!?! Yes! ME ME ME! My friend Stacey got the hook-up on the tickets today. I'm so excited, I think my excitement calls for a fuck. I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED! Be jealous. Be very jealous!

So that's it for now. I had to share the wonderful news. Now I have shit to do.

Best Kept Secret; Biggest Mistake….

Just to continue the theme of titles that includes song lyrics. It’s Fall Out Boy, btw.

I’m really tired today. 4 hours of sleep is not enough to function on. I’m trying to wake up, but it’s hard. When I get home tonight, I’d like to go straight to bed, but I can’t. I have to finish the paper I’ve been talking about finishing for a while now. I also have some other homework I need to do before tomorrow, so going home and going straight to bed isn’t likely to happen. At all.

Friday night, my dining group will be going to Juniper Grill. Hopefully I’ll have a review up by Saturday afternoon. On Saturday, we have a birthday party to go to and also, Chris’s buddy, Kirk is coming in for a visit to STL, so we’re going to hang with him for a bit. Sunday, nothing is going on that I know of. That’s good though, because I need some rest before my surgery on Monday. I’m trying not to think about Monday because every time I do, I get freaked out. So I’m just not going to think about it.

Next week I’ll be out of commission all week. Blah. There’s a ton going on at work that I’m going to miss and I’m actually a little bummed about that. The wrap up party for one of the big projects we just finished up is happening on Thursday and I’ve so been looking forward to drinking up everything in sight. I won’t get the chance to though. Dang.

I’m going to go to lunch now. I still can’t find anyone to go get sushi with me. These people need more adventure in their lunch lives!

Not Drunk, Feeling Good.

I have returned from Kara's. They threatened to hang me from the ceiling and shine lights on me, because of my shirt. Those damn girls are silly. Kara took some pictures so I may, or may not have them later. I have to get up in less than 4 hours. This is going to hurt.

Nov 8, 2005

To Be The Friction In Your Pants

You know, I have so many clothes that sometimes it's hard to decide what to wear. Especially what to wear to important events like KARA'S 30TH BIRTHDAY BAR OUTING. With that being said, I stopped by the mall tonight and bought a few more things to add to the collection! 2 shirts and a pink and sparkly bra. Fantastic!

I think I'm going to have a PB&J sammich for dinner. Chris went out with RJ for dinner, so I'm flying solo! woo.

I must go decide what to wear now!

No One Mourns The Wicked!

Oh the power of i-pod. I’ve been listening to the Wicked soundtrack since I woke up. Yes, I’m aware that I have problems. Actually, I feel a little weird this morning. I’m tired, and am feeling kind of blah-like.

I got my paper from last week back. I got an A-/B+. I never really understood that, but whatever. I got the highest grade out of my group…not that I’m bragging or anything. I’m just that good. Ha!

Today doesn’t feel like a Tuesday. It feels like it should be Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe that’s just me wishing it was Wednesday or Thursday.

I suppose I should do some real work now. If it were up to me, I’d spend my whole day doing….nothing!

Nov 7, 2005

Deep Thoughts, with Dana

Me: Do you think it's vain to have a picture of yourself on your desktop?

Chris: Would you really care if it was?

Me: Not really.

It's Not About Aptitude...It's The Way You're Viewed!

Okay, this is the second Wicked reference in less than a week. I got the CD tonight. I'm so freaking giddy it's not even funny. I've listened to "Popular" about a jazillion times. That song is soo me! Oh, here we go again! I need to listen to it again. I'm such a retard.

I'll change the subject, I promise. Here we go! Tomorrow I'm going out with Kara-bara for her birthday. I won't tell you that she's turning 30 either. So, moving on. Today was kind of a sloppy half-assed day. Everything I did, I did with little enthusiasm. Hey! I can't be a bubbly bottle of expensive champagne all the time!

Regarding my post last night about the shoes, or what I like to call Choo$ Choo$, I'm still thinking about it. I realize they only have a 9.5. I wear a 9, so who cares if it's a half size to big? HAH anything for the sake of fashion. (Not to be confused with sake...warm please.) Speaking of warm sake...today at work I was trying to talk a co-worker into going to Wasabi with me, but she wasn't feeling it. So, I had pasta that was nasty instead, and after I got back to my desk, I got an email from a guy I know who had invited me, along with a big group out to where else? Wasabi! Damn my luck. I missed it.

So, I got a very funny email today from a regular reader who apparently had a quite entertaining dream about me. When I read it, I cracked up. Who knows, maybe my MBA will lead me to become CEO of freaking Crest or something! ha.

Obviously I am very preoccupied with this Wicked CD that I can't focus on anything other than singing my freaking heart out, so with that, I'm going to stop typing and finish dancing around my house like the Wicked little witch that I am!

ta-ta (actually, more on ta-ta's later when I'm able to focus. Really!)

