Is a shitty little berg. As a matter of fact, it gives new meaning to the word "little". Today we visited with my "evil" grandma and went to the big Ham & Turkey Festival. I should have known things would be not good, since I woke up to rain. As I was driving from my aunt's house to my town, about 20 minutes away, I saw my first girl-sitting-next-to-guy-in-a-pickup-truck of the day. You know you're in a shitty town when you see that kind of action going on.
Anyway, my visit with my Grandma went well until I mentioned the fact that we were planning on visiting my other aunt/uncle, after we left her house. The gates of her wrath were unleashed. She seethed venom as she stated how much she hated my aunt. And, I must admit, I did egg her on about it. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I took great satisfaction in the fact that I pissed her off. (Yes, I know that's not very "granddaughterly" of me) but, that's okay, cause she's not a very nice person anyway.
After that pleasant visit, we went to the Festival. What a crock of crap. As soon as we got there, I saw like EVERYONE I went to high school with. It was crazy that these people were still in this little town. I saw one girl that I never did like and nothing about her had changed. Then, I ran into this little gossipy biatch I went to school with and she proceeded to tell me that the girl I saw earlier is now a "ho" who, "just tries to get laid all the time from anyone she can." You know you're with good people when the conversation drifts there. It was humorous though. The fact that these people are in this circle of destruction that I am not a part of. I just smiled, nodded, and said goodbye.
From the minute I drove into town, I was so ready to leave. I hate that place. I'm sure it will be another 2 years before I go back again. Actually, I'd venture to say that I won't go back there until my grandmother dies.
So, after that, I drove out of dodge as fast as the speed limit would allow, which was only 35.
I did make it out alive though. That's all that counts!
After that we returned to my aunt's. Chris rode the horse and apparently fell off. Even though he's a much better rider than me. I didn't fall off. So ha! But, in his defense, he fell off because the saddle malfunctioned. I like horses, but I'm always afraid I'm going to fall off and become like Christopher Reeve. But, I think I just overthink a lot of situations. After that, we had pizza and hung out with the relatives. I helped my cousin get ready to go out with her hoodlum friends by putting makeup on her to look older. She's only 16, and who knows what she was going to do..but I thought I'd be nice and do the "cousinly" thing. She looked pretty cute when she left though.
So, right now it's 12:43am on Saturday night, and I'm lying in bed wishing I was at home. Tomorrow I'm going to see my mom for a few hours then head home. I miss my bed, but most of all I miss my husband. He went back home tonight cause he's racing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get home around 6ish.
Well, that's all from central Missouri tonight. OH..I forgot to mention, Friday night we were at Vista Grande at the Lake of the Ozarks and Big Brother was on one of the TV's. I could not believe Drew got rid of Diane. What an idiot. He would have won the big money going up against Diane. AND, she wouldn't have been pissed off at him, so he could have spent her money first, then his money. What a dipshit. Oh well. It's just a TV show. I just felt the need to mention that. Okay, I'm out. Night.