Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Mar 31, 2004

We just got back from the Melting Pot. It was so yummy! My favorite part is desert. We had Chocolate Turtle Fondue and had all sorts of yummy stuff to dip in. For instance, we had pound cake, pineapple, strawberries, banana slices, cheesecake, brownies, and some other stuff but I can't remember what it was. All I know is, it was sooo freaking good. Our waiter was nice too. But, then again, I guess the waiters have to be nice. Anytime you go out for dinner and spend over $100, you better be nice to me or ELSE.

I'm getting ready to go to bed, after I take my nightly dose of Nyquil. Hopefully tonight it will put me right to sleep. Last night it didn't work so well. I'm hoping that by tomorrow, I'll be feeling better. I need to make it into the gym before the end of the week!

Well, that's about it really. If I'm feeling better tomorrow, I do think I'm going to workout, if not, I'll just come home and veg out on the couch for the night. (Chris has class tomorrow). Anyway, enough. Nite!

*snuffle* *sneeze* *snuffle* *can't breathe*

Ughhhhh why did I come to work today? I simply cannot breathe. I hate headcolds. Today I went to Walgreens and got some Sudafed Sinus stuff and it's started to work a bit, but not nearly enough.

Tonight we're going to The Melting Pot for their 5th Anniversary Party. Should be fun. Open bar, cheap dinner and free valet. I just wish I was feeling better!

Well, I wish there was more to say about my day, but beyond struggling to breathe and trying to catch up on work after being gone for 3 days, not much else has happened. So, I suppose I'll write more tonight.

Oh! Today was the first day of Al Frankens new radio station, Air America! I've been listening to it all morning. It's good.

Mar 30, 2004

Being Sick Sucks...Day 1 1/2

Well, I didn't go to work today and didn't get out of bed until around 1pm. And then, I just stumbled to the couch and stayed there pretty much the rest of the day. My head feels like it's going to explode. Guuuuuuhhhh I hate being sick. Hopefully I will be feeling better by tomorrow because I am going to work no matter if I'm sick or not. I can't take much more of this staying at home all day doing nothing. I don't know how women do it full time.

Staying at home today has forced me to catch up on shows I tivo'd but haven't watched. There are still a ton of shows recorded but most of them Chris will watch with me.

Oh, and I did find some cheap airline tickets to Miami. Amazingly the hotel in South Beach is going to cost more than the airline tickets. Oh well! I can't wait because as many of you know, I love to travel!

Well, I need to go find some more kleenex and I'm going to lay back down.

Merrillville schools ban pink clothes

These people are crazy!

Mar 29, 2004

Monday = BLAH

I've always hated Mondays. I don't know why, I just always have. Today was a really crappy kind of day. So, I'll start with the good news first. I had my 2 interview today and it went pretty well. I'm certain they're going to offer me the position although, after meeting with one of the partners today, I'm not totally sure that I'm going to take it. I didn't really like him all that much and I'm not sure if I want to work for someone I don't totally like...so, I guess we'll see what they offer.

This morning I got a really crappy email from a friend and, on top of that this evening, my throat started hurting and now I feel like I'm getting sick. I fucking hate being sick. HATE IT. I took some Comtrex and hopefully I will be feeling better by tomorrow.

Tonight we went out to dinner at J. Bucks. It was soooooo good. I had sea bass and Chris had chicken carbonara. For desert, we had Key Lime pie. The food was just awesome and the service was even better. Dinner was really the high point of my day.

This weekend was a lot of fun though. It was such a good weekend. Did I mention that? Yesterday Chris got an outfit at Marshall Field and I got a suit, a skirt and a shirt. Thankfully we got everything to fit into our suitcase, but barely! The train ride home kinda sucked because we were stuck on the track in the middle of IL for about 2 1/2 hours because of some incident with the train ahead of us. I was really glad to get home.

