For The Love of Children
Before I get into that, I want you to check this spoofed Mac commercial out. I love it. It's hilarious. Actually, most of the spoofed Mac commercials are funny. Especially the Linux ones.
Okay, down to business. Today, I was notified that I'm going to jail.
I'm going to jail on August 31st, unless I raise $2006 for the MDA Executive Lock-Up at the City Museum. Some of you know that I really do enjoy raising money for select charities, and one of those charities is the MDA. Normally, I do 3 charities a year, but am making an exception for 4 this year. I know I've already sent some of you an email, asking for 'bail' money, but I want to stress how important this is to me. I don't personally know anyone with MD, however I've seen children who do. I feel for them, their friends and family and very much want to try and make their lives a little better. Please open your hearts and your wallets to donate and help me meet my goal. Big or small, every donation counts toward the final goal. I will post my page where you can donate, or if you prefer, send me an email and I will send you the address to send a check. Also, if you have any questions, or just a general comment, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Here, you will find my donation page.
Thanks for your support.
Donation is on the way. Worthy cause.
Nice work. L
Your going to jail? If you need help with bail you should ask Tim for advise. He's been in trouble a couple of times before.
Good luck. I hope you get the money you need so you can get out and help the childern.
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