Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jul 31, 2006

For The Love of Children

Before I get into that, I want you to check this spoofed Mac commercial out. I love it. It's hilarious. Actually, most of the spoofed Mac commercials are funny. Especially the Linux ones.

Okay, down to business. Today, I was notified that I'm going to jail.

I'm going to jail on August 31st, unless I raise $2006 for the MDA Executive Lock-Up at the City Museum. Some of you know that I really do enjoy raising money for select charities, and one of those charities is the MDA. Normally, I do 3 charities a year, but am making an exception for 4 this year. I know I've already sent some of you an email, asking for 'bail' money, but I want to stress how important this is to me. I don't personally know anyone with MD, however I've seen children who do. I feel for them, their friends and family and very much want to try and make their lives a little better. Please open your hearts and your wallets to donate and help me meet my goal. Big or small, every donation counts toward the final goal. I will post my page where you can donate, or if you prefer, send me an email and I will send you the address to send a check. Also, if you have any questions, or just a general comment, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Here, you will find my donation page.

Thanks for your support.

Jul 30, 2006

So Fresh and So Clean

Me, that is.

Today I didn't do much of anything. This morning I went to church with Nicole. After that, I came home and took a nap. A 3 hour nap. Then, I got up and ate dinner, went to the grocery store, and now I'm ready to go to sleep again. That's it. Most of my day consisted of sleep.

I really have nothing other than that to say.

Jul 27, 2006


Something is driving me nuts. I will share with you what is driving me nuts. It's the fact that my house is a wreck. As in, a bomb went off in my house. It's not dirty, because I have a cleaning lady to take care of that. It's just messy. My bedroom is so cluttered with suitcases and clothing that I can barely see the floor. Even my spare bedroom is a disaster. There are clothes and boxes strewn about. The kitchen is a mess too. Have I mentioned that I haven't cooked in like, a good month or so?

So, this weekend my plan is to clean up this mess I'm currently calling my house. I'm going to unpack my suitcases, put my clothes away, do some laundry, clean off my dresser and actually put the clothes IN the dresser, instead of on TOP of the dresser, clean the kitchen, clean the living room, and finally, vacuum. Hopefully I can get all of this done on Saturday. That's the plan anyway.

Okay, I feel better now that I've typed that out.


I'm back. In case you were wondering where I was, I was in Florida. Beautiful Florida. Doing nothing but relaxing. It was wonderful. I'm back now though. And, I'm sick. A bunch of stupid kids on the plane ride home got me sick. Perhaps if their parents kept them from licking the airline seats and coughing all over the place, I wouldn't be sick. I am sick though, so I guess parent prevention is a moot point.

I promise I haven't given up on my blog. Obviously this promise means nothing to anyone other than myself. A few people have been asking me to update. People whom I did not realize read my blog. So, I'm updating.

Besides being in Florida, and being sick. I've been busy with work and school. I've been so busy in fact, that I haven't had time to organize my house. I think this weekend I'm going to take a social time out and organize. I need to unpack my 3 suitcases and do the shitload of laundry. I also want to rearrange the living room. (Yeah, Chris...get excited!) So, yeah that's the plan for this weekend.

Well, that's it for now. The snot that is clogging up my insides is getting the best of me and I think I'm going to lie my snotty head down.

Jul 9, 2006


Yes, I'm alive. No, I haven't forgotten about this thing. Well, actually yes, I had forgotten. I've been really busy lately and I haven't been home. That is my only excuse.

I'm leaving for a birthday trip to Florida in 10 days. I'm going with my friend Kara and we're going to stay at her dad's condo in Sarasota. I'm filled with excitement and can't wait to be on the beach. Woo.

Part of the reason that I haven't updated sooner is due to the fact that I forgot my login for blogger.

Okay, well now that I've updated and you know I'm alive, I'm going to go now. There's a shopping mall out there calling my name. I promise to update more frequently. Really.