Tomorrow is back to work for me. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. I've kinda been hating my job lately but I guess something happened overnight because now, I can't wait to go back. I think weird shit goes through my head when I don't drink Diet Pepsi. I haven't been drinking it much for the past few weeks and I totally think that's the problem...you don't think I'm serious..do you? haha

Chris is getting me a pink mini i-pod. Im excited! I've totally been wanting one to take to the gym with me. So yay for pink i-pods!

Well, there's tons more I could type about, but I told myself I wouldn't write a book tonight and I won't. I'm going to try really hard to post every day this week. I'm such a slacker when it comes to posting but this week, I'm really going to try. We'll see how that turns out. For now, I'm out!

Smoke Stinks.

Yay! I'm moving to Ireland.

Mar 28, 2004


Well, here I am, in Chicago, again. I love Chicago. If I had it my way, I'd live here. Anyway, we just got back to the hotel from a very fun night out. I had a total blast. Actually, I didn't want to leave. But, Chris was ready to go and I was so freaking hot, we just had to leave. It was so nice seeing everyone and I must say, Asten is a kick ass dance partner....but, then again, so was the faceless black guy dancing behind me for a few songs. hahahaha

Anyway, today we went to the Museum of Science & Industry with Asten. That was pretty cool. I actually enjoyed myself. (Which is a HUGE deal considering I got back to the hotel late Friday night after drinking a whole lot with Mel). After that, we came back to the Allegro and got changed, then went down to Encore and had some more drinks while we waited for everyone. We even met some random guy while we were waiting. He had a cool hat. haha.

I just wanna take this moment to say that I UPDATED BEFORE ASTEN. NA NA NA NA. And yea, I added that just for your benefit...Mr. I'm Too Sexy To Take Off My Sweater. :P

Anyway, it's 2:51am and I guess I should go to sleep now since we plan on getting up at 9am for breakfast and then shopping. And then, of course, the dreaded Amtrak ride home. Did I mention I hate the Amtrak?? It's so dirty and gross, I just can hardly stand to be on it. Hopefully the journey home tomorrow will go quick.

Well, this will be my only update from Chicago until I come back next month, to have a 'girls weekend' with Mel. I will post more about the weekend when we get home tomorrow evening. G'night!

Mar 25, 2004


I like making that sound sometimes.

I was talking to my friend last night. And he was making fun of me because I've only posted like once this week. And I said to him something about not posting because I didn't think anybody wanted to read what i had to say, and he said something like he doesn't post for other people to read it, he posts for himself. And I was kind of thinking about it, and he's kind of got a point. I don't give a flip if you read my blog or not. I'm writing for me and me only. If you happen to read my blog, good and yay, if you read my blog and don't like it, eat poo. And, if nobody is reading this blog at all, that's okay with me too. At least I can feel safe in the fact that I can call people names and they won't get pissed at me. HA HA HA!

This week has been really hectic and busy and all. that. jazz. I will be so glad when it's over. Tomorrow morning we are leaving, along with RJ to embark on a train trip to Chicago. I'm really looking forward to it since my last "girl" trip to Chicago got cancelled. Plus I haven't seen my best friend since like...my wedding. So, I'm pretty excited to see her.

Next week I have my second interview at the law firm. I'm meeting with the partners. I'm VERY excited and am sorta thinking I may have this job BUT, I don't want to jinx myself. Although, they told me they were going to make a decision by this Friday and the day after I interviewed there, I got a call from the HR girl and she asked me to come in and meet with the partners. That has to be good, right??

I wore a cute spring outfit today and I've been getting compliments left and right. YAY FOR PINK! I'm so excited about spring/summer. I'm ready for warmer weather and sun.

My aunt is getting married in May in Miami on a cruise ship. We're going down to the wedding and I'm excited about that too. Now I need to find a dress to wear. I think I found one at Banana Republic that I like but since I'm going to Chicago this weekend, I think I'll look there and see if I find one I like better.

