Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Oct 27, 2007


So, I'm sitting here typing this on my laptop, while I'm also monitoring my second life. Second life, you ask? Yes. THAT Second Life. I'm freaking addicted. (Thanks Adam.) Food? Forget it! Drink? Forget it! Bathroom? I can hold it! It's all about the Lidens$! Sheeit. Now I get it. I'm a freak!

While I'm a little preoccupied with SL, I still have time to let you all know what I'm upset about today. I've been on this box many times before, but I cannot just let it go. Why in the hell do we continuously keep lowering the standards of the world just "because." Why? Why is it ok to just deal with it because it's the norm? I'm sick of it. I'm fighting mad! FIGHTING MAD! I refuse to stoop down to society's low bar. I want the bar high. I want to miss the bar sometimes! I want accurate, real time information that can be applied to my career. Not everyone is the same. Believe it or not, there are some really worthless people in this world. There are also some really stellar people in this world. They deserve to be paid more than the worthless people. They do. There are also average people in this world. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH AVERAGE. Just accept it. Stop making us all stupid with your low bar of bullshit that you try to push on everyone. Stop drinking the kool-aid, people. Stop it right now!

As you can see, I'm frustrated. I want to be challenged. I'm tired of mundane. I'm tired of being told that I only need to do what's needed. I don't want to just do what's needed. I want to do more. I want to be more productive than that. Am I the only one? I cannot possibly be the only person alive that wants a high standard. Can I? Somebody?

Anyway, so since I've been back from Chicago, I've been extremely busy (yeah, yeah, what's new?) but, if I can get past this coming week, I think I'll get it back together, mentally. I hope. I have too much to do before Thursday. It doesn't help that I'm addicted to SL. Shitty. I think sometimes it would be much easier to quit everything, and become a gangsta. I think I'd make a good gangasta! I'm resourceful. And, I'm quick. Oh, and I can lean like a cholo! Bonus!

Okay, well, Chris is on his way back with a gyro for moi. So, I'm going to finish buying SL clothes, and then eat, and then sleep. Because, oh, did I mention? I'm going on 3 hours of sleep. Why? 2 words. I doubt I need to tell you.


Oct 24, 2007

Shoot, Girrrrrl!

So, obviously I'm back from Chicago. (Boo-hiss!) I had a fab time with my cousins. Adam and Joe are my favorite Chi-townians! We laughed (a lot), ate, drank, danced, laughed more, hung out on Michigan Ave, ate more, danced more, laughed more. I got to see Josh & Linda again, and that was nice too. I had every intention on blogging while I was there, but honestly, I was too freaking busy. I did keep a little journal, and I will post those entries as soon as I drag myself out of this warm bed I'm lying in. In the meantime, I do have some pictures. There are more pictures, but quite honestly, I cannot pull myself from playing Second Life to pull them off the camera. Yeah, I suck. Suck it.


Me & Joe @ Sidetrax

Me & Josh

Adam in charge! Bitch!

Joe, me, Adam

Joe & I @ Roscoe's

Joe & Maria - - I mean Linda!

Adam & I at Sidetrax

My Two Favorite Chicagoians (whatever!)

Oct 18, 2007

Woo Chicago!

I will be landing in Chicago in about 16 hours. I love me some Chicago. I also love me some Adam and Joe. I will try and post with some pics while I'm in the windy city. See ya!

Oct 16, 2007

Gettin' Ready For Next Year!

Cubs suck, Cards rule!

Oct 14, 2007

Still Feels Good

So last night I went to the Jason Aldean/Rascal Flatts concert. It was awesome! It was the first time I've ever seen Rascal Flatts in concert. I've always heard they put on a good show, but I didn't expect it to be THAT good. Kathy and I had craptastic seats, but that's ok. We were in section 302, literally 3 rows in front of the VERY LAST ROW! We were lucky to even get tickets though! Anyway, I took a ton of video and I'm trying to figure out how to get it posted on youtube. (Help, anyone?) But, in the meantime, here are a few pictures.

P.S. I don't have TB! Yay!

Oct 11, 2007

Bump Watch 2007

Not THAT kind of bump. A TB bump! I had a TB test today. Apparently, the great state of Missouri lets you read your own TB test. On Saturday or Sunday, I will be diagnosing myself (or NOT diagnosing myself) with Tuberculosis! Get excited! Apparently, the folks frown on volunteers with TB working with the children's at the said's hospital.

