Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Apr 6, 2004


Okay. So, it's 11:12pm and I JUST GOT HOME FROM WORK. What the fuck is wrong with that. I am an administrative assistant. It's not like I work the night shift at the local factory or anything. What the hell. Needless to say, I wasted all this time at work, and nothing got accomplished. Well, I did get Access working again, but the tape drive still isn't working. Oh freaking well.

What a day. I get pulled over, and I'm just getting home. I sense that this is going to be another week that I'm not home before 10pm all week and I don't make it to the gym again. It's already Tuesday and still I haven't had time to go. GRRRRRRRR.

In other news. I checked my voicemail when I got home, and I had a message from HR from this HUGE ASS PROFITABLE company that I've been trying to get a job at since I moved to STL. I'm so excited. I swear, I think I've sent them a copy of my resume every week for 4 years. hahaha So, either they're interested in me, or they're going to ask me to stop emailing them. That *would* be my luck. hahaha Either way, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Dinner was Taco Bell and 2 Rolaids. I hope this Diet Pepsi I'm drinking doesn't cancel out the Rolaids. Does anything actually "cancel out" Rolaids?

I'm watching tonight's The Real World, courtesy of my precious Tivo. Am I the only one who thinks Missouri always gets the short end of the stick when people from here are on reality shows? What the hell is up with Frankie cutting herself??? HELLO. CUTTING HERSELF. Dude. Call me crazy, but when I get upset, I don't want to cut MYSELF, I want to cut other people. When she threw that knife in the sink, my first comment would have been "GET YOUR BLOODY ASS, DISEASED KNIFE OUT OF THE SINK THAT EVERYONE USES, K THX BYE." Not, "Hey Frankie, are you okay?" Dude. I'm just shaking my head. This chick needs help, and Jesus. Can I get an Amen?

Well, it's late. I'm cranky. I want to finish watching this and then try and go to bed. Lately though, I have this thing where I can't go to sleep without watching the National Geographic Channel in bed. Sometimes I pick up the strangest, I can't explain habits.

Goodnight sweethearts!


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