Well shit, I'm just really EXCITED about a lot of stuff, huh? Maybe I need to calm down.

My sister and her boyfriend are moving into their *brand* *new* house in May. His parents bought it for them to live in while they're going to college. I'm so happy for her. They picked out their appliances this week and ended up getting all stainless steel...like me! I guess good taste runs in the family. haaha hahhahaha i crack me up sometimes.

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. I should really get back to work. Tonight I'm going to be packing for Chicago and if I have time, I need to run to the mall and return some shoes and get some earrings so if I have time after that, I might post some more. Until then, see ya!

Mar 23, 2004

Where does time go?

guh. Things have been nutty. I didn't get home from work until around 8 last night. That really sucked. Today however, has turned out to be pretty nice.

My sister came to visit this weekend. We went shopping. I ended up getting a new D&B purse (pink) and some clothes from Banana Republic. It was a good weekend.

This weekend we'll be in Chicago. I'm so so so excited! I can't wait to see Asten & Melissa. I think I need to get out more. HA!

I had an interview at a law firm yesterday. It went so awesome! I was there for 2 hours. Anyway, they told me they were going to make a decision by Friday BUT, the lady from HR called me today and asked me to come in for a second interview and meet with the 2 partners!!! I'm meeting with them Monday and hopefully I'll find out if I got the job by mid-week. Go me!

Well, that's about it for now. I should really get back to work because I'm totally backlogged from yesterday.

Mar 16, 2004


Well, blah. I'm freshly showered and tired. I got home about an hour or so ago. My "meeting" went pretty good. I'm going to be maintaining a website. Hopefully all will go well, and I'll create a lot of traffic.

So, we've been kicking around the idea of getting a Canon Digital Rebel. I just can't decide if I want to spend that much on a camera. I just keep thinking, would I take $1000 worth of pictures?? Any ideas?

Well, there's a new purse I want. You can find it here.
I'm not sure if I'll get it though. Chris isn't real crazy on the idea of me buying another expensive purse so soon after I got my last one. But damn. It's PINK...and so summery!

Anyway, I can't believe it's only Tuesday. It feels at least like Wednesday. Hurry up weekend! I think I'm going to go shopping for Chicago clothes this weekend with my sister. Yay! Shopping makes me feel happy. Hey, I'm just being honest.

Well, I think I'm all out of things to type for tonight. I have some things to do before bed. More tomorrow!

Rain Rain Go Away...NOW.

It's raining today. BLAH. I'm *so* ready for spring/summer I can hardly stand it. I just wanted to stay in bed today it was so crappy out.

I talked to Asten yesterday. He's still alive! Wooo. Apparently he is having an awesome time in Europe and he'll be home tonight.

Tonight I'm supposed to meet with some people about a new little pt gig. I'm kind of excited about it. I'll tell you more after tonight.

I'm trying to decide what to do this weekend. Chris is supposed to be working this weekend and on Sunday, I think he's going out with his friend Rick to race Rick's go-cart or something. Sooo, I'm trying to decide what to do with my sister. Maybe we'll just go out to dinner and see a movie.

I need to go shopping for our Chicago trip on the 26th and I need to get my nails done. Wooo. I'm excited. We haven't been back to Chicago in a looong time. I love Chicago. Can you tell?

Well, I forgot my Lean Cuisine at home today so now, I'm stuck having a crappy turkey sammich for lunch (again). That really blows.

I think I'll do some work now. If I don't do it in little spurts, I get burnt out. HA!

Mar 14, 2004


Today was a really productive day! I went to the gym and had a pretty good workout, then I came home and helped Chris work in the yard and then we cleaned out the garage. It was nice to actually be able to be outside without freezing my ass off and get something done. After that, I came in and took a shower then started dinner. I made baked spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. It was kick ass yummy! I didn't expect it to turn out so good, but it did. Go ME! I also got all the laundry done this weekend. Wooo.