To Splurge or Not To Splurge

These hot ass Jimmy Choo's are ON SALE. I want them so badly. So, I sit here and try to decide.


I can't sleep. It may have something to do with the fact that on Saturday, I slept until 3, then slept again from 5-8pm. And, of course this morning, I didn't get out of bed until 10:30am. For some reason, I just can't go to sleep.

So, I'm sitting here thinking I should start working on my next paper. I have a very loose draft already done. This paper is going to be about poverty in urban schools and my proposal on how to fix it. I think I have a pretty good proposition. We'll see.

I have a busy week this week. Tuesday is Kara's birthday so I'm thinking I'm going to have to cancel dinner with Ryan & Beckie since I already told Kara I would go out with her. This weekend, Chris's army buddy, Kirk is coming in town for a visit and we also have Nicky's 30th birthday party to go to. Pretty full weekend.

Since I had sushi on Friday, I've totally been craving it. Maybe this week I can convince my coolest co-workers to head down to Wasabi for lunch. Oh wait, I don't have any cool co-workers. I almost forgot! ha.

Well, I guess I'll do what I usually do when I can't sleep. Shop online. I wonder what's new in the world of Jimmy Choo.......

Nov 6, 2005


i-tunes is not one of my favorite things right now. Apparently, I've been living under a rock not knowing that i-tunes doesn't have broadway CD's available. I wanted to get the Wicked soundtrack to put on my i-pod. I'm getting really i-frustrated since i-cant get what i-want, when i-want it. Get my drift?

That aside, I have returned from my trip. It was good to see Melissa and other Springfield gang members. Friday night we met Jackie, Ryan & Travis for sushi, where I had more apple martini's than sushi, and more sake too. After that, we went to a strip club, then went back to Ryan's. Past the sushi bar, I don't really remember much. We got back to Mel's around 3:30/4am. Saturday we were out of commission. Totally. We tried to go out around 9, but after hitting up a bar, and checking out a party, we decided we'd had enough and went back home. I had a good time though, and that's all that counts.

When I got back in STL today, I stopped by the mall and got a few things at H & M. Now, I've unpacked, started some laundry and I don't really plan on doing much beyond that tonight.

How was YOUR weekend?

Nov 4, 2005


I stole this from Kittymama

A is for age: 25
B is for booze of choice: rum, and lots of it.
C is for career: IT
D is for your dad's name: Gary
E is for essential items to bring to a party: lipstick & liquor
F is for favorite song at the moment: "Play" David Banner
G is for favorite game: Cranium - Can get dangerous at my house!
H is for hometown: Branson, MO
I is for instruments you play: Sax
J is for jam or jelly you like: I don't like jam or jelly
K is for kids: none right now please
L is for living arrangements: me, Chris & kitty
M is for mom's name: Shelia
N is for name of your crush: There are too many to list. Biggest crush right would probably be my oral surgeon
O is for overnight hospital stays: none so far!
P is for phobias: being alone, dentists
Q is for quotes you like: "Don't make me use my gift of verbal abuse" - rich girl on MTV
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Erik, a big fat waste of time.
S is for sexual preference: on top?
T is for time you wake up: weekdays - 6am; weekends - any time I want to
U is for underwear: Victoria's Secret bikinis
V is for vegetable you love: cucumbers
W is for weekend plans: Springfield to see my friends
X is for x-rays you've had: just when I broke my ankle
Y is for yummy food you make: cake
Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer

Nov 3, 2005

The Last Post...

until I get back this weekend at least. Tomorrow I'm going to Springfield to hang with the hommies. I still haven't packed either. I'm about to do that, as soon as I finish this.

Yesterday I had my consultation with the very attractive (and single) oral surgeon. He told me that my bottom wisdom teeth are fused with the jaw bone. Great. Also, as a precaution, he told me that the nerve that controls the feeling in my bottom lip could be pinched due to the swelling so I could lose feeling for a while. I really would have done better if he had not told me that. My surgery is on the 14th, and I will be going on a MLOA from work for a week. I really hope that my face doesn't get as swollen as he says it will. That will suck. I'm scared as crap. Not really so much about the surgery itself, but about the after effect. I'm an incredibly big baby. My mom even offered to come and take care of me. I told her no, but not because I didn't want her to. Mainly because she's a smoker and I know damn good and well if she was staying at my house, and I am like, holed up in the bed, in a vicoden coma, that she would be sneaky and try to smoke in my house. So, I'm just going to have to suck it up and just give myself extra meds so that I don't wake up for like 3 days. That's the plan you know. Sleeping for 3 days. Anyway, enough about this. I'm getting freaked out.

