Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Oct 7, 2005

Rock City Here I Come!

I'm leaving this evening for Detroit. I'll be back on Sunday night though. Oh, I found out that the "hot, trendy club" we're going to is actually a 70's disco club called Boogie Fever Cafe. There's really nothing hot or trendy about that. So, I'm in the clear. :P

This week has been the week from hell. Really. I'm not just saying that. Week. From. HELL. Sometimes, I just don't know what's wrong with people. Stolen laptops, grown men bawling, grown men looking at exotic porn at work that fills up 2 CD's from IS, then denying it, and numerous other problems that I don't really want to go in to. I'm hoping for a happy, sunny week next week.

Yesterday, I was sitting in a huge meeting and I looked down and realized that my skirt that already had a slit in the front, had an even bigger slit. It was so embarrassing. I wasn't sure how long I was walking around exposing more thigh than is appropriate for corporate america, so when the meeting was over, I had to walk back to my area with a notebook in front of me. I found a safety pin though, and fixed it. These freak accidents always happen to me. They're usually always embarrassing too. *shrug*

I'm now going to finish packing and then I'm going to watch this news report I have TiVo'd about a giraffe with cancer. OH. One more thing. My sister has interviews with SLU & Stanford so far, for Med. School. She just sent in her apps recently so she's really excited. Now we're waiting on UNL, KU, U of W, and Johns Hopkins. Cross your fingers for her!


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