Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Feb 11, 2006


My friend Kara got dumped this week. Not just outright dumped though. Let me explain. She has been seeing this guy for a year. He's a loser. See, Kara comes from a pretty privileged background. She's got her shit together. This guy comes from a sketchy background. He's lied various times, there are 2 kids he has that he doesn't see, blah blahblah the drama goes on and on. Anyway, awhile back, Kara loaned him $1000. She realizes now that she never should have done that, but love makes us do crazy, crazy things. Anyway, this guy was living with some friends (rent free) and a while back he sorta moved in with Kara. Not moved in, as in all his stuff. More like moved in a rubbermaid tub full of his clothes. (On a side not, I think this is probably all he owns.) Anyway, he didn't pay her back, and he didn't pay her back, and he didn't offer to help out with rent or bills, etc. So, around Christmas he gave her half the money back. Okay, great. Things were looking better. Fast forward to Thursday. She comes home and finds a note and her key. His note said that he needed a 'break' and that he felt he wasn't pulling his weight financially so he was moving out. He also said that he needed to "concentrate on finding a better job" because he hates his current job. Now, obviously this upset Kara because she really cared about this guy. However, I called bullshit. I think that is a weak excuse and really, it doesn't even make sense. Oh, did I forget to mention that in his note that was left on Thursday, that he said he'd drop by the remaining $500 on Friday before he went to work (he works nights)? Needless to say, he didn't drop off the check.

Kara went out with Tama last night and she came to the realization that she was upset the most because nobody has ever broke up with her. I can understand that. So, she has devised this plan to get him back, get her money, then break up with HIM. Clever you think? Me thinks not. I told her she would be playing with fire and that basically she just needed to break his kneecaps and get her money back. Afterall, that's what I would do.

Anyway, the point of this story is that sometimes you guys can be super pricks. I feel bad for Kara because I know she really liked this guy, even though we as her friends did not. However, I respected him and was friendly to him, because my friend liked him. So, anyway, I hope she cheers up soon and gets over this guy. He's not worth even thinking about afterall.

Tonight is the Kat & Steve DJ Experience at the Royale. If you get a chance, you should check it out. Should be a good time! Plus, if you haven't had it yet, you need to have a Subcontinental. Yummy! Actually, most of their drink menu is yummy! So check, check, check, check, check it out.

I guess I'm going to pull my ass out of this warm bed and get dressed. I'm going to go to the mall and look for dresses for my cruise. Woohoo!


Blogger Derek said...

This is the best thing to ever happen to your friend being from a prviledged background maybe she needed to see this in someone before someone really took advantage of her and it really bite her in the ass

2/11/2006 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like it was a good thing in the end. But it does suck that she had to have her feelins hurt to get there. I hope she feels better soon. :)

2/16/2006 08:02:00 PM  

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