Dana's Thoughts

my blog about everyday stuff, stuff that happens, stuff that bugs me, stuff I'm doing...all kinds of stuff.

Aug 27, 2004

My First Day..

Well, I started my job today. Woah. Can you say overwhelming? There's so much junk I don't understand. Most of it is medical jargon and insurance stuff. Today, I was so overwhelmed with stuff that I just wanted to run! Everyone was really nice to me though, and my cube is pretty big. When I got there this morning, they had everything ready to go for me. My network ID, my phone and voicemail, office supplies all sorts of stuff. The woman who I'm under was pretty helpful, but she did throw a lot at me at once. I'm definitely not going to be bored at this job. The 2 VP's I'm supporting are very nice too, so that helps. I'm not sure if I want to work at this company permanently, but I think I'll give it a week. That's the great thing about being a temp. I might actually start liking it! The woman did tell me though, if I wanted a job there, that it wouldn't be a problem, so that did sound promising.

When I got there this morning, I had a nice chat with the security guard. He was a younger guy, but was really nice. He made me a little less nervous about being the 'new' person. At lunch, I got confused in the parking garage and basically couldn't find my way out! I'm such a dork. I had to drive all the way to the top of the garage, then all the way back down to the bottom. Then, once I got down there, my badge wouldn't work on the automatic opener thing...so I had to backup, and go to the attendant. She was nice too, so she just opened the gate for me and didn't make me pay. Lots of nice people today...kind of odd, but I'm not complaining.

I'm really hoping that on Monday I won't feel so overwhelmed, and hopefully this week I'll catch on to things and put faces with names, etc etc. Oh, did I mention that this woman is going to be gone Monday & Tuesday and I'm going to be responsible for everything/one?? Not that I have a problem with that, but not only do I have no idea who is who or who does what, I really have no idea how processes there work, AND it will only be my 2nd and 3rd days. But, I'll get through it, I'm sure.

Tonight we went to Pier One and I got some candles that smell really yummy. The scent is called Cranberry Citrus. It's a little cranberry and a little orange/lemon. You should pick one up if you're at Pier One. You might like it, you might not. Don't hold me responsible.

Continuing my low-carb (NOT ATKINS) diet tonight, I had chicken stir-fry..again. I just had it last night, but considering I don't like meat all that much, the thought of anything else just made me sick. And, really the concept of eating chicken stir-fry with no rice or noodles is just weird. But I choked it down anyway. Today I took a stand on salad though. I, Dana, will eat salad no more. Oh no, no more. For my lunch today, I brought a big salad. I took 3 bites and thought I was going to hoove. So, no more salad for me. That's the 2nd time I've felt that way about salad. So, just say no to salad.

On to happier news, vacation is coming up! Dominican Republic here we come! 34 days and counting (down)! I'm starting to get excited. I can almost see the beach and a cold tropical drink. Now, I'm just trying to figure out which excursions we'll do. One day, we're going to Santo Domingo to explore the city with a friend of ours who lives there. But, the rest of the week, we're not sure what we'll do. If anyone has any ideas, I'd like to know!

Well, I guess that's it. I'm going to go stuff & rub a chicken...ha! For dinner tomorrow night with Beckster and Arjar. Hope everyone has a safe Friday!


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