Other than the surprise party last night, I didn't do all that much this weekend. It was sooo nice not to have to do something or be somewhere.

In a few weeks we'll be going to Chicago, then a few weeks after that, I think we're going to visit my uncle in Tennessee. Then, in May, we have a few more trips planned, including one for our anniversary. I am so excited! In July we have my family reunion and then in August, we have another cruise. I love summer!

This week is going to be pretty low key I think. I'm taking Dionne out to lunch for her birthday tomorrow. Work will be good this week too because we're having the guys from Fuji come in and install some new computers and scanners so, I won't be too busy due to that. I'm probably going to try and hit the gym as much as possible this week to make up for the past few weeks.

Well, not much else to talk about. I got a new watch on ebay today. I can't wait to get it. Wooo! Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend. I'm off to watch the Soprano's then hitting the sack.

Mar 13, 2004


well, I haven't updated in a few days but, only because I've been really really busy.

Tonight, we went to a surprise birthday party for Chris's mom. It was pretty fun and she was totally surprised. So, that was good. We just got home a bit ago and I'm really exhausted.

I read this article in the Post today about sleep. It was interesting. I've often thought that I don't get the best sleep that I can. This article listed some tips about sleeping conditions as far as temp. goes and stuff like that. Apparently, the best temp to sleep at is 67. You get the most REM sleep that way. Sooo, I'm going to try that and see if I sleep any better/deeper.

I've got a lot going on next week. BUT, I think my sister is going to come visit next weekend for spring break, so that's cool. I haven't seen her since her birthday and I kinda miss her. So, maybe we can do something exciting when she comes, I don't know what yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

Well, I just wanted to post so you guys wouldn't think I forgot about you :P I haven't heard from my friend that's in Europe. I hope he's okay and having a good time. I think he's supposed to be back this week. So, that's good.

Anyway, don't forget about the Soprano's tomorrow and sleep tight! I'll update again tomorrow. Peace. :*

Mar 10, 2004

what a day.

blah this has been a long day. This morning when I got to work, I was really busy but, when I looked at the clock and thought I'd been here for hours, turns out I had only been here for 1 measly hour. Oh well. At least my boss is in a good mood. He's been telling jokes most of the day.

I had a turkey sammich for lunch. It wasn't very good. But, my carrots and chips were good, so I guess that's okay.

For some reason I've been sneezing all day. Hopefully it's just allergies. Tonight I should go workout, but I don't really feel like it. I'm still tired from the cruise. Next week I'll get into gear. I think I'm just going to rest this weekend. I've gotta get a baby gift and 2 birthday gifts this weekend. On Saturday we have a surprise party to go to, so that should be fun! Beyond that, I'm not doing anything but taking long naps. ha!

Well, gonna go do some work. More tonight.

Mar 9, 2004

We grilled out tonight for dinner. Hamburgers, Corn-on-the-Cob, and Potatoes, Onions & Mushrooms with oil, lemon pepper, and Cavandars. It was good! And now, I'm full.

Today was a long day. I took my car in for an oil change and a tire rotation. It was badly in need of both. Everytime I take the car to the Volvo dealer, after I get some sort of service, they give you free candy. Like BIG bags or boxes of candy. Today I picked a bag of Jelly Belly. I guess that's good considering I'm basically paying like $50-100 a trip. That better be some damn good candy!

My boss got one of those new "sleep number" mattresses yesterday and apparently, he slept like shit last night. He was pretty quiet most of the day. He said when he woke up this morning, he was being swallowed in the bed and his "sleep number" was set at 5. Remind me never to buy one of this overly priced "sleep number" thingies.

Also, on the workfront, my boss informed me today that he told the builder to go ahead with remodeling the office. So, that means for the next few weeks my desk will be dust covered and it will be loud. Crappy. BUT, at least he's considering my idea to paint the front waiting area PURPLE!

