Neighborhood Bitch Fest
Also known to some as Subdivision Meetings. I continue to attend, because I'm a good neighbor and I care about my neighborhood. However, I really must tell you about the ridiculous shit that is talked about at these meetings. First of all, I have a love/hate relationship with Subdivision committees. I think that it is a good thing to have a set of rules to maintain a safe, nice neighborhood. However, I also hate how they tend to take on a Nazi-like behavior in regards to rules and regulations of the subdivision. With that said, I'll begin.
In my subdivision, we pay $300 per year for our sub fee. That $300 is supposed to pay for lawn care of common ground, electric, misc fees, and garbage. When we first moved into this sub, we only paid $175. That was about 6 years ago. Part of the reason we, well not we, but THEY raised the fee, was to put a little cush in our account for a new sub sign at the entrance of our neighborhood. Anyway, at today's meeting, we talked little of a new sign, and mostly of a sprinkler system being installed at our entrance. Ok. So, WTF people? A sprinkler system? Are you kidding? *I* don't even have a sprinkler system for my yard. The entrance of our sub is small. Super small. Not even the size of a standard yard. The cost would be out of control due to the fact that there is no electric or water source there already. Then, you have to take into account the fees for turning the water on/off for the seasons. The monthly water & electric bills, and the maintenance fees for when the lawn crew who mows the common ground mows off a sprinkler head. Which, you know will happen at LEAST 3x's a year. Anyway, thankfully that little idea didn't pass. So, we move on. Focus people!
Next topic? Parking on the street. While I agree that at times it is a hazard that at least four out of ninety six houses park eight or more cars on the street, I feel that it is their right as citizens. Is it annoying? Sure. But do I want a rule that says no parking of cars on the street overnight? NO! I don't. We must have beat this topic to death five or more times. We left that one with our board president approaching the city/county for alternatives.
Then we move on to open discussion. Holy shit there are a lot of bitchers in my neighborhood. We discusses groundhog issues. A resident feels the board should contact the city/county for some work they recently did adjacent to our neighborhood which he claims roused the groundhogs and drove them to his yard. Are you fucking kidding me? I have groundhogs in my yard. Actually, they live under our deck. Is that the subdivision's problem? No. It's my problem. For fucks sake, get a clue. The next topic was barking dogs. SERIOUSLY? What should we do? Take a vote on whether or not we should allow dogs? I don't have dogs. Other people do. Sometimes dogs bark. They are dogs. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to make sure your dog isn't left outside for long periods of time barking. If it bothers you, CALL THE COPS. Or, of course, try talking to your neighbor. Problem solved.
Next we discussed a dead cat in our pond. Who killed the cat? Oh noes! A death in the neighborhood. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. I don't care. How is this productive? It's not.
After more of these fabulous, important topics, I decided I'd had enough. Of course this is 1 1/2 hours later. I got up and walked out. I couldn't stand it anymore.
If the housing market would buck up a bit, our house would be on the market faster than you could say SOLD. We want to move to the city. I'm so sick of the 'burbs I could puke.