Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jun 11, 2007

White Wedding

Don't expect a full update on the wedding right now. I'm just not feeling it. The wedding was beautiful, my sister was stunning, the pastor screwed up but it was hilarious, and I got really drunk and had a kick ass time. Here's the only picture I have right now. Expect more.

In other news, I leave for Chicago on Friday. I'm tired of traveling. I need to spend some time at my home ball. I'm getting a 90 minute massage tomorrow night. Then I'm going over to Kara's to help her unpack her goods in her new apartment in the 'field. What else? I swear I had 20 different things to say. No, I haven't watched the finale of the Soprano's yet. Don't ask, don't tell, we'll talk later. I did watch the premier of the new season of Big Love tonight. Love that show. I can't explain how happy I am for my sister and new brother-in-law. The wedding was just beautiful and so are they. Anyway, speaking of sisters, she just called and I gotta chit chat. Peace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sis looked pretty, I can't wait to see more pictures :)

Jessica Farmer

6/13/2007 12:28:00 PM  

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