I need to come up with a plan for St. Pats Day. Maybe I will do nothing, but then again, maybe I'll do something. Chris did say he would take me to The Melting Pot this month (which he *hates*, but I *love*) so, maybe we can do that for St. Pats. Who knows!

In other news, I didn't realize my blog was so popular. In checking my site stats, some of you frequent my page ALOT during the day, and I've been noticing a ton of new addresses checking me out. I didn't realize my pointless typing was so damn exciting. Wooo. Go me!

Well, that's it. I need to do something and I want to watch The Office.

Mar 8, 2004

Back To The Grind

BLAH. Today was back to work. Do I really need to explain how incredibly hard it is to go back to work after spending the weekend in the Bahamas??

It was actually a pretty good day. My morning started out a little late as I decided to sleep in, however when I got to work, my boss wasn't there yet, so it was all good. I had a little disaster cleaning up after the girl who helped out while I was gone. She had everything all wrong AND on top of that, she had one of my files TOTALLY out of order. I had to go through about 500 invoices and put them back in order. That took me most of the morning. After that though, it was smooth sailing.

I got the rest of the pictures developed from our trip. You can find them on the same page as the other photos.

Tonight we grilled out for dinner. It was so good! I am so excited that it's almost spring/summer. It's almost time to start working out in our yard again. I'm excited about that too. I'm going to have to decide on what plants to plant this summer. YAY!

One of my friends is off gallivanting in Europe. The fucker. I hope he's having a good time. How nice it must be to be able to take off for 2 weeks and prance around Europe. The fucker. hahaha I'm just kidding. I bet he's having a blast. And, I hope he checks in at an internet cafe soon and emails me with an update! I'm jealous!

Well, that's about it for today. We're having a friend over for dinner tomorrow so I need to go figure out what to make. Maybe I'll do one more update tonight, but probably not. More tomorrow for sure.

I'm still trying to recover from the cruise. HA!

Mar 7, 2004

Cruising to the Bahamas

The Gallery :: Cruising to the Bahamas

Well, we just got back from the Fantasy tonight. All I can say is WOW! We had a *fantastic* time. This was our first cruise and will definitely not be our last.

It started out in Port Canaveral when we checked in. Once we got on board we grabbed some lunch and explored the ship. Our room was a lot different than we expected. Roomier even. The comforters were so soft and bed was just awesome! Even with the split down the middle. We were in E241 however, I think next time, we'll try to be more in the front of the ship.

The food in the dining room (Jubilee) was great! Our head waiter was wonderful. Everything just went so smoothly. It seemed at night, after dinner, the pool was the place to be. The calypso band was awesome! After they quit playing, everyone headed down the Cats Lounge or the Disco. Both of those places were great. During the day, the Lido deck was really busy. I didn't get in the pool because there were way too many people in already, but I did lounge by the pool most of the day.

The shops on board were so-so. Good prices on liquors and watches though. We stopped in the casino but sadly, we walked away with nothing won!

Our day in Nassau was pretty nice. The weather was great however, the water was a little on the chilly side and it was pretty choppy. We ended up going to Paradise Island and visiting Atlantis, then hanging out at the beach at Atlantis all day. It was a blast! We took the water taxi both ways however, next time I might take a land taxi or just rent a scooter for part of the day. Inside Nassau, it was okay, but just a little too shady for me to feel comfortable. The people were pretty pushy and some of the shops/neighborhoods seemed pretty sketchy. Especially after 6/7pm when the shops closed.

The party they had on board that night was so much fun! I met some really fun people from Idaho, Vegas, NY, MA, and Italy. One of the officers from onboard even hung out with us one night. It was really a lot more fun than I was expecting.

Our "day at sea" was pretty fun. They had lots of activities planned and everyone seemed to keep busy. Our cruise director was Risa Barnes. She seemed nice but she was kinda high strung. Actually, the whole staff on the ship was great! I was really impressed.