The poke hurt. I whimpered a little, and then the nice nurse gave me a cute kid bandaid. I swear that made it feel better! I keep checking it to see if I have a bump yet. Like every ten minutes or so I'll have a big bump! NOT!

Anyway, that was the biggest action my day saw! Woo! Stay tuned!

Stuff I Have Learned As Of Late

Sometimes, people you don't know that well, say the nicest things to you. Why? Because they care. And sometimes, that makes all the difference.

When something good happens to you, but not to those around you, they tend to get jealous and be cold to you, as in, stop talking to you. It's stupid and I can honestly say I have never done that to anyone. It's very shitty and childish. The only thing I can say is that you should never burn your bridges. Ever. That person that you don't really care for because they piss excellence, well, that person could be your boss tomorrow. So, as long as that excellence pisser is pissing excellence in a nice way, perhaps you shouldn't drink so much haterade. Trust me. She could be your boss tomorrow.

I think that sometimes, it is ok to hold people to a higher standard than normal. Why should I stoop to someone else's low-pole standards just for the sake of it. Fuck you if you think I'm mean. I've found most people mistake my intolerance of stupid for meanness.

Sometimes I feel like my whole life is a dream. Really.

I'm really not as mean as most people think I am. Deep down inside, I really do have a heart. It may be tiny, but damnit, I have one!

There are times I want to give up. On everything. There are times I want to become my mother. I hate those times. Looking around at everything bad around me, snaps me into guilt mode. I buck up and keep on keepin' on.

Oct 10, 2007

Out With The New, In With The Newer!

So, you already know that back in March I started my new fabulous job. Then, big bad merger happened and that sent my fabulous little world into a downward, negative spiral. Well kids, I'm proud to report that effective today, I am now in a new role at big bad merged company. I'm a program administrator and I'm really happy about my new role. That's all I'm going to say for right now.

Today I'm working from home because this cold I have has officially kicked my ass. The upside is that I'm actually starting to feel a little better. I'm pumping my body full of meds so maybe that's why.

Myspace is pissing me off.

Friday, I'm going to go to Syberg's with Lori to watch the Indians/Red Sox game. She's a Cleveland fan and since my beloved Cardinals aren't in the running, I'll be cheering for the Red Sox. If you're in the mood, stop by.

Oct 7, 2007

Sunday Hangover

Well, the party was last night. After drinking copious amounts of this:

I'm not feeling so hot today. Actually, I've been feeling shitty all day. The only time I got out of bed was when I took Lori to the airport. Oh, yeah, I'm a bum with an aching head. Anyway, the party was a great sucess. A ton of people showed up and it was a lot of fun. Here are a few pics, I'll try and post the rest on flickr when I'm feeling better.

Oct 5, 2007

The Office...

of Administration. State of Missouri. What the fuck are you doing all day? I mean, besides reading my blog? Whoever you are, identify yourself! I knew I had fans who worked for the State, but I didn't know I had fans in the office of administration.

Oct 3, 2007

A Conversation With Myself

So, tonight I want to tell you about the conversation I had with myself at the grocery store. See, I often have conversations with myself. They're usually irrational, and I have no idea where they come from, but I have them. So, this is basically how this conversation went:

What are you forgetting? Damnit! How could I have forgotten my party folder which had my grocery list in it? YOU IDIOT! You were just working on it before you left work! What sort of idiot am I???? Damnit! God, if this fat kid doesn't stop running up and down the aisles I'm going to scream! Shit! What if people don't like my food at the party? What if I don't have enough food for everyone at the party? What if nobody shows up? WHY DID I FORGET MY LIST??? Wow! This is a really good deal on these napkins! What if it rains on Saturday? Damnit! I wish I hadn't forgotten my list. Well crap.

So that's pretty much it. Things like not having a list make me crazy. I hate that feeling.

In other news. If I can figure out how to upload a video to youtube, I will have a special treat for you later. Until then, peace out!

Oct 1, 2007


I mowed the yard tonight. In the word of my friend Jason, "Fantastic!" Now, I'm getting ready to eat some yellow curry from Thai Kitchen. Yumm-o. I am also watching this ridiculous show on HBO that is trying to pull itself off as a drama, but is really a prime time porn sitcom. I keep watching it though, so obviously it's doing something right.

Today, nobody annoyed me. Well, I take that back. Someone did annoy me, but not enough to mention. Sadly, I can say I have nothing to bitch about at the moment. Give me time though. Give me time.

This is the get-ready-for-the-party week. I should be doing something else right now. Like, collecting dust bunnies in the cracks between the floor and the baseboard. See ya!