Dana's Thoughts
my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.
Jun 27, 2007
Jun 26, 2007
What's Going On?
What the hell is going on with people these days? If you've read the news lately, you've seen a common theme of parents killing their children. You see it here, here, and today, here. Have people seriously gone mad? Killing someone is one thing, but a child? WHY? I can't help but wonder, WHY? People will say, "some people are just fucked up" "some people are like that" etc etc, but there has to be a different answer. There just has to be. I know people are crazy, but to be that crazy, it just seems impossible.
In other news, today was another craptastic busy day. This whole week is going to be busy. I hate busy days and fire drills. It's teh suck. Other than complaining about murderers and work, I've got nothing.
Jun 25, 2007
I Don't Know Who You Think I Am
Today's blog is going to be bitchy. I'm just warning you in case you expected sunshine and kittens.
See, as of late, I've been harboring some ill feelings towards my family and because of a rude pregnant woman who gave me a crazy bitchy look, I decided to finally come clean with my feelings. Yes, contrary to popular belief, I really do have feelings.
Let me start with saying this: When it comes to people, family included, I either love them with every part of me, or hate them with every part of me. Either feeling, I do it big. Those of you who know me know the saga that is my family. If I could trade in for a new family, I would. All except my sister that is. She is exempt from my family hypocrisy.
So anyway, besides the fact that my Mother is on drugs again, I'm extremely mad at my once favorite uncle. See, my sister's wedding was a few weeks ago, and my uncle wasn't there. I think more than mad, I'm hurt. I'm hurt for my sister, and I'm hurt that my uncle has become so self absorbed that he couldn't tear himself away to come see his niece get married. My uncle lives in Nashville, TN. He was in Missouri the week of her wedding, fishing, however he couldn't stay for her wedding that weekend. WTF, over? It's fucked up and it's totally rude. My cousin from Detroit took a fucking week off to come to my sister's wedding. A freaking week! And trust me, she has just as much, if not more going on as he does. He didn't even call to say congratulations. WTF? My sister and I were extremely close to this uncle. We loved him so much--looked up to him. Now, while I don't love him any less, I definitely lost all respect for him. As busy as I am, last year, when his son, my cousin Derrick got married, I didn't hesitate to drive to Nashville for that wedding. I guess maybe I just love a whole lot more than they do. I don't know. As a whole, my huge family preaches as often as they can about how we're such a close family and we love each other sooo much, etc etc. It's nice that it's so easy to say, but when it comes down to delivering, they just can't seem to pull it off.
Don't feel sorry for me though. I started writing most of my family off last year and suppose I will continue into this year. I'm extremely thankful for my sister, my new brother-in-law, and all of my friends and extended "good" family. Without their love and support, I'm sure I would have gone bat-shit crazy a long time ago.
Anywho, that was my little rant. To recap, Uncle didn't go to sister's wedding and I'm pissed about it and will probably hold a grudge forever. The End!
Jun 24, 2007
It's Over Already?
It seems like this weekend fly by at an astronomical speed. I'm not looking forward to another work week. Mostly because I start classes again next week. Blah.
Anyway, not much to report from the weekend. I stayed busy enough. Did stuff. Relaxed, all that good stuff.
My sister came over today and brought homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza. It's the best stuff I tell ya! I love my sister! She's the best.
Well, that's it. I'm going to finish watching The Queen, take a shower, and then go to bed so I can get up at Crack of dawn o'clock and go to the gym. Ciao!
Jun 19, 2007
Jun 18, 2007
Welcome back to STL
I spent the weekend in Chicago with my cousin Adam and illegal cousin-in-law Joe. It was fun. I went up for a wedding, and ended up going on an archetectural boat tour, hanging out at Navy Pier, and having a great time in Boystown. I love Chicago. It's a real city. I like real cities. As much as I love STL, it's just not quite pulling off the real city thing. It's the little city that can't. Well isn't that crappy. Especially since this is my home.
I'm tired, but I want to keep watching Big Love. Can't. Stop. Watching. Yikes!
Here's a pic or two of Chicago.
Let Them Eat (Wedding) Cake!
Jun 13, 2007
In other news, the bottle of wine is gone. In muh belly. Now I'm tired. Before I go to bed, here's some more wedding pictures. The bride & groom, the bridesmaids and groom, and me and Laura.

ella ella ella aye aye aye ayay
Mmm, wine and music. Can you really beat that? Well, you could actually. Throw a beach in there and we'd be in business. Unfortunately for me, my back yard will have to do. Tonight, I'm drinking a bottle of wine ALL BY MYSELF and doing laundry and packing for Chicago. The good times never stop, I tell ya!
Today was sort of a shitty day. As most of you know, being one of the only competent people at work sucks donkey nuts. In this new job, I am constantly getting dumped on. Don't get my wrong, I like my new job, I just didn't realize that being smart and capable was such a bad thing! Today, I got 47 new plans to set up. They have to be done by Friday. That's nearly impossible. Seriously. Tonight just sorta seemed like a wine and music night.
I still don't have the wedding pictures sorted through. They're coming though, I promise. I'm going to another wedding on Saturday, so I'll have some from that one too. Pictures galore.
We have new neighbors. I'm not sure what I think of them yet. That's all I will say. Wait, I will say that I'm pretty sure they have a cordless phone that is fucking up all wireless connections in my house. It's really pissing me off. Imagine that. I can either make friends when them and buy them a new phone, or break into their house and steal their cordless. At least I have options!
I hope that I don't get detained by the TSA again when I fly to Chicago on Friday. That would really suck ass. Actually, after my last TSA incident, I'm probably on the no fly list. Great! Just to be on the safe side, I'm checking every single piece of luggage I take with me on Friday. I think I just might go ape shit crazy if I get hassled again.
Oh, before I forget. My friend Geof is in town from Greece! I'm so excited! I haven't seen him since before Christmas. I will see him tomorrow at a fabulous little place called Franco! Oui! Oui!
That is all. I need to go stand under my own umbrella ella ella ella aye aye aye ayay.
Jun 11, 2007
White Wedding

Jun 7, 2007
Something Borrowed, Something Blue...
Just a quick update at this late hour. I got into Columbia late last night for my sister's wedding with my cousin who flew in from Detroit. Today, Matthew and I ran a bazillion errands and accomplished basically nothing, because in Columbia, people are backwoods and most answers consist of "tomorrow" "no" and "we can't do that." But, tomorrow we'll try again. The best thing that came out of this day is my sister telling me that she's not worried or stressed because I'm here and she knows I'll take care of everything. Okay, can I get a collective AWWWW! I'm really glad that she's not stressed, but for the love of Pete, I am. Big surprise there.
There is so much to be done. I have so many lists going on right now. Yikes. I have called for backup though, and Kara will be here Friday morning.
So, I know I should be asleep right now, but I've got so much running through my head about the wedding that I don't think I can.
There probably won't be any more updates until after the wedding. Just so you know.