Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Feb 19, 2006


I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. Here are a few examples.

Earlier this week, my dream was about crashing. See, I was driving down the road in a teal SUV. I looked over and saw a gray Taurus with my friend Lori and her husband Dan in it. For some reason I veered over and sideswiped them, then my SUV got turned in front of their car and I remember the SUV was about to tip over. I remember praying that it didn't tip over. Then I woke up.

Last night in my dream, I had a newborn baby. My baby was having breathing problems, so I was trying to get to the hospital. However, my Mom was in the dream somewhere and she was smoking around my baby who couldn't breath in the first place. I told my Mom to put out the cigarette and she refused, so I smashed her cig and took my baby back, and ran into the hospital. I remember walking down this long hallway and turning a corner, then looking through this door/window thing down this other long hallway to some nurses. I remember them asking questions, and I couldn't answer them. Then I woke up.

The other dreams I've had this week are a long the same lines really. Bizarre, and in most of them I'm either trying to save something or trying to get away from something. Freaking weird.


Blogger Katerina Papadopoulos said...

i need to start a dream journal again....

2/19/2006 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a dream that I pregnant, freaked my shit out.. this past week i bought a chinese daughter in china at the dollar store...

2/19/2006 07:05:00 PM  

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