Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Jun 26, 2005

Weekend Things

Friday night my cousin came in and we headed to Truffles for dinner. It was good. Good food and extensive wine list. You should go. However, let me just say that if you do go, don't forget to wear your khaki's, pastel colored shirt, and boat shoes. Yeah, I'm aware that there really isn't any water near Ladue. Oh, and don't wear socks with your boat shoes.

We didn't get home until late Friday, so we didn't get up until late Saturday morning. We headed out to my aunt's in Eldon. We were supposed to lounge by the pool all day, but their pool wasn't finished so we didn't get to do that. Instead, we hung out with everyone and consumed multiple bottles of wine.

All of my cousin's were there, as well as their girlfriends, and babies. Yes, multiple babies. And yes, they are all younger than me. It was good to see everyone, but I left there today feeling really conflicted.

My one cousin got pregnant when she was 16. The baby is only 4 months old. She quit school and moved out of her parent's house, to live with her baby daddy. In case you are wondering, he's not white. And while there is nothing wrong with that, there are just many circumstances that make it crappy. I feel sad for her, but I feel more sad for my aunt/uncle. I know that my cousin will never be more than what she is right now, and it just hurts me to know that. My other cousin, her older brother, has a baby too. He's older, 23, but still very immature. His girlfriend is only like 20 and she's more immature than he is. I learned this weekend that his girlfriend is pregnant again too. So, that's 2 kids for 2 'kids' to take care of. No money, and again, no prospect of a future. Then, there's my other cousin, who is really doing the best out of the bunch. He's 23 also, and his girlfriend is 23. She has a son that isn't my cousin's who is 5. She's done a great job with that kid, because he's really well behaved and very smart. They just had a baby together 1 month and 2 days ago. He works 2 jobs, and they have a place to live. It just kills me that he works 2 jobs and even with that, they don't have much.

Does anyone else have anything like this in their family? Sometimes I'm surprised at how my sister and I turned out. I mean, she's going to be a doctor. I can't say that about any of my other cousins. Most of my cousins started out going to college, then quit to work for the family business, or just quit and did nothing. It's so bazaar to me. Then, I find it odd that babies having babies is so widely accepted. Don't get me wrong, in some situations young people can make things work when a baby is involved. In this situation, things aren't really working. Maybe you can understand why I hate the "when are you & Chris going to have a baby?" question so much. I mean, I guess when babies are having babies, it's the most logical thing for a married couple to do. What about ambitions though? And, just living your life? And perhaps being a little more responsible, and financially stable, etc etc before you pop one out. UGH.

I just get aggravated and sad at the same time. I feel for them, but at the same time, think they're stupid. Hi, have you heard of birth control? Condoms? Abstinence? Any of those things? Anyway, basically, my aunt ends up taking care of all 3 (going to be 4) babies. She only has my youngest cousin left to raise before she's done. It appears that he's going on the high path and is going to do well, but he's only a freshman in h.s. so we'll see in a few years. Either way, she should not be having to raise 3 grandbabies all over again, like a parent.

Anyway, I slept in this morning, then started back home around 10:30/11. Since I've gotten home, I've not done much. Watched TV, did a load of laundry, made dinner. I'm thinking about making some cinnamon rolls later.

I was out from work on Thurs/Friday, so I'm going to be swamped tomorrow. Plus, my boss is going to be back. My class is on Thursday, and my cousin goes back to the airport early Friday morning. Busy week.

That's all from the peanut gallery. I hope you all had a good weekend. I know I did.


Blogger Jeff said...

It's not unusual. I have cousins who popped out kids before their 18th bday and weren't married at the time. We chose to wait until we were stable financially and emotionaly. Is that so strange?

My brother and his wife are never having kids and that's cool too.

6/27/2005 03:20:00 PM  

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