Vinegar & Lollipops
I started this post off by laughing at the way vinegar is said and spelled. I'm so easily amused these days.
We just returned home from Dining Out For Life, and I am completely stuffed. I hope you also got out and visited one of the many participating restaurants who are so generously donating part of their profit to the St. Louis Effort for AIDS.
I had another run-in today with Mr. Pornmonger. He once again told me how "good" I look on the elliptical. Then, we got into a discussion regarding spandex. I feel so freaking uncomfortable talking to him now. What's even more creepy is the fact that he's now started going to the gym at the same time I do, and getting on the treadmill that is located directly behind the elliptical I am on. Freak. I'm about this close to going off on him and letting him know I know all about his work porn viewing ways. Why are guys such wack jobs sometimes? Besides the fact that I'm so obviously not available, neither is he! PLUS, well nevermind the plus. Even if I was available, this guy wouldn't have a chance in h - e - double hockey sticks.
So, after the gym, I took a shower and realized that I didn't have my flat iron with me. So, I had to walk around work with curly hair. It pretty much sucked because everyone had to remark about my curly hair. Do you know how old that gets? I was all, "yes, it is curly." "yes, I have to straighten it each morning." "yes, it's been this way all my life." Geez o pete people. Stop commenting on my hair. I think in general, people were just getting on my nerves today. Sometimes I have bad people days. Or, perhaps it was the fact that this jackass from a different department came down to yell at Sir Talks-a-Lot about a project he fucked up. Now, I'm all about yelling at people, but not when it's someone else yelling, and that someone is standing within earshot of me. I just wanted to tell him to 1. turn it down a notch and 2. get a freaking conference room. Ugh.
On the way home tonight, I was thinking of how much I often like to drive my car fast. Then, I was thinking of cars that I'd like to take for a test drive, and then drive really fast in them. I think my first choice would be an Acura TL, followed by a BMW 6 Series. After that, it gets a little fuzzy, but those are my top choices. Oh, and as a side note, I don't always drive my car fast. Just certain times on certain stretches of road.
I'm trying desperately to avoid working my paper. That could be why this post is so long. Any little thing to keep from writing. My last night of this class is on Thursday and I couldn't be happier. I'm even going to have a pre-celebratory drink with Kara tomorrow. Well, that's not the only reason I'm seeing Kara, but it sounded good at least.
I've recently been reading a bunch of different blogs that I don't normally read on a daily basis, and I must say I'm pretty interested in all of them. Some blogs just don't draw me in to make me want to read more, but the few I've found lately do. Watch for their links coming soon.
Well, I don't think I can say anymore. I think the hour has come for me to start working on the dreaded paper. Send me good paper vibes, please!