The Hancock Family vs EVERYONE
Have you read this yet? If you haven't, do it now.
Let me be one of the first to say, What The Fuck? Just to recap, in case you didn't read it, Former Cards pitcher, Josh Hancock's family is suing Mike Shannon's, the tow truck company, the tow truck driver, and the accident victim whom the tow truck was helping. Why? Because apparently they all contributed to their son's untimely death. Now, call me silly, but can someone please explain to me why all of these people/businesses are to blame? Hancock was speeding, not wearing his seat belt, he was over the legal limit, talking on a cell phone, and one can only assume he was high, considering they found reefer in his vehicle..oh wait, the RENTAL vehicle he was driving because his vehicle was involved in an accident some days before. Oh man. The whole situation is just utterly fucking ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the loss the family is feeling, and the need to want to put blame and anyone and everyone but their son, but come on. Seriously?
Why is it, that we live in a world where it's ok to try and blame other people for our own mistakes? Hancock never should have gotten behind the wheel. Plain and simple. And while I'm probably going to sound like a cold, hateful bitch, he did it to himself. Nobody made him drive. Nobody took his seat belt off of him. Nobody held him down and force fed him drinks for 3 1/2 hours. Nobody but himself. He could have taken a cab, he could have taken a freaking limo. But he didn't, and he died. It's tragic, it's sad, it's reality. Life isn't always snowflakes and puppy dogs. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes people die. It's nobody's fault but his own.
I have a real issue with his family filing this lawsuit. Obviously, it's part of the legal system. Fair and all, but damn. What a waste of time and money. No wonder the justice system is so fucked up. We give attention to frivolous cases such as this one, yet we throw out cases that actually matter.
I hope that this case continues to get coverage. I hope people start to realize that ultimately, WE are responsible for our OWN actions. You cannot sue somebody because you lost a son, or a daughter, etc because of a stupid decision they made. It's not right. I'm so angry about this. Just angry! I can't explain it.
I think the moral of the whole Josh Hancock story is this. Don't drink and drive. Just don't do it. Call a cab, call a friend, take the metro, get a hotel room. It's sad that he died so young, but it's not Mike Shannon's fault. It's not the towing company's fault. And it most certainly isn't the accident victims fault. No, it was Josh's fault. He made a bad judgement call. Instead of suing, the family should focus more and the fact that Josh made a bad decision, and it just didn't pan out. Perhaps educating baseball fans on sober chauffeur's would be more productive than suing everyone and their dog.
If you're a blogger, I encourage you to blog your thoughts about this.
Who the Eff is this lawyer that took this obnoxious case on from the Handcock family? What a low being that lawyer is!
Suing the tow truck driver, and the accident victim is obnoxious.
If what they claim about Mike Shannon's is true -- there might be something there. I believe bars are responsible by law to cut off drunk patrons, and if Hancock was basically provided with a bottomless beer mug for 31/2 hours (I'm making an assumption he wasn't a sipper) the bar was being negligent in its responsibilities as well.
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