Favorites: Do You Have Them?
This afternoon, as I was looking at myself in the mirror, it made me think about favorite things I have or use. Don't ask why. It may have had something to do with the shirt I'm wearing. Oh, as a side note, I just want to say that I was just watching Cribs and saw Kimora Lee Simmons closet. Holy shit. I need that closet. Okay, back to my favorite things. The shirt I'm wearing today is one of my favorite sweatshirts. It was Chris's shirt from a '99 St. Pat's Day party at UMR. It's green and it just too comfy to not wear. What is your favorite? Also, another favorite of mine, is chapstick. I use three different kinds, depending on where I am. In my purse, I have Cherry Chapstick brand. By my bed, I have Carmex. In my bathroom, I use Satin Lips from Mary Kay. I like them equally. I also have a favorite bra. I got it during the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale a few years ago and the only thing I hate about it is that I can't wear it all the time. It's a black demi cup and so obviously, I can't wear it with something that it will show through. So, those are a few of my favorites. What are yours?
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