I got a snazzy new shirt yesterday that I'm going to wear this weekend, and I can't wait because it's all shiny and silver and black. You know how excited I get over clothes! Actually, I picked up quite a few new outfits yesterday. No shoes though, surprisingly. I even resisted the urge to buy this Coach bag I've been wanting. So, I'm thinking with all this clothing talk I should probably go pack and then go to sleep. I feel like I've been going non-stop. Today at the gym, I was on the elliptical thinking, "I wonder what it would be like to pass out while on the elliptical?" I mean, I wonder if I'd like, break my neck falling off the damn thing. Anyway, I'm just really tired. And, there's only so many times I can listen to really dirty songs (David Banner, Fidy Cent) to keep me awake. So, have a good weekend. I know I will. Hopefully I'll remember the camera for the weekend and take some pictures.

Nov 2, 2005

Leave This Space Blank

Today was a crappy day, kinda. I went in for my consultation with my oral surgeon. He was nice and all, but gave me all the warnings associated with the surgery. Then, I went to the mall, which cheered me up, but then I went to the doctor's office and got a whole new set of shitty news, complete with shitty tests. After that, I headed to happy hour with Kara, where I actually cheered up a whole lot.

I just got home, took a shower, and now I'm catching up on email. I have a ton-o-email at work and that sucks. Today while shopping, I managed to snag 3 necklaces, 2 pairs of earrings, a pair of jeans, a velvet jacket and about 5 shirts. It was a good shopping trip.

Tomorrow I have class and need to finish correcting a paper. Then I have more homework I need to finish. And, after class, I need to pack for my trip to Springfield. Woo. That is all I have to say for right now. G'nite.

Just a wee bit chilly.

I woke up this morning hot, but once I got out of bed, I was freezing. Stupid cold. I didn't turn the heater on because I fear the bill. Who knows how high it's going to be this winter. I can't imagine it being any higher than the electric bill during summer ($175).

I think there are around 52 days left until Christmas. You better get your Christmas lists to me soon. I already have my list up on Amazon. There's nothing really huge I want this year. Mainly just the perfume that I bought, but lost 1 hour later. ha.

I need to go get dressed and get ready to head out.

Nov 1, 2005

I *heart* old friends

I just got off the phone with my oldest, bestest friend in the whole world, Melissa. I'm going to visit her this weekend. Since this is my "off" month, there could be no better time to go to my old stomping grounds and say HI. I miss her something awful and it will be so nice to spend some downtime with her.

I've almost drank an entire bottle of pinot. No, I'm not a drunk, but I don't have to work tomorrow. Wine is just about as good as bread. It's sometimes better than food. Yeah, I said it.

That is all.

Because I Can't Be Funny All The Time, That's Why.

Well, my host had a few problems earlier, but everything seems to be running smoothly now. I was starting to get pissy though. I'm sitting here trying to finish a paper that I can't even really get started on. I have what I want to say in my head, but I can't spit it out on paper. Odd for me, I know.

Today I had yoga. I didn't really feel like being in yoga today. I felt more like being in spinning or cardio kickboxing, but I was instead in yoga. I couldn't get relaxed and there were times when I wanted to yell at the instructor because her calmness was pissing me off. I made it through the hour though with no violent outbreaks, but as I was sitting on my yoga mat, not doing the downward dog and warrior 1 and 2, I decided that I was not going to go back to yoga class. You know why? Because I hate yoga. That is why. If that makes me weird, so be it. I'm a weirdo. I'm going to stick to more aggressive classes. I mean, I can't even sit still in a chair. Why would I think I could relax and sit still on a mat? I can't. I'm always moving some part of my body. Usually it's tapping or rubbing my feet together, or moving my fingers on something solid. I just can't sit still. Anyway, I will stop talking about yoga now.

On to more exciting things. Such as, me not having to work tomorrow. I'm off! Yay! Besides my appointments, I have an exciting day of shopping and happy houring planned. My alone happy hour turned into a Dana + Kara happy hour at Maryland Yards tomorrow night at 7. It always nice to have company anyway. Plus, I haven't seen Kara in a while.

Right now, I'm freezing. I think it's because the ceiling fan is on. I'm really starting to miss 90 degree days at this point. Back to paper writing.

Hooray for Pep.

I’m feeling peppy today. I’m not sure why. I just woke up in a peppy mood and the peppiness has carried over to work. Of course, it could have been the Madonna I was listening to this morning. WHO KNOWS.

This morning I was trying to remember something that I had forgotten. It didn’t take me long though, because even though it may take some time, I always remember stuff. So, I remembered, did it, and all was right with the world.

I think I may go shopping tomorrow after my dentist appointment. Banana Republic has cashmere sweaters now and I need a new one to go with the green one that Chris got me last year for Christmas. I mean, who doesn’t love cashmere?!?