Today, when we returned, things went a lot more smoothly than I thought they would. We had a 11:45am flight and thought for sure we would miss it. We were off the ship by 8:30 and at the airport an hour later.

Well, I'm sure I'll think of tons more things to talk about, but for now, I'll stop. I'm really tired. After getting to sleep at 2am, getting up a 6am, and going through 2 horrible flights...I need sleep!

Mar 3, 2004

Today is the day!

Our plane leaves at 3:55. We're headed to the airport around 1:30. I am so excited. Everything is packed and ready to go. I don't even want to talk about all the luggage we have. IT'S A 4 DAY TRIP. Anyway, needless to say...I'm excited.

I will have a long review of the ship when I get back, along with pictures.

Bon Voyage! Try not to miss me too much guys!

Mar 2, 2004

Big Shrimp Here I Come!

LJS said if they discover proof of water on Mars, they will give everyone a free giant shrimp. Well.....here it is


In other news...I really hate dysfunctional friendships. See, I have these 2 friends who used to date a long time ago..but were really friends before and after that. But, this one friend doesn't want to hang out with this other friend now, even though this friend she doesn't want to hang out with probably isn't going to be at this function that she's not going to attend because he's INVITED. GRRRR it's so annoying to have friends who are like this. I don't know why *I'M* always the lucky one to get stuck with people like this.

Anyway, I'm just not going to think about it right now. I'll think about after I get back from the cruise.

Why do people always try to piss on my parade? Well, forget it. Little do people know, I wore my anti-piss shield today and sorry but unless your piss has magical powers, you're not raining out my parade...no sireee.

Okay, enough. 2 updates in one day? Am I sick? Can I made it 3 or perhaps even 4? We'll see!

It feels like a Wednesday...

but it's not. because if it was, I wouldn't be at work. In fact, I'd be on my way to a tropical paradise. YAY only 1 night to go! I'm so freaking excited that sometimes it's hard to breath. I'm not completely packed yet, but all I need to do is get a few things together and I'll be set!

I'm not going to freak out again, I'm just going to prepare myself to know that tonight, I probably won't get to bed before 3am.

I had a McGriddle this morning for breakfast. I really don't like those very much. I thought I did, but I really don't. I don't think I'll be getting one again. I also forgot my lunch at home, which really sucks because I was going to have Chicken Carbonara. Oh well!

I really hate it when people are pissy with me. I like to think that I'm usually in a fairly good mood with people. Why can't people be in a good mood with me? DAMNIT.

Well, that's enough of an update for right now. I've got work to do! *GASP*

Mar 1, 2004


Gobstoppers are good. Especially the Easter Egg shaped ones they have out for Easter.

It is so freaking nice outside. I should screw off early but I can't. *boo hiss*

I hate it when people are supposed to give me something or do something and then, they FORGET TO DO IT. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...RJ.) Hurry up and give me the login and pass so I can check it out. NOW NOW NOW. :P

The accountant at my work shreds every single piece of paper that comes in contact with his hands. I don't get it. What's wrong with the trash can?


Today is a nice day. It's already like 65 degrees. Another good mood day for me!

This afternoon I'm getting my hair cut (think Reese Witherspoon's hair in Sweet Home Alabama) and I'm getting caramel highlights. Hey! At least I'm not getting PINK highlights :P

When I got to work this morning (at the crack of dawn I might add) things were in disarray. Today was a "launch" date of sorts for some new software we're using and it wouldn't work on 2 of our computers...mine included. But, we finally got that figured out and things have been flowing smoothly ever since.

I'm not sure what to have for lunch today. I'm torn between my chicken whateverthehellitis in the freezer and some soup and a sandwich from the Soup Nazi Place. Decisions Decisions.

On the cruise news front, I'm feeling tons better about packing today. Tonight I'm going to do one more shopping trip, then go home and finish packing (I think!) I called to confirm reservations with the hotel, the airline and Carnival. Now, at least I feel a little better!