Dirty Balls Are Better Balls
So, my bowling league started up last night. I had a shitty day yesterday, as most of my days have been. I forgot my bowling ball and my shoes at home. A slow car was in the fast lane, and I was late for work. Anyway, after being annoyed all day about forgetting my shoes (I HATE HATE HATE wearing shoes other people have put their feet in) I went to the alley. I'm a sucky bowler. You guys know this. Yes, I'm the captain of my team. Yes, I'm bowling again this year. However, I suck at it and I really don't enjoy the act of bowling as much as I enjoy the ball jokes. HA! So, last year my average was 91. Yeah, I told you I suck. This year, I fear it's going to be even less. I bowled a 111 the first game. A 71 the second, and a 61 the third. GO ME! The good news is that the rest of my team really did well. At least I have that.
Today I had my mid-year review at work. I'm awesome. That's all I'm going to say. However, you already knew that. Right Jeffy? :P
Speaking of Jeffy, can you say C O N G R A T S to him and his wife? They're about to become parents to a beautiful baby girl. Yay!
What else? My mom is still MIA/In Montana. I'm still in the same state I was when I posted a few days ago. Except, today I was feeling a lot more anxiety than I have in previous days. Maybe it's that and a combination of the merger I'm going through. I don't know. It sucks, that's all I know.
I'm sleepy. Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with my beeeeaaauuutttiiifulll sister, bro in law, and sister's friend at the Drunken Fish. MmmMmmm sushi!
With that thought, I'm going to go eat some ice cream. Peas!
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