Catching Up...
Well, life has been pretty busy lately. As I stated before, I'm really liking my new job. It's going on 3 weeks now and it feels like I've been there for a long time. Everyone has been commenting on how well I'm fitting in too, so that kinda makes it easier...since it *is* a new job and everything. Anyway, it keeps me busy and I really enjoy it. So, by the time I get home, all I wanna do is go to bed.
My weekends are usually so busy/hectic with stuff that I don't get a chance to rest, but since I started this job, I've been trying to make a point to not do anything on the weekends so I can rest. So far, it's working out. This weekend will be pretty low key. Tonight I'm just laying around trying to catch up on TiVo (which I might add, is totally full of programs that I haven't had time to watch in about 3 weeks). Anyway, tomorrow we're going to the gym in the morning, I'll probably pick a few things up around the house, go the grocery store, and take a nap. Tomorrow night, we're heading to a Halloween party with Beckie and RJ, but we'll probably bail after an hour or so and go find something else to do. Sunday, we're heading over to Beckie & RJ's for another little Halloween gathering. We're also going to pass out candy to the hoards of children that shop their Clayton neighborhood for candy.
That's about it really. Next week is the election and let me just state that I couldn't be more happy. Most of you know who I'm voting for..and for those of you who don't, I'll clue you's the guy with the better hair. Yes, Kerry. Anyway, I just can't wait for it all to be over. I'm tired of the commercials and I'm tired of hearing the political banter everytime I turn around. ENOUGH ALREADY! I'm also tired of the local and state candidates filling my mailbox with fliers. I don't really need a piece of cardstock with Claire McCaskill's picture on it to vote for her. Please, Claire, save your money on my flier and spend it on Botox or something. Really.
I went shopping last night and got 2 new shirts, a hat and an Angels bra from Vickie's. The hat is a Boston hat. And no, I don't hate STL...I love the Cards, but I really liked the look of the Boston hat, so I got it. And, the 2 shirts I got were both on sale and were a GREAT deal! I'm really happy with my purchases! Now, I'm on the lookout for a pair of really cute heels and some trousers and twin sets. I did see a cashmere one I liked but it wasn't the greatest quality of cashmere. And, the way I see it, if I'm going to splurge on cashmere, it's gotta be really good quality. You know what I mean?
Well, I think that's about it. I'm really surprised it's almost November. I really need to start Christmas shopping soon. I love Christmas so much! I can't wait to put up my tree and decorate my house! It's going to be so cute this year..especially with Crate & Barrel opening up in like less than a week! Go Crazy people! Go Crazy!
Don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow night and have a Happy Halloween everyone!