Pork, anyone?
Since I was off today, I decided to make dinner like a Stepford Wife, as in ready for Chris when he gets home. What's on the menu you ask? Rosemary/Orange Pork Chops, green beans with onions and bacon, and Stove Top (because it's the best). I think it will be utterly delicious.
Today I had lunch with my friend Kara and then we went out to a restaurant supply store looking for the dishes I have been unable to find. Is it too much to ask for a set of plain white, heavy dinnerware? I just want a basic plate that is heavy and has a wide brim around it. Simple. The supply store didn't have it. Crate and Barrel has something similar to what I'm looking for, but I want a place setting for 16, and I'm not prepared to pay what they're asking. I'm probably going to have to bend over and take it, but I'd like a while to bitch about it before I get out the lube.
Do you think Oprah reads the books she picks for her bookclub? I'd like to think she does, but I've been burnt by thinking people should do things such as read their own books, or write their own emails (ahem CIO) so I now have to question everything.
Tomorrow I go back to work. I'm okay with that. Why? Because it's only a 4 day work week. And when it comes to work, 4 days is better than 5!
How 'bout IKEA? Or is it too downscale? Regardless...ANY excuse for a trip to Chicago...
:-) L
Ikea is a great idea. A trip to Chicago will